Chapter 5
"Ahsoka... why did you leave?" she heard a voice say from behind her. She knew the voice all too well, so she didn't have to turn around to know who it was. The voice continued, "Where were you when I needed you?"
"I-I made a choice," she responded, "I couldn't stay, not after what had happened."
"You were selfish!" the voice cried out angrily.
"No," Ahsoka replied weakly, feeling tears well up in her eyes.
"You abandoned me, you failed me!" the voice yelled at her. She could no longer hold back the tears, as they began to stream down her face.
"No... master..." she gasped out between sobs.
"You left me when I needed you most!" the voice venomously spat out, "You could have saved me..." the voice trailed off.
Ahsoka thought that was it, and she closed her eyes, waiting for this nightmare to cease. Then she heard something approaching. She didn't know what it was, but she could hear mechanical breathing. She didn't know if it was a person or a robot or what. The footsteps and breathing got louder and louder, until she heard a lightsaber activate. She turned around just in time to see a figure shrouded in black, shove his lightsaber into Anakin's back.
"NOOOOOO" Ahsoka cried out as she ran up to Anakin. She cradled his body in her arms. "No... m-m-master, don't leave me..." she was having trouble speaking through the tears.
"Ahsoka... help me..."
"I'm here master, I'll... I'll save you," she cried. She wasn't sure how, but she would do anything to save her former master.
"Ahsoka... why?" Anakin croaked, as his eyes closed for the last time.
"No, no, no, no, no! Anakin... don't go..." Ahsoka was holding him in her arms, crying. She heard the same mechanical breathing get closer. She looked up and saw the masked face of Anakin's murderer. "YOU," she spat, "YOU DID THIS... YOU KILLED HIM, AND NOW I'LL KILL YOU!" she was seething with anger.
"Yes child... give into your anger, it will make you stronger," the mechanical voice said.
"Your master was weak," the figure spat, "so I killed him. Join me and I can teach you what he never could."
"No, I will NEVER join the likes of you," she replied, as she grabbed Anakin's lightsaber from his belt and struck the masked figure. As soon as she made contact, everything vanished. Ahsoka collapsed to her knees and began to cry again.
Ahsoka quickly shot up, screaming. She came to her sense and realized that she was panting and sweating heavily. She looked around and saw that she was back in her room. She sighed, it was just a dream, she thought. It had been 6 months since she left the Order, and that was the first time she had dreamed of Anakin or anyone else from the Order. She wasn't sure what it meant, but shook it off. She got up from her bed and made her way to the door of her bedroom. She needed a glass of water, and just cool off before trying to get some more sleep.
However, just as she opened the door, Lux came bursting through and, without the door to slow him down as he planned, he lost his balance and fell flat on his face. Ahsoka stifled a laugh as she watched him fall. Lux moaned, but shot up quickly, and looked to the bed for Ahsoka. Upon not seeing her there, he panicked.
"Ahsoka? Ahsoka where are you?" he called out.
Ahsoka maintained quiet, but walked up to him, and tapped him on the shoulder. Lux turned around quickly and pushed her up against the wall. Ahsoka started to laugh her head off. Lux looked terrified at what he had done, and released the laughing Ahsoka.
"You shoulda seen your face," she barely got out between laughs.
Lux shook his head. "Not funny Ahsoka. I was worried, I-I thought someone took you. I heard you scream and then didn't see you in here, and–" he was cut off by Ahsoka kissing him, and all his fear drained away.
"I'm sorry Lux, but you knew what what you were getting with me," she smirked.
"Yea yea, whatever," he said as he rolled his eyes.
Lux's face then went serious, and Ahsoka realized. "What's wrong my love?" she asked concerned.
"I should be asking you that," he replied, "You woke up screaming 'Anakin', what happened?"
Ahsoka remebered her dream, and was suddenly pulled back into it, seeing her master die in her arms. A chill ran down her spine and she shivered.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" Lux asked while waving his hand in front of Ahsoka's face.
"Oh yea sorry Lux, I just zoned out for a second..."
"So what had you so scared that you woke up screaming?" Lux questioned again.
"It-It was nothing" Ahsoka hesitantly replied. She didn't want to worry Lux.
"Ahsoka, I know you better than that. Something's obviously going on. You woke up screaming, I can still see the tear stains on your cheeks, and just a second ago you took a trip to La-La Land. You know you can tell me anything right?"
Ahsoka sighed. She knew she wouldn't be able to hide this from Lux. They knew each other too well. "I had... I had a nightmare," she started out, "it wasn't just any nightmare with monsters and other scary things though. I-I saw Anakin, and he told me that... that," Ahsoka stopped as she began to cry again. Lux pulled her in close and kissed her lekku.
"Shhh... It's okay d'bhem" Lux cooed, stroking her lekku.
Upon hearing Lux use her native tongue, Ahsoka looked up and him and smiled. She wiped the tears from her eyes, and took a deep breath. She picked up where she left off, "I saw Anakin, and he told me... that I failed him, that I was being selfish when I chose to leave... that I left him when he needed me the most. Then a figure walked up behind him and killed him. I ran over to him and he died in my arms. It felt so real Lux. I held him in my hands as he died," Ahsoka had begun to cry again. Lux just silently comforted her, continuing to stroke her lekku.
She continued again, "I angrily confronted the figure, and he told me to join him, and he would teach me what Anakin couldn't. I refused and took Anakin's lightsaber and struck the figure, then everything disappeared and I woke up... Lux what does it mean? I'm so confused," she began to cry again. She was a distraught mess.
Lux didn't really know what to do. He knew that sometimes people strong in the force got premonitions of the future. He didn't know if this was one of those, but he didn't want to upset Ahsoka any further. "Ahsoka... it's going to be alright. It was just a dream. None of it was real," he said trying to calm her down. She slowly stopped crying, and Lux wiped the rest of the tears from her face.
"Thank you Lux. I truly don't know what I would do without you," she said beaming up at her.
Lux smiled back, "Oh you'd probably be out doing something that could get you killed," he said laughing and rolling his eyes. This earned him a playful punch on the shoulder from Ahsoka.
"Now let's get back to bed. Do you want me to stay here and sleep with you the rest of the night incase something happens again?" Lux asked.
Ahsoka said nothing but just nodded and got up, taking his hand and leading him to the bed. They laid down on the bed, and Lux put his arms around her waist, pulling her in close. Ahsoka just rested her head on his chest, and they both fell fast asleep.
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