8. Competition
"Hey I think I have to lose some fat. I'm going to the gym today!" I said enthusiastically
"Wow, that does not sounds like you at all" she replied.
"Keep this a secret okay? But actually I heard-"
"That Minhyun is going to some gym and you just want to be there, am I right?" She finish my sentence. I don't call her my best friend for no reason.
"Bingo!! But I also want to exercise anyway" eh..... not really.
"Babe!!" An angelic voice called for Minhee, it's her hopeu.
"Hey Minseo" he flash a smile and I swear his teeth was brighter than my future.
"Hi Hoseok!" I replied.
"What are you guys talking about?" JHope asked.
"She said she wanted to go to the gym" Minhee snakes her arm around his waist.
"Which one?"
"It's the school's gym" I replied.
"Oh and good job on getting your revenge on Jimin" Jhope laughs, "that was a blast"
"Thanks." I smiled, think of that time makes me feel soooooo goodd.
"Anyway my class is here I don't want to interrupt you guys"
"See ya later Minseo!!" The couple give me a goodbye before I go to class. Ahhh I can't wait to see Minhyun today.
"Where is Minseo?" Jimin asks Minhee as the couple shows up at the bubble tea shop.
"Do you miss her or something" She gives him that mischievous look.
"No I just want to annoy her to pay back for what she did to my car" Jimin said emotionlessly
"Get over with it, ChimChim" Taehyung suck up one of the boba from his drink.
"Get over with what? You know how much I pay to get that car painted again?" Jimin scoffed.
"But you're rich" Rapmon states the truth.
"I don't care, where is she?" Jimin asks again
"At the school's gym, probably exercising" Jhope answers
*school's gym, huh?*
"Speaking of gym, I suddenly want to go to one" Jimin said.
"Me too, hyung" Jungkook commented
"Jungkook, you work out too much already. You're a muscle pig" Suga said.
"Better than some grandpa who have spaghetti arms and skips leg day" Jungkook said under his breath.
"What was that coconuthead?"
"Yah! Suga, stob it!" Jin glares at the younger one.
"As I was saying, let's go to the gym after this" Jimin brings back the topic.
"So.. should we go to The Shilla's gym as usual?" Rapmon asks.
"No..........the school's gym" Jimin smiles.
I went to the girl's bathroom and change into a plain t-shirt and gym shorts. I never go to the gym so I don't even own a pair of work out clothes or even sport bra. I put the other clothes back in the locker and walk my way to the gym. Please be there Minhyun, please be there!
I look at a group of males and my heart races again when I spotted Minhyun. He was wearing a cut sleeve t-shirt that you can totally see his chest muscle. Damn
I act like I didn't see anyone and walk straight to a treadmill that is the nearest to him, hope he sees me.
I clicked on the slow mode and started to walk on the treadmill. Ain't nobody got time for running.
After a few minutes, I'm started to feel tired already...... just from walking.
"Oh! Minseo??" Ommo ommo ommo, it's him.
I stopped the treadmill and turn around, "Hey Minhyun, when did you get here? I didn't see you at all!" Hahaha.... totally.
"I'm here for awhile now, but funny cuz I go here quite often but I never see you here until now."
"Ah.... actually.... my gym's membership expire and I forgot to renew it so here I am!" I fake a smile.
"Minhyun-ah, who is this?" A boy approach us.
"This is Minseo, my friend. And Minseo, this is Kyungmin. He is on the team." Minhyun introduce us
"Hi Kyumgmin" He's a cutie. He wasn't as tall as Minhyun but his looks is no joke! Is all the basketball members look this good? Is that why all the girls go to see their games? Should I go too??
"Hi Minseo" he smiles.
"KYAAAAAAA" All of a sudden we heard the group of girls in the gym screams. "It's BTS!"
"What's a BTS?" Kyungmin ask in confusion.
I immediately turn around and right away I see the whole group, including Jimin.
Minhee, I'm going to kill you.
"Wohhh" The girls' legs went weak when Jimin 'accidentally' flashes his abs.
"You want to touch this?" Jimin teases while flexing his arms.
"He's such a fuckboy" Minseo commented then sit down on a bench nearby.
"We all knows that, Minseo-ah" Suga said and sit beside her.
"Wow." Minseo's jaw dropped at Jungkook's arms.
"Was he always that buff?"
"He's the group's pig." Suga yawn.
"What about you then? Aren't you going to exercise?" She asked
"Sunbae?" She asked again when there was no answer given.
"Suga sun- oh.."
*Did he really just fell asleep?*
Bored, she scans the room to find Minhyun, but something else catches her eyes. She notice Park Jimin was looking at her.
"Why so down Ms. Second Place?" He smirked while walking closer.
"Duh cause you're here what else"
"Aren't you suppose to be happy because I'm here?" Jimin lowkey flex his muscle in front of her. But she wasn't looking at him.
"Ah, or is it because that pretty boy ignores you?" Jimin smirked.
"Who ignores you, Minseo?"
*Oh my god I know that voice* Minseo immediately look up to see Minhyun behind Jimin.
"No, no one, don't listen to him. He's just dumb" I said.
*oh shit, he's pretty tall* Jimin turn around to look at the boy behind him.
"You must be Minseo's friend" Minhyun smiles. "Hi I'm Minhyun"
"Nope he's not" Minseo answers before Jimin could speak.
"My name is Jimin" he introduce himself. "Why are you here anyway?"
"Oh I need to lift some dumbbells" Minhyun said, pointed to the row of dumbbells next to the bench.
"Just in time, I actually needs to lift some dumbbell too." Jimin said.
"I smelled competition" Taehyung added as he lay beside the sleeping Suga.
Minhyun walks ahead and picks up 2 of the 25 pounds dumbbells. Jimin follows and as he was about to pick up the same dumbbells, he picks up the 30 pounds dumbbells instead. Jimin did not realize how heavy this was until he picks it up.
*you can do this Jimin* he took a deep breath and did 5 pull up together with Minhyun.
After that, Minhyun put his dumbbells back and picks up 2 of 40 pounds dumbbells.
*what the hell is he trying to do? Impress Minseo?* Jimin thought as he picks up the same dumbbells as Minhyun.
"What the..... Jimin is really strong" Minseo said under her breath. Deep inside she hopes Minhyun will defeat Jimin.
For every one that Minhyun did, Jimin was there to follow. Without any words spoken, the two compete with each other until the last ounce of their strength was gone. The two collapses on the floor right after.
"Weaklings" Jungkook said as he picks up a heavier dumbbell like it was nothing.
Minseo picks up one of the water bottles and walk toward the two.
"Oh thanky-" Jimin stops when Minseo walk pass him.
"Here you go! Good work today" Minseo pass Minhyun the bottle.
"Tch" Jimin roll his eyes.
"Thanks." Minhyun breaths hard. "Your friend is no joke"
"I think you did better tho" Minseo complimented.
"Actually, it's Jungkook" Taehyung said, out of no where.
"Anyway, that was a nice work out. I got to go now, see you tomorrow Minseo-ah" Minhyun rubs her head playfully, making her eyes to go wide.
"B-bye" she stutters. *He rubs my head* She mentally fangirls then falls to the ground beside Suga and Taehyung.
*This is the best day ever*
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