7. Sweet Revenge
"We will have a midterm next week, so you guys should go home and start studying now" The professor said.
"I bet no matter how much you study, you're still going to be second" The jerk whisper behind me.
"Tch just watch, don't underestimate me."
I sat down in the library with a bunch of books that I need to study for the midterm. To be honest, I don't know if can be beat Jimin but at least I want to have the same score as him for once.
"Oh, That's a lot of books Minseo" Minhee mouth gaped at the stack of books.
She yawns, "Are you just going to study all day?"
"No shit Sherlock then what the hell do you think I'm here for"
"Lemme guess, you're trying to beat Jimin" She states the obvious
"Duh I'm going to beat him so he can shut his cocky mouth" I replied.
"You always tries to create competition with him, Minseo. If you were a little nicer then I bet you guys would be dating by now" Minhee said
"Minhee, I'm not dating ANYONE except for Minhyun"
"You says that 2 years ago and now you're still single" I glared at her after she finish that sentence.
"Just watch Minhee, watch your best friend date this school's hottest basketball player in the future" I smirked. We were meant for each other.
"Sureeee" She playfully roll her eyes.
"Minhee, you're distracting me from my studies" I said before opening one of the book to read.
"Fine, I'm leaving for my next class." She stood up and take her backpack.
"What next class? You're just going with Jhope aren't you"
"You know me too well" she winked. "Oh and after you study, come to Paradise Cafe at 4:00P.M"
"Okay." I nodded and goes back to what I was reading about.
"I want to return this book" I give the librarian the book before walking away.
"Aigoo, look at Minseo. So pretty." I heard a guy whispered.
Minseo? She's here? The corner of my lips curve upward. But where is she?
I look around and spotted a girl whose face lay flat on the table. Is she sleeping?
"Minseo" I called as I walk closer to her. There was no reply, she's sleeping for sure.
I sat across from the girl, trying my best not to make any sounds that would wake her up.
I look at all the books that was on the desk. She's trying her hardest to defeat me I see.
I lean a bit closer to her. It's rare to see a relax expression on her face because all I see when I'm with her is a frown or an angry face.
Her skin is so clear and pristine.... I'm so tempted. An inappropriate idea come into my mind while looking at her.
I can't help myself.
I'm going to do it.
"Jimin.... harder please"
What... what the hell am I doing
"Minseo" Jimin moans in my ear. "You're so f*cking tight*
What the-
An image of Jimin grinding on me nonstop flashing through my head.
"STOPPPPP" I yelled and jump out of my seat.
"Are you okay??" The librarian asks me....... everyone was looking at me in the library, some was laughing.
"Ah.... nothing" I plop back down in my seat.
"It was just a dream" I whispered...... or is it?.... maybe I finally remember what happened that night?? No.... no way.... it's just a dream.
I look at the books displaying on the table. On one of the book, there was a sticky note says "Study hard, Ms.Second Place?"
Wow....I wonder who this is.
How long have I been sleeping? I picked up my phone and check the time. 3:52P.M
Aish I'm going to be late to meet Minhee!
I hurried and returned the book then run my way to the parking lot. Did I just have a wet dream in the library? Minseo shame on you!
"Hi Minse- oh... Hahahaha" some students laugh at me.
"What? Do I look funny to you?" Why are they laughing.
"No!! You just look... pretty" They continues to laugh.
What a bunch of weirdos
I exited the school and walk myself to Paradise Cafe since it was only half a block away.
"Am I..... really pretty today?" I smile to myself noticing how many attention I get from people who walks passed by.
After about 5 minute, I finally arrive at the cafe. To my surprise, there was a lot of cars outside of the place.
"MINSEO! Right here!!" I heard Minhee yells the moment I walked in.
"Oh hi!" What.... BTS is also here? I thought it was only me and Minhee!
"Hi....... oh" Everyone stared at my face except for the chuckling Jimin.
"PFTS PUHAHAHA" They starts to laugh like little monkeys.... especially Taehyung and Jhope.
"Oh my god, have you seen your face" Minhee said.
"Yeah, every morning" I replied.
"Minseo-ah.... you're so funny!" Rapmon laugh pointed to her forehead.
"Oh my" Jin covers Jungkook's eyes.
"HYUNG!" Jungkook whine.
"You're too young for this" Jin said.
"What? Is there something on my face?"
"Look here." Suga shows me a mirror......
Nooooooooo wayyyy.
"PARK JIMINNNN" He got the nerves to draw a d*ck on my goddam forehead, making me the laughing stock of the school?? You're dead PARK FUCKING JIMIN.
" Did you remember the look on her face yesterday." Jimin laughs as he and BTS walked outside the school. "Tragic"
"So you're the one behind the drawing. Tch, you play too much" Jhope said.
"What drawing?" Jungkook asks.
"Nothing Jungkook, stop asking" Jin replied.
"Did you even said sorry to her?" Suga asked
"Nope, we didn't have class together today." Jimin replied.
"But I will tomorrow"
"Jimin, we've been friend for so long, I've never see you this interested in someone before" Hoseok wiggle his eyebrows. "Don't lie, you probably want to be her hopeu and her angel, don't chu?"
"Tch" Jimin scoff. "You guys just don't have any idea how fun it is to tease her"
"You know guys teases the girl they likes" Rapmon said
"But they don't draw d*cks on a girl's forehead like Jimin" Suga commented.
"Exactly, I don't like her"Jimin states.
"Oh.... so that's the drawing" Jungkook realize.
"Goddam it Yoongi!" Jin groan.
"Wait... why are there a group of students over there?" Taehyung ask when they enter the parking lot.
"Is that my car??" Jimin shouted before running through the crowd of people. They were busy laughing and taking photos to realize Jimin is here.
"WHAT THE F(LOWER)" Jimin feet froze in place when he saw his car.
"PUHHAHAHAHAHAHA" BTS laughs when they see what was on the car.
There was a big poster of Jimin sleeping and drooling face with sprayed paint on the car that says 'Jiminie Pabo'
"KIM MINSEO!!!" He yells her name in frustration.
"You just got infires man" Suga said
"BULTAOREUNE" BTS all laughed before taking a selca with his car. Taehyung even tries to imitate Jimin in the poster.
From the far, Minseo hi five herself for the brilliant ideas before driving away. "I told you not to try me, Park Jimin"
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