23. Valentine (2)
"Wait, where are you going?" I asked when Jhope and Minhee stood up, leaving behind me with Jimin.
"To our date." Minhee replied, "It's Valentine's Day, can't we have some time alone?"
"But your parents!" I remind her.
"Here's my phone, if they call just tell them you're with me." What the......
"Happy Valentine's Day" She whisper to my ear with a playful tone in her voice.
"Bye guys!!" The two ball of sunshine waved at us.Why do I feel like I was tricked.
"So Ms. Second was my date." Jimin crossed his arms.
"If I know earlier I would've go with a hotter girl."
Ouch, why did that hurt.
"It's still early, you can go." How dumb of me to wish that my date was this playboy.
"Hey!" He called, making me look straight at him.
"I was just kidding, I already know it was going to be you." He gave an eye smile to cheer me up. I don't know what to believe anymore.
"Ms. Second Place is the prettiest okay? Don't be mad~" Why is he using aegyo! My poor heart!!
"Whatever" I tried so hard but couldn't hold back my satisfied smile.
"Your order is here!" The waitress comes then place a big bowl of green tea bingsu in our table.
"Here" Jimin handed me a spoon, "I order early so we didn't have to wait long."
"Woah!" I scoop a piece of the green tea ice cream on the top and place it in my mouth. Delicious~
"I thought someone was going to study today." I told him.
"I was about to until Hobi called me." Jimin scoop a spoonful.
"I was nice enough to come and get you out of the third wheeling."
"Thanks." I managed to say with my mouth full.
"Where should we go next?" I asked when we exited the cafe.
"Shall we go shopping??" She said excitedly. So adorable.
Lucky for us there was plenty shopping store here in Myeongdong.
The district was crowded with couples our age. They were holding hands and leaning to each other.... while there was a distance between me and Minseo. Is this how my first Valentine date going to end?
"Jimin?" I heard her voice and I immediately snap out of it.
"Let's go here!" She drags me to the Line Friends Cafe & Store nearby.
There were lots of cute Line characters merchandise in this store that caught my eyes. I can see how this place is always crowded with
"Woahhh!" Her eyes twinkled in delight.
"Jimin, this is cute!" She pointed to the big Brown stuffed bear on the left before playing with it.
"Ommo! It kinda looks like you!" Minseo beamed. Did she just indirectly call me cute~?
"I'm going to buy it." Minseo lift Brown up from the shelf and walk straight to the register.
"Did you find anything okay?" The cashier ask with a friendly smile on her face.
"Yup." Minseo nodded and the cashier scan the bear.
"That would be 50 thousand won."
"Here." Jimin hand over his card before Minseo can even reach her purse.
"Yah Jimin, I can pay for it." Minseo insisted.
"Why would I make my date pay on Valentine's Day?" He smile cheekily.
"Woh, you have such a nice boyfriend." The cashier complimented.
*Boyfriend?* She flushed to even think of that one single word.
"Thank you." Jimin answered.
"You know... out of all the couple coming in today" The cashier put the bear in a big bag.
"You guys are the most good looking couple I've seen."
"We're not a couple." Minseo replied.
"Oh............ " The cashier put the receipt in he bag.
"That's unfortunate."
"Here you go." She give Jimin back his card and hand over to Minseo the bag.
"Hope you guys have fun. Thank you for shopping at Line Friends."
"You should've play along." Jimin said as they walk out the store.
"She was so happy."
"Then I would feel bad for lying.
Anyway.... thank you for the bear." She smiled
"No prob, Ms. Second Place." He open the door for her as they exit out of the shop.
"Where should we go next?" Jimin asked
"This place is too crowded, do you know somewhere quiet with nice views we can go?"
"Where are we going?" I started to feel worry when Jimin drove up the mountain peak.
"Just wait, we're almost there." Jimin said calmly.
There wasn't much light except for his car's light and around us was nothing but tree. You know.... most crimes happens at places like this....
I look at Jimin and thanks god, he didn't have the face of a rapist or a murder.
"We're here!" He park his car, facing the city view.
Oh my..... the view from this mountain is awesome! Not just city lights, there was even stars in the sky! Even the air smells fresh!
I open the car's sun roof to get a better look at the sky. Wow, living in the city for so long, I forgot what stars look like.
"How did you know this place?" I was amazed as if I was in a new country for the first time.
"I used to go here with my parents when I was young."
I lay back in my seat and enjoy the view. This is so relaxing~~
"Can you put some music?" I requested.
"Sure." I connect the six cord and puts on Taeyang's song. It's 'I need a girl'!!
"Jimin then lay back and enjoy the view with me. He looks handsome in that shirt.
I took out my phone and click on the camera icon and turn to selfie mode.
"Jimin-ah~" I called and he lean closer to camera... and me.
Both of us make a V sign and I took a picture to save this crazy memory. A day where I went on a date with my biggest enemy who bought me a bear that resembles him.
"I can't believe I spend Valentine's Day with you." I chuckled.
"The old me would've prefer to jump off a cliff." I turn to my left and almost jolted to see how close he was.
Is it the food or am I having butterflies in my stomach? Oh my... they're flying like crazy.
"Does that mean the current one likes me?" Jimin passionate smile while looking straight to my eyes. My heart starts to beat like crazy and Taeyang's voice in the background didn't helped at al!!
oh no.... my body is frozen again!
Wait..... Why am I leaning in? My hormonal body is acting on its own and I can't control it!
My heart skips a million beat when I felt his warm hand on my cheeks... slowly pulling me in.
I shut my eyes right as my mind went blank. This is bad!!
But within a split of a second, I felt another set of lips on mine. Without any thought my eyes was wide open to see Jimin's face.... so close to mine. His eyes was shut and he look so relax unlike me.
Without parting our lips, we tilted to an opposite direction. This time, I can feel Jimin slightly bite my lower lip and I swear I could feel my body melts away.
I slowly respond to his kiss... his soft and honey-like lips lingered around mine for a few seconds which felt like minutes. I think I need to go to the doctor because I'm sure my heart beats at an inhumane pace!!
We finally pulled out of the heated kiss in exchange for air and my brain was not able to process this situation.
Just happened????
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