Neko-chan: Hola everyone! We all know school's a butthole, right?
Neko-Sasuke: So here's a playful trick we'd like you to try out on your teachers... we want you to say something in our language and see their reaction!
Neko-Chan: When done, comment or PM us their reaction!!
Neko-Sasuke and Neko-Chan: MIISĀN CHIA MAFOTAGA!
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Science - Stacha
Math - Cāfo
Social Studies - Fama Mosta
Language Arts - Samohi ( Sam - oh - hee) basto
Reading - Chexga
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School Materials:
Eraser - Chexa
Pencil - Bimasa
Pen - Biita
Crayon - Nadis ( Nah - doh )
Highlighter - Tagosahi
Textbook - Tokeino ( Took - eee - no )
Binder - Amachi
Glue - Gama
Ruler - Exla
Computer - Naonfo ( Nee - on - fo )
Locker - Sanano
Paper - Bibaci ( bee - bak - bee )
Scissors - Statase
Book - Ainan ( Aee - nan )
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Types of Schools:
Elementary School - Chisatadi Stase
Middle School - Conko Stase
High School - Togato Stase
College - Nasachi
University - Dawida
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I don't understand - I koto mokosta
I have a question! - I towa ba panmata¡
I know the answer! - I nese foi ( fo - ee ) bamex¡
Can I borrow a pencil? - Nat I aexmi ( a - ex - mee ) ba bimasa¿
Can I borrow a piece of paper? - Nat ma aexmi ba bibaci¿
I ride the bus home - Ma kokochi foi aomo ( ah - oh - mo ) tocoi
I walk home - Ma misan tocoi
I get picked up - Ma gafa bonoki mibi
Who's homeroom are you in? - Mise tococon ( too - koo - koo - on ) bex dese tama¿
When is lunch? - Moto mota simito?
Do we have homework? - Kese chima toconano¿
Do we have a test? - Kese chima ba fochi¿
What class are you in? - Mifo nata bex dese tama¿
Do you have any advanced classes? - Kese dese towa bidi bawako natasta¿
Grade - Gabo
Gym - Gacon ( Gah - coon )
Principal - Bimiba
Desk - Kosta
Classroom - Nataco
Exam - Kecon ( Keh - coon )
Teacher - Fotohi
Uniform - Moson
Hallway - Tamida
Tardy - Fexi
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