oneshot one (en)
just another oneshot of their time spent in palawan (let's say about an year after raquel arrived) because i still
think we were deprived from many magical moments - Maggie
"Raquel, I'm home."
Sergio frowns when he doesn't get an answer. He closes the door behind him and puts the groceries bag on the kitchen counter.
For a moment he wonders if she just went to meet Marivi, Paula and Celeste (her mother's caretaker and friend) to the market they had went to visit earlier.
But he knows something is wrong when he looks through the white flowy curtain that separates their living room from the beach and finds her standing there, staring into the deep ocean.
Sergio regrets being so relieved when he approaches and notices the distant look on her face.
"What's wrong?" He speaks before she can see him which results in her jumping slightly.
"I'm sorry." He smiles slightly because he just can't help it. She is so beautiful she could just be part of this beach.
Sergio sits next to her, not thinking that she might want to be alone for a while, and more important not even thinking about how the sand is sticking to his clothes. He hates when that happens.
"Nothing, I was just thinking."
He follows her eyes into the infinite ocean and wonders if he should hold his hand.
He turns back to the woman of his life and doesn't fail to notice how her eyes are watery. Like she's feeling a whole load of emotions at the same time.
"Raquel, what happened?"
Finally she turns to him.
"You happened." It feels like he had just been shot. She didn't even say it to be mean she just said it because she couldn't bare to lie to that man. Raquel doesn't get intimidated by his confused look. Of course he wasn't expecting this. You can never expect everything no matter how smart you are. "You came into my life and it took a whole 360º flip."
"I... I don't understand what's happening." He can't help but feel really tiny before her hurt expression. Everything was just fine this morning. She kissed him goodbye and all with her beautiful world changing smile.
"I'm sorry. I'm just missing home. Spain I mean."
She turns back to the sea and Sergio has to think really fast to comprehend everything that's happening. He has no idea what triggered this sudden nostalgia but he knew this had to happen eventually.
Please, don't leave me. It's all his most selfish subconscious could think of.
"Raquel, I though you considered the island as your home now." He adjustes his glasses and tries to sink further into the sand.
"I do. I do. But you never forget where you come from, right?"
Raquel turns her head to find a struggling Sergio by her side.
"That doesn't mean I'm unhappy, you hear me? This is the most alive I've ever felt. It's just that... Today Paula was wearing a shirt that used to be mine when I was little. I don't know I guess it took me in a long drive through memory lane."
Sergio really didn't want to ask her if she regretted coming because he knew that would be very selfish of him. Raquel was having a hard time dealing with nostalgia and she was the one who needed reassurance, not him.
"Would you ever consider going back there?" This time he's the one not looking at her. He doesn't want to sound too hurt because he knows this is her moment of pain but he can barely say out loud the words he fears the most.
"You're talking like I regret coming, Sergio." She states with a little smile. God, that smile. It's sunny in Palawan most of the time but even they lived in a permanent night, Sergio would be a happy man because the prettiest of the stars was already in his life.
Raquel watches him intensely before diverting her gaze to the clear waves. Sometimes she wishes she could be that transparent.
"I used to think I would, eventually. I used to think my regret would overcome my love and drown it."
Sergio is not sure what he feels at the moment.
He doesn't dare to speak. He doesn't dare to move.
He just stays still, the thudding of his heart almost deafening, scared of whatever she might say next.
He wants to scream that all this time he has been afraid that would happen.
But he knows that if he speaks now he cannot control what he says.
So he just fixes his glasses over the bridge of his nose and waits.
Raquel is waiting too. She doesn't know what might come out of her mouth if she starts crying.
The wind hits their faces as if too remember everything that brought them to this exact moment.
And somehow it workd because Raquel remembers one of the favorite memories of her life as if it was happening now.
Two tears start running down her face like one of those races we used to make with the rain in the car window when we were little.
Raquel turns to the man who did not stole her heart, but asked kindly for it instead. She would have let him stole it, though. Because she is so in love.
"Sergio." Her voice isn't louder than a whisper that could have been lost in the wind but he hears it. He always listens to her. Raquel can't exactly think of the last time someone had listen so closely to everything she says. It's like he is always afraid those might be the last words he'll ever hear from her.
A tiny soft hand rests over his beard. Unlike what everyone would think Raquel loves to caress his cheek. It's always so warm.
"I used to be scared. But I'm not anymore, mi amor. Do you know why?"
Sergio just denies her question with his head.
"Do you remember that one time we went swimming in our clothes?"
"Which time?"
At that she can't help but laugh. Sergio made her feel like she could just laugh all the sorrow away.
"In my birthday."
An affected smile overtakes his sad expression.
Raquel decides to intertwine their fingers, realizing all the insecurities he still keeps inside.
"I can't believe you made me go into the water. With clothes!"
Their eyes collide and at that moment all the beauty in their own little paradise gets jealous of the lovestruck looks on their faces while looking at each other. Like they would die for each other. But more importante their love was a big enough reason for them to want to live.
"I told you it was funnier than it looked. And saltier."
"You were really salted, I can't argue with that." She punches his arm lightly faking a schoked expression.
"Do you remember what I told you that day?"
Sergio doesn't let go of her hand but decides he needs to put his glasses up again.
"That you trusted me with all your heart."
Raquel puts a bit of hair behind her ear and her hand goes back to where it belongs in his cheek.
"And I do. Sergio I am trusting you with my whole life. Because I love you. And I would cross the world a thousand times if it meant you could hold me in your arms again. Because even if we are always in iminent danger that's where I feel the safest."
She can see the emotion in his eyes. And the love he feels for her is there.
"Sergio, miráme. It was your love that drowned all the regret I could ever feel not the other way around."
And they sealed that never said promise in a kiss so mesmerizingly beautiful only the ocean could witness. That as long as they were there for each other nothing bad could ever happen.
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