Jungkook barged out of his room and hurriedly made his way downstairs to the living room.
"Jiho, are you crazy!?" He scolded his little cousin who was hovering over a screaming smaller boy, throwing blows at him.
The boy, Jiho, instantly got over the squirming boy and frowned like he had been the one receiving the beating.
"This bastard wouldn't let me watch my Power Rangers!" Jiho defended shooting the other kid a hard glare.
Jungkook went wide-eyes at the little boy's choice of word. He snatched Jiho by his arm harshly and tugged him towards himself. "The next time you call your brother a bastard, I'll march you into the ground. Do you hear me?"
"He's cheating me!"
"I'm not chweating! Hwung, ish nuh twue! He's wying!" The smaller kid, Taemin, cried. Taemin was 8, he had difficulties speaking properly and although he was a year older than Jiho, he was much smaller and vulnerable.
"He's lying!" Jiho defended instantly.
Jungkook sighed, standing up to his full length. He looked down at the two kids through tired narrowed eyes. To be honest, settling quarrels between his cousins was the least of his worries. He had so much more important things that had given him sleepless night and made him into a zombie lookalike. His heart was broken, his head was about to explode from overthinking and he was physically tired of everything. He just wanted to lie in bed all day and do nothing.
Actually, he had been doing just that before Taemin's tiny scream had brought him out. His aunt and mother had gone to a wedding and so left he and Namjoon with their two cousins. But Namjoon had long gone out after their mother and aunt left the house, tossing him the responsibility to look after the kids who were practically Cat and Rat.
"I wet him wash Power Wayngers. It's my turn to wash SpongeBob but he won't wet me!"
Jungkook turned and cast Jiho a glare. The kid began to stutter.
"He's lying!"
"Shut up." Jungkook grabbed the remote from Jiho who was hiding it behind his back. He began to change the channel. "If I hear your voices again, I lock you both in the washer."
Taemin's face lit up when he saw his hyung had tuned the channel to Nickelodeon where SpongeBob was showing. He wiped his tears and sniffed, scrambling to climb the couch.
Jungkook tucked the remote in his front pocket. "Sit still, you two, " He said but had his eyes fixed on Jiho.
Jiho looked ready to kill. He glared at Jungkook and rolled his eyes. Jungkook who was already irritated by his life did not fail to catch that look.
He grabbed Jiho's thin arm. "Let's go upstairs. Time to come upstairs."
"Hwung, me chu?" Taemin asked turning to look at him with sad eyes.
"Not you, Tae. Just this little Antelope, " Jungkook said to the Taemin and immediately regretted calling the sweet kid Tae. Tae was —definitely— not a nice pet name to call a child as precious as Taemin.
"What did I do!?" Jiho fought, struggling to leave Jungkook's grip. "Let me go!"
Jungkook didn't want to smack Jiho. He hated smacking kids but Jiho wasn't giving him much of a choice. He didn't have the strength to deal with stubborn children. He wondered if he was sometimes that was to Namjoon. If Namjoon sometimes felt so triggered to beat him to pulp. He knew sometimes he wished he was older than Namjoon so he could hit him because Namjoon was an annoying brother. Just as Jiho clearly was to Taemin.
But he didn't want to compare himself to Taemin. Taemin was a sweet innocent kid with a kind heart and a beautiful soul. And although he looked very much like Jungkook according to their family members, Jungkook knew he was nothing as innocent and as nice as the boy.
He was a broken kid with so much to worry about. He was a total mess. He wished he could go back to being 7 when all that matters to him was riding bikes and watching Batman on TV. At that moment, he realized life was much easier for kids than they were for teenagers, and he wondered how much worse it would get when he became an adult. He regretted wishing he to grow up, he didn't want to anymore.
He took Jiho to his room and let the boy sit by his reading desk. He grabbed his biology textbook and an old notebook and dumped it in front of the boy. He picked a pen and gave it to the boy.
Jiho has stopped complaining and was looking at him curiously. He took the pen and looked almost excited when Jungkook asked him to start copying the textbook into a fresh page of the notebook.
"Hyung, is this your homework?" Jiho asked as he leaned over the desk more.
Jungkook eyed the boy. It was meant to be a punishment for being disrespectful not a form of entertainment. He frowned, ignoring the boy.
Jiho smiled and nodded. "I will still help you, hyung, don't worry." He let out a breath of readiness and began to write enthusiastically.
It was totally useless. The boy was too stubborn and impenetrable. It was almost worthless punishing him because he always found a way to have fun while serving his punishment.
