24. Ethan
Every footsteps I take is heavier than the last because I realize that eventually it will lead me to my class, where I sat in front of Jimin.
I really want to erase my memories of what happened yesterday but that's impossible. How did I end up kissing the playboy?! AISHHH
I enter the classroom and the first thing I see was Jimin, who was also looking at me with a small smile on his face. We made eye contact for 0.0000001 second in which I quickly turns away. This is so awkward!
*She's acting weird today* Jimin couldn't seem to be focus on the lecturing. All that was in his head was the girl in front of him.
Usually, these two would be the loudest in class. They would either talking bickering or gossiping. But today, just silence.
"Okay class, that's it for today. You guys can leave early"
Upon hearing his words, Minseo quickly shove her supplies in her backpack without looking and dash through the door in a split of a second.
"Minseo-" Jimin tried to call but he was a step too late.
He stood up in defeat and just a moment when he was about to leave.... something on her chair catches his eyes.
*Pabo, you left your calculator. Did you want to avoid me that bad?*
"That's weird." Minhee stood beside Minseo's locker as the girl put back the unnecessary books.
"Where's Jimin?"
Minseo's face grows redder when his name was mentioned. "I don't know, why did you even ask me."
"Because you guys always go with each other after class?" Minhee respond.
"Anyway, how was the date yesterday~? I didn't hear any complaint so that must mean everything went well right?"
"It was alright." She divert her gaze. "Nothing happened."
"NOTHING?" Minhee exclaimed.
"........ you're lying."
"No!" Minseo shut the locker.
"Tch, I'm your best friend. Do you think I can't tell your lying face?" Minseo smirked.
"Something interesting definitely happened!"
"Nothing let's go!" Minseo walked ahead to avoid suspicions.
"Yah! You can't hide it from me!" Minseo catch up.
"Minseo!!" A group of girls approached Minseo and Minhee.
"Yes? Something happened?" Minseo asked.
"Someone is looking for you!" One of them answered, "He's really handsome!"
"Is it Jimin?" Minhee asked.
"YAH!" Minseo send a small glare to her best friend.
"No! He's one of the new student who transfer to school today." Another girl replied.
"I heard he's a son of a government official!"
"Oh!..... I heard about that." Minhee's lips parted. "You know him???"
"No... I don't know any government official's son. Are you sure it's me?" Minseo asked the girls.
"Yes! For sure! He said Kim Minseo!" They replied.
"Where is he now?"
I end up going to the back of the building where they told me to go. I swear if this is some kind of trick to waste my time, someone is going to die today.
It was an empty place, only grasses and trees..... and a guy. He was facing away from me so I can't really tell who this guy is.
"Hello? Are you looking for me?" This better not be some lame love confession.
"I finally found you," He turn around and flash a smile. "Ms. Minseo~"
Wait......... OH MY GOD IT'S THE HOT MOTORCYCLE GUY !!! What's his name? What's his name! I can't remember!!
"I'm Ethan. Remember me?" He walk a little closer. He even have nice taste in fashion!
"Of course!" ......Not really.
".....How did you know I go here?" That's kinda creepy.
"Let's just say I did some research." His dimples!
Hold on.... didn't the girl said he's a transfer student???
"You go to this school now?" I said out of curiosity.
"Isn't it obvious?" He laughed. "I'm in this department if you want to find me."
"Ah, and here!" He handed me something. A GIFT?
It was a small bag which have the word Dior on it.
"What's this for?" I asked.
"It's my thank you message, for helping me." He give me an eye smile....... eye smile....... Jimin's eye smile is cuter.... wait! Minseo stop thinking about him!
"No thanks." I kindly declined, "You already said thank you and that's enough. Beside, I only lend you my phone, it's nothing much."
*Minhee said Minseo is around here.... where is she?* Jimin wander around to look for the girl.
"There you are, Ms. Second Place." He walk closer to her, it took him a few seconds to realize there was another figure walking away. Jimin notice the tall anonymous guy was holding a gift bag.
*Did that guy want to give that to Minseo?*
Jimin can't help but feel a spark of jealousy burning inside.
"You left this in class." Jimin hand her over the calculator.
"Thank you, Jimin." His eyes are fixed on her while she look away to avoid his eye contact.
"Who were you talking to?" Jimin asked in a calm voice.
"You don't know that person." Minseo opened her backpack and put the calculator in
"What's his name?"
*Umh? We have a guy name Ethan in this school?*
"Are you ignoring me?" Jimin finally asked.
"N-no! We're friends, why would I do that."
She respond with a nervously trembled voice
*Tch friend? What kind of friends kissed each other on the lips so passionately?* Jimin's eyes didn't leave her for a second.
*Are you playing around with me, Minseo?*
"I..... gotta go...." Minseo backed away.
"I have something important to do."
"I'll see you around" Minseo try hard to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. She's not so sure if the butterflies come from Ethan.... or Jimin.
"Bye Jimin." She murmur before rushing out of the scene.
"Yah Minse-" Jimin was about to follow her but she was no where to be found as if she just disappear into thin air..
*We didn't even see each other for a whole minute!*
"Pabo." Jimin sighed heavily.
This voice...... he's that nerd for sure!
I continued to look at the guy who was just finish talking to Minseo. I caught a glimpse of his side profile and I'm 100% sure that he is the same person. Looks like someone finally grew out of his baby face.
Park Jimin, that bastard goes to this school?
By the look of his eyes staring at her, I can tell that bastard have feelings for Minseo for sure! Tch, how obvious can he be?
Great.... This is getting interesting.
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