Hello to all of you!!!
Okay.. so I was going through my instagram feed today (just like every other day I do) and I saw a Jikook post (the one in the new bts movie.. the car scene) So.. when I went to the comment section to comment on the post I saw some shippers from another ship ( yes. you're right. that's the one) saying the scene is scripted and some other disrespectful stuff. Guys, I'm a Jikook supporter. But that doesn't mean that I have to hate other ships. We all have different tastes right? We all have different points of views right? And that's why not all armies are shipping the same pair together. That's why we have so many pairings in Bangtan.
You may be believing in your ship so much that you're 100% sure that you're ship is real. And that's perfectly okay, but please do keep it for yourself and maybe people who ships the pair you ship. Please don't get into other shipping accounts and spread hate. Don't be so toxic guys. Aren't you guys ashamed? I'm not defending any Jikookers either because I've seen some Jikookers doing the same thing. So.. if you are somehow doing things like this, please stop.
What we must keep in our minds are that Bangtan aren't some fictional characters. They are real people. With real feelings and relationships just like us. Who knows who in bangtan is dating who? Unless they themselves tell us we'll never know.
I'm so sure that bts members already know about these ship wars. And it might affect their relationships as well. Imagine that you're a celebrity and you are very close to 2 people. let's name them X and Y. You're dating X and Y is your best friend. (you're fans doesn't know that you're dating X) Just think how would you feel if your own fans keep pairing you with your bestfriend Y and send hate towards the close relationship you have with X. How would X feel? How would Y feel? Wouldn't it affect the relationship they have with each other? Just imagine..
Guys.. we are here to stan BTS. We are ARMYs. Not shippers. BTS always comes first. Not the ships. Please do remember that. Sometimes I feel guilty for writing fanfiction because this sometimes might make you obsessed with shipping (in a negative way..) and I really don't want that to happen. Because guys we are a FAMILY! ARMY and BTS are a huge family! We shouldn't be fighting among ourselves over who should be with who. Who should date who. Who are we to decide on their life choices? We are only here to enjoy their content and repay them with our love and support. We have no right to interfere their relationships (friendships or dating or whatever the relationships the have)
Bangtan are human too. They are individuals with the right to do whatever they want to. whatever they like. They are not ours. Their lives aren't ours to control. They belong to themselves.
It's saddening to see the fandom's state right now. I'm kind of an old army and when I joined the fandom there weren't many armys like now. Ofc there were some rotten eggs here and there, but majority was so good, supportive and understanding. But majority of the new armys.. there mostly here to ship or solo stan members. Ofc it's okay to only love and support your favorite member/members or your favorite ship, but please don't call yourself an ARMY. Because you're not. Armys are here for all of the members. We love all the members. We support all of them to achieve their dreams. Make their lives happier. We don't go on and spread hate for other ships or members. That's not what armys do.
I myself personally believe in Jikook and to me if Jikook isn't real that's perfectly okay. If Big Hit confirms some other bangtan ship as real that's perfectly okay as well and I'll be supporting them whole heatedly. I love all the members interactions because they are so adorable. And they have such a strong, precious, genuine bond between each other that makes them so special. As armies we should cherish all their moments. All bangtan interactions. Because that's what we should be doing rather that spreading hate on some interactions.
I've got loads more to say. But I should go and sleep right now cuz I'll be having classes tomorrow morning.
I hope you understood what I tried to say. And I apologize if I was too harsh on some instances. It's just that I'm so sad to see the fandom's getting toxic day by day. I just love BTS and this fandom so much and I'd love to see us all spreading love towards each other rather than hate.
LY all ❤❤❤
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