While the kid sat at a corner writing, Jungkook had settled back on his bed. Since the last time he had heard from Jin, it had felt like a part of him was missing. His body felt reluctant to respond to being alive. It was as though every morning when he woke up, he wasn't the one and had to pretend to understand whatever was going on around him when truly he had no idea if he was in a coma and was only dreaming.
Jin had taken a huge part of him. He had never expected to get hurt by Jin. Jin was supposed to be the one person, the only person that was real —the .0000000000001% that was actually what he appeared to be, not the numerous snakes that took the form of a pretty face, great body but a vile soul and malevolent heart.
Jungkook had cried and cried for days. He had blamed himself then he had blamed Jin then he had realized he was not to blame. It wasn't his fault that Jin loved someone else. Maybe it was, but he had worked himself to not think that way. He was done thinking like that. He wished his heart too would learn to stop hurting.
Jin's calls had come in along with tons of text messages. Jungkook had been so tempted to pick up yet too broken-hearted and devastated to even do so. He knew Jin was hurting too —that Jin didn't want to lose him too— but Jungkook knew to let Jin into his life again was going to hurt more than letting him go.
He didn't think he could remain friends with Jin knowing he was in love with him whereas Jin was loving someone else. Knowing himself, Jungkook was going to try to make Jin leave Hoseok. He knew he would attempt to do it and even beg Jin to do it. But he didn't want to break Jin's relationship if he was happy in it. He just had to accept that not all things good that exist in your life was there to stay.
Maybe Jin was just a phase —a phase to help him carry on. One that taught him what true love was and that made him understand that there was more to life than living it pleasing everyone. Not his exes, nor his family. All that mattered was how he felt —how he wanted to live his life in the best possible way he could— because, at the end of the day, all he had was himself.
But then, Jungkook had gotten too comfortable. He had mistaken Jin's purpose in his life and had basked too much in the ambiance of Jin's presence. Jin had been any and everywhere Jungkook had summoned him, like a guardian Angel, that Jungkook had begun to see him as the air like he would always be there whenever and wherever he wanted.
But what he failed to see was, Jin was not the air, Jin had been more like the wind — but the worst thing about the wind was, despite how cool, nerve relaxing and calming it was, whenever the wind passes by, it only moved further and would never return.
That was how Jungkook had, in 3 days since he had been to Jin's dorm, has made himself to see Jin. His mistake was falling in love with Jin, but he was done with all that.
Forgetting Jin would be difficult —maybe impossible— but he had to try. Because just like Jin had said, he had to think about the things that actually mattered which was going to school, get a great job and live life the simplest way he could.
He had wasted too much time chasing after handsome and geeky boys at school. He was tired of getting trampled on and used as a piece of rag because of his stupid looks. So, he was done with all of them; Jimin, Taehyung,
And even Jin.
Jungkook let out a deep sigh and lifted his head towards the kid in his room but Jiho had already been looking at him, brows furrowed like an adult's
He quickly fixed his expression, clearing his throat. "Hey, why aren't you writing?"
Jiho frowned. "It's your fault."
Jungkook looked at the boy confused but approached the desk and grabbed the book from the table. His eyes bulged at the words Jiho had scribbled over the pages.
"I tried to write but you wouldn't stop saying Jin, Jin, Jin, " The kid complained.
Jin's name filled the page, along with other doodles made by the kid. Jungkook's finger ran across the outline of the name, Jin's face appearing in his head. Making a decision to move on was very easy, so easy. But actually moving on, that was the hard part. He missed Jin excessively and it hurt him to ignore Jin's calls and texts but he realized that if he wanted to get over Jin, he had to work with space and his mind, not his heart.
"Hyung, who is Jin?"
Jin? He was someone Jungkook wanted to forget. Someone that, deep down, Jungkook wanted to show up at the door, and tell him that he loved him more than anyone in his life and had made a big mistake by choosing Hoseok, then kiss him passionately as he had done a few days ago. Someone who meant so much to Jungkook, who was never going to be with him. That was who Jin was. Right?
If not, who was Jin?
"No one." He tapped Jiho to come down from the chair. He gave the remote control to the boy. "Let him watch his SpongeBob, then you watch your power rangers."
Jiho jumped ecstatically. For a second, Jungkook saw Namjoon in the little boy. He had Namjoon's dimples and forehead, and as he ran out of the room, his legs dragged on forever like Namjoon's long spaghetti legs. It was times like that that made Jungkook understand when his relatives said his aunt had given birth to him and Namjoon in her children.
Jungkook looked down at the book in his hands one more time before closing it shut and tossing it onto his shelf with the rest of the things he never used.
It was going to be hard to forget Jin, most definitely. But Jungkook had to eventually.
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