Chapter 8
Ahsoka slept in late, only awaking because of Anakin. He thought it would be funny to try to scare her awake, but the joke was on him because Ahsoka ended up giving him a black eye.
"Remind me to never do that again," Anakin said clutching his eye.
"That's what ya get for trying to scare me Skyguy," Ahsoka snipped back with a shrug.
"Come on, Padme made breakfast."
Anakin left the room, and Ahsoka followed. Once she reached the kitchen, it finally hit her. Had Anakin said Padme made breakfast? Lux was always gone by this time, so why was Padme still here?
"Hey Padme, thank you so much for doing this. You didn't have to make breakfast on my behalf."
"Nonsense Ahsoka. I always make breakfast for Ani and I on Sundays, so making a bit extra was no big deal, especially for someone that's practically family," Padme replied.
Ahsoka beamed from ear to ear. But on the inside, she could feel jealousy rising. The smile quickly faded, and she sighed. "I wish Lux and I could do stuff like this, but he's gone at the Senate building everyday." There was a pause in the conversation, as neither Anakin or Padme really knew how to comfort the girl.
Breaking the silence, C-3PO walked into the room carrying the breakfast. Ahsoka looked at the food in amazement. There were omelets, pancakes, gravelwheat toast, and blue milk.
"Thanks 3PO," Padme thanked the droid.
"Of course Mistress Padme," he replied. He then saw Ahsoka. "Oh Mistress Ahsoka, what a pleasant surprise. I have not seen you in ages."
"Good to see you too 3PO."
Upon hearing C-3PO say Ahsoka's name, R2-D2, came rolling into the room beeping happily.
"Hey artooie, I missed you," she said patting the top of the droid, which garnered another set of happy beeps.
"Alright let's dig in, I'm famished," Anakin said drooling at the food his wife had prepared. This caused Ahsoka and Padme to roll their eyes and giggle.
Ahsoka took a bite out of the omelet and flavor exploded in her mouth. She had never expected Padme to be this good of a cook, to be honest, she didn't even know that she knew how to cook, growing up in a royal family and all. She couldn't remember the last time she had a meal like this, possibly never. The Jedi Temple just served the same mush over and over, and on missions it wasn't much better, and while staying with Lux, all they really had was cereal, bread and various fruits.
"Padme, this is delicious," Ahsoka managed to get out between bites.
"Thank you Ahsoka, maybe once you and Lux get everything figured out, you could start joining us?"
"Yea Ahsoka it'd be fun to have you two over," Anakin smiled.
Ahsoka sighed, "Yea I wish, but Lux is always gone by now." Turning to Padme she spoke, "Speaking of which, why are you still here? Don't you have to be at the Senate soon?"
Padme gave Ahsoka a confused glance. "No I don't. Sunday is the Senate's day off. There's no meetings or anything."
Rage suddenly built back up inside of Ahsoka. "You're joking right? Every Sunday for the last six months, Lux had gone into the Senate building to work."
"Well maybe he has stuff to do for Onderon. It's not unheard of for Senators to go in on Sunday to work, but to the extent you claim Lux is seems odd."
Ahsoka stood up from the table. "Thank you for the wonderful breakfast Padme, I'd be glad to join you guys again sometime. But if you'll excuse me, I have something I need to do."
As she walked to the door, she heard Anakin's voice: "Remember what I said last night, if he does anything to hurt you, just let me know and I'll take care of him!"
Ahsoka giggled and gave a wave as she exited the apartment.
Ahsoka had to walk to the Senate building from Padme's apartment, since she obviously had no other means of transportation due to the events from the previous night. She didn't mind though, it gave her another chance to take in the beauty of Coruscant. Of course it didn't compare to the beautiful landscapes of her home world of Shili, but the modern architecture was amazing.
Soon she arrived at the Senate building, and remebered why she had come. A somber look came over her face, as she fought the urge to run into Lux's office and chew him out again. She knew she would have to be more civil this time, or she could end up permanently damaging their relationship.
After hesitating, she put her fist up to knock.
"Come in," she heard Lux call out.
Ahsoka had never been in his office before, so she was awestruck by what she saw. The walls were painted a light orange color, with a light blue ceiling, and white carpet. Off the the right of the door, there were two white couches parallel to each other, separated by a black table. Off to the left was a large table filled with all sorts of things: maps, papers, pictures, etc. Straight ahead from the door was Lux's desk, which is where he currently resided. He had his back to the door, looking at some papers intently. Ahsoka perched herself on top of one of the couches, waiting for him to finish whatever he was engrossed in.
Finally he finished what he was looking at, and spun around. "Sorry for the wait, how may I–" he paused when he saw it was Ahsoka, "Oh, it's you."
Ahsoka felt like he had just shoved a knife into her heart, not because of what he said, but how he said it. His voice was cold and full of no emotion. He obviously had still not gotten over what had happened the night before.
"Look, Lux–"
He cut her off. "No. You're going to listen to me this time."
Ahsoka was taken aback by this, but simply nodded in response. Lux stood up to face the window, looking out on the busy city.
"Do you know how much us Senators get paid?" he asked Ahsoka. She remained silent, so he continued. "Not a lot. My base salary is barely enough to pay for food, fuel, clothing, and a few other things. Luckily the Senate provides housing or I would be screwed."
"Lux, I didn't know. I could've gotten a job, I could've–"
He held up his hand to stop her. "Ahsoka, I didn't want to make you get a job. I want to provide for you. You've had so much stress your whole life, what with being a Jedi and all, that I wanted you to take some time off.
"On another, but related note, each senator gets a one week vacation that is prescheduled by a committee. Mine just so happens to be next week." Ahsoka's face lit up at this, they would finally be able to spend time together.
"Once we got together, I realized that my week off was close to our six month anniversary–and yes, I realize our six month was yesterday. Anyways, I immediately got planning for what we would do on my week off. I wanted it to be something special, something neither of us would ever forget.
"It was supposed to be a surprise, but at this point I'm just going to tell you. Next week we will be traveling to Naboo and spending the entire week at L' Expédiant D'Amor, one of the most luxurious resorts in the galaxy."
Ahsoka couldn't believe what she was hearing. Lux was doing all of this for her? She felt so bad about what had happened last night, but before she could get up and run over to thank him, he continued.
"As soon as I decided on it, I had to figure out how to pay for it. As I told you, I don't get paid a very large base salary, but we get paid overtime, and for going on negotiation visits. I realized I had to take every single bit of extra work in order to pay for this. That's why I've barely been home. I know we'll never get back the time we missed the last 6 months, but I hope that this week helps make up for it. And, after we go, I won't have to take as much work to pay for it, so I'll be home much more often."
Ahsoka could no longer control herself. She ran from the couch to Lux and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. He returned it, deepening it. When they finally parted, they rested their foreheads against each other's.
"Do you understand now mi d'bhem?"
Ahsoka giggled. "Yes, and I'm sorry for everything I said last night I was being self–"
Lux cut her offer by bringing her into another kiss.
"You don't have to be sorry Soka. You deserved more of an explanation, and I promise we'll be spending much, much more time together from here on out."
"Oh Lux. I love you."
"I love you more," he said and brought her in for another kiss.
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