👧 -hello--brother-mine.
👦 Sorry, I think there are some Wi-Fi issues on yourside.
👧 Oh--? Sorry-that.
👦 It's fine. So, how's life in the big city?
👧 Everything's-big-compared-the---! It's-to-a---deal. -far-managed-hold-calls-convince-powerful--. Don't--, you'll-my-store-the-one-.
👦 I couldn't understand anything you said! I'm guessing it's good?
👧 -, let's -with-. How's-back-?
👦 Oh, you heard about the car accident? 😅 Sorry I didn't tell you. Don't worry, my back's fine, so's my leg.
👧 Car---?! Bitch, -never-me?!
👦 ...You wanted to be in the car crash? Kinky-ass motherfucker-
👧 -! I-want-protect-baby. 😔
👦 I'm not a kid anymore, sis! Why won't you realize that?!
👧 Cause-I-you--,you-in-car--!
👦 Wait, what? You were there?
👧 -didn't-anything, -just-me-!
👦 Hey...sis, you're starting to sound a little creepy...
👧 -, do-have---? Let's-you-the---
👦 NO don't hurt me! 😱
👧 Why-hell-I-a--on-?
👦 Oh I get it, you're high.
👧 I've-smoking, -.
👦 Yeah, that explains it.
👧 -doesn't-any-! 💢
👦 Just answer this, did you stalk me that day?
👧 -, where-this---going? -day?
👦 I was going in my car, XXth this month.
👧 Was-the-of-accident? -was-with---that -, I---. Haven't-you-a--.
👦 -a brain? Yes, I do have one, and it's telling me you stalked me that day and now you're high off your ass on weed. ☒ You can't even come up with a decent cover excuse.
My brain though, hey, here's an idea, a failed phone conversation! My two sore thumbs thought differently.
I guess this is something I can work on when I'm bored. Like how the class 1A chat once was.
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