The Woodsback Town Grocery Store
Lily the car in the top picture.
Skyler James Matthew Lock Point Of View:
Welcome to The Woodsback Town Population of 3,500. I read the sign as we passed by and gave my uncle a look when I saw him with his shades on and drinking a Vanilla French coffee from Stripes. Never once did he look at me so I sighed loudly and put my head against the cold window. My head was burning up probably from the long ride I had to endure. An hour or two in he finally pulled into a drive way of a two story house. It wasn't anything special with a grand stair case and floor to roof ceiling windows. It was just a livable house with 3 bedrooms 2.5 baths and 1 work office. A grand patio out in the back and an old swing set. An okay living room and kitchen/dining room.
The movers had set up everything before hand so all that was left for me was to unpack my clothes and sleep. Which was exactly what I did. Stripping down to my plaid boxers I shrugged off my shirt already having a pile in the middle of the room charged my phone and snuggled in to the bed after turning off the lights and leaving on my night light.
"Wakie wakie outta chokie."
Jessie said shaking me awake.
"5 more minutes."
I mumbled sleep deprived. Minutes passed by and I began to fall asleep when he uttered the words that he won't get my favorite chips and coffee. My head and body shot up as I stumbled out of my bed.
"I'm up. I'm up."
Turning on the shower to warm I stepped in for over 30 minutes making sure to make my self squeaky clean with coconut shampoo and conditioner with dove bar soap. Blow drying my hair I wrapped my towel around my hips and checked through my closet and drawers for clothes. I smiled once I combed through my hair judging how the white v-neck t-shirt and black skinny jeans looked on me. A chain connected my wallet giving a little rebel look and I settled for my black and white converse along with my trusty white hooded jacket that always kept me warm and snuggled. I climbed down the steps after turning off my night light and closing the door tightly shut.
"Finally you're up. Now get in the car."
"Whatever." I said under my breath and it was just my luck cause my uncle heard it and slapped me upside down on the head. I stuck out my tongue when he turned his back towards me to lock the house door and started giving him both the middle fingers and dancing a bit.
"I suggest if you want to keep them you stop doing that."
Came he's calm collective voice. Instantly I brought my hands down to my sides and waited for him to unlock the door. It was a 2015 Ford Mustang V6 Coupe Auto painted lime green and a strip of black in the middle. It was a beauty I'm sorry not it, but she was a beauty. After less than an hour we came to stop at a grocery store that was named "Aaron's Grocery List." Nice name I guess there was a few people walking around buying food just like us.
After buying some of the mandatory things we headed off for snacks my favorite things to shop for. I put two big Chester hot fries bags and one Funyun bag. Grabbed kisses, pixie stixes, turtles, different chocolate bars (hershy's, twix, reeses, etc.) and many more junk food. Finally I put two boxes off brownie mix and carried two 12pk cases of root beer and headed toward the back for 5 Starbucks Cappuccino Vanilaa Coffee. Yeah I know it sounds a lot but you have two growing men at home and plus any other stray we might pick up. After paying for everything we happily made it back home and put everything away. By the time everything was settled it was past 2 so it meant late breakfast and lunch. Before I can even ask what Jessie wanted so that I can go buy some take out and also use his baby named Lily, that's the cars name, the door bell rang and I yelled out a, "I got it."
I said kind of breathless from almost tripping down the stairs.
"An order for a Mister. Stones."
"Yup that's me." I nearly jumped out of my clothes as my Uncles voice came out behind me but luckily I didn't let out a shriek.
"That'll be $37.75." My Uncle motioned me to get the food and I walked into the living room with the two x-large pizzas and 20 piece meal from McDonald's.
"Good bye."
The door closed and the sound of a car driving off was the only sound of other than our breathing and rustling of paper plates that Jessie was getting. Turning on the t.v I went to the show NCIS and just sat back and watched. After about 5 minutes later the couch dipped and I gabbed a plate and started piling up my food. Around 7 my uncle left saying it was time to go and pick up the packs time for shifts, I nodded and went back up stairs brushing my teeth and then enjoying a bath at my uncles bathroom since I only had a shower in mine. After smelling roses and lilies I stepped out and went to say goodbye to another day in my room. Doing my usual routine before I fall asleep I was out like a light too bad or too good I was going to be woken up in a little bit.
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