Chapter 15
Obi-Wan had been busy lately and unable to do any more research on what Order 66 and FIves, but now had time to dig into it. He knew Ahsoka and Lux were returning tonight so if he found anything, he'd be able to talk to her tomorrow.
He made his way to the Archives at the Jedi Temple to begin his research. His first search was for "Order 66", which garnered no results. He then tried just "66", "Protocol 66", and anything else he could think of that was similar, but all came up with no relevant answers.
Realizing it was a dead end, he decided to switch his focus to Fives. He brought up all the files on CT-5555 and his death. All that was viewable was everything that Obi-Wan already knew, that he had a malfunction with his inhibitor chip, went rogue, tried to kill the chancellor, and then was shot and killed on the lower levels of Coruscant after trying to warn Anakin and Rex about something.
What trouble Obi-Wan, however, was the fact that a majority of the files were secure and only accessible with a password. He had never seen that done before, and had the feeling that someone was trying to cover something up. He tried his passcode, and luckily it worked. Many files popped up, but one in particular caught his eye. It was a holo recording of a kaminoan, talking about Fives' death. He decided to press play.
An independent investigation confirmed that the Clone Trooper CT-5555 experienced a malfunction with his inhibitor chip. Both the Senate committee and the Jedi Council have accepted these findings.
However, a grievance report was filed by CT-7567.
Obi-Wan had remembered this report being brought to the council, and they all had found that it was a very plausible and likely explanation for what had happened to Fives. He wondered why Rex would have filed a grievance, but knew it could be important so he brought it up.
I already know this report is gonna fall on deaf ears, but I owe it to Fives to record what I saw. I'm not sure I believe it myself, but there's a possibility that the inhibitor chips the Kaminoans put inside of us have a purpose that we don't yet fully understand.
What could we not understand yet? Obi-Wan thought. I met Jango Fett firsthand , the Kaminoans used the chips to make sure that the Clone's did not act in the same manor as he did. But whatever this was, Obi-Wan felt like it was worth having a chat with Ahsoka about it. Maybe she had had another vision that could help clear all of this up while she was away.
Ahsoka work up groggily the next morning, tangled around Lux. She had thoroughly enjoyed the previous night's antics. She heard her comm beeping and rolled over to get it, which woke up Lux in the process. She heard him groan and get up.
"Good morning beautiful," he said smiling at her.
"Mornin ke'leh," Ahsoka responded. She finally managed to grab her commlink and saw that she had five missed calls from Obi-Wan. She panicked, Master Kenobi called more than once only if it was very important. He must have figured something out about her visisons.
Lux had seen her face flush of all emotion. He scooted closer to her and pulled her into a hug. "What's wrong love?" He asked concerned.
"Obi-Wan called me five times! He only calls more than once when it's an emergency. I need to call him back now."
Lux nodded, and Ahsoka left the room. She called Obi-Wan on the comm, and shortly after, he answered.
"Ahsoka!" he exclaimed, "I've been trying to get a hold of you for five hours. Where have you been?"
"I slept in. Let's just say I had an... eventful night." Obi-Wan just gave her a knowing look and shook his head, but didn't say anything. "Anyways, what's up? Did you find something?"
"I'm not entirely sure. It may be nothing, but it could also be exactly what we're looking for. The only problem is that it's extremely vague."
"What was it?"
"Can we meet up at the same dinner in 30 minutes that we did before?"
"Yea, sure. I'll see you in 30." Ahsoka said, ending the communication.
She walked back into the room where Luz was. He saw him staring, and that's when she first realized: she wasn't wearing any clothes.
"Stop your drooling lover boy," she said rolling her eyes.
"I'm sorry, it's just that you're so unbelievably beautiful."
This caused Ahsoka to blush a bit. "I bet you say that to every naked girl you see," she said sheepishly.
He got up and walked over to her, his face becoming serious. "No, I truly mean it. Not just your physical features, but your mind and attitude and just everything is beautiful. I love all your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections. I love everything about you, and I hope you never change."
Ahsoka smiled and just stood there. She didn't know how to respond to what he had just said. His words made Ahsoka's heart melt, and she finally knew that he truly loved her for more than her looks. Instead of saying anything, she smashed her lips into his, running her hands through his hair. She figured she had a bit of time before she had to meet Obi-Wan.
Ahsoka arrived to the dinner to see Obi-Wan already there. She walked over and sat down across from him.
"You're ten minutes late, where were you?" Obi-Wan questioned slightly irritated.
"Oh uh sorry. Lux needed my help with something," she lied. Obi-Wan obviously knew it was a lie, and raised a questioning eyebrow, but Ahsoka did not elaborate on the point. "So, what have you found."
"This," he said pulling out a holo transmitter and turning it on to reveal Rex's report. Ahsoka took it all in silently, and then thought for a moment.
"Could 'purpose' he referenced be the Order 66 that I had the vision about? From what I gathered from my dream, it was an order for the clones to execute the Jedi. The only thing that bothers me is that I don't think they'd ever do it. I've known Rex and the rest of the 501st for four years now. They're like my family. There's no way they'd ever do something like that."
"And yet, they could. Without even knowing it. If what Rex says about the chip is true, they could be programmed to blindly follow the order without any control over themselves." Obi-Wan stated.
"I guess... I could just never see Rex doing that," Ahsoka said sadly.
"Maybe we should wait before jumping to conclusions and try to gather more information on all this." Ahsoka nodded, that seemed like a good idea. "Oh, I almost forgot," Obi-Wan spoke, "did you have any more visions or anything while you were gone?"
"Yea I did, just last night. The Daughter came to me and told me that the time was nearing for me to make my decision. I obviously knew what I was going to do. She told me that I will see people close to me fall, but I would not, I just have to stay strong she said."
"Ahsoka, that's a big burden. Are you sure that you want to do it? No one would fault you if you fled with Lux right now," Obi-Wan said gently.
"No, I have to do this. I would not be able to live with myself knowing I could have changed things, that I could have made a difference."
"But, Ahsoka... what if Lux is one of the people that will die?" Obi-Wan asked. He knew she didn't want to hear it, but it was a possibility. He knew how she felt about the young senator, and didn't want her to have to go through that, as he had with Satine.
Ahsoka stayed quiet for a few seconds. She had been trying to avoid the thought, but Obi-Wan was right, it would be a possibility. She shook her head. No, he would not die. "He won't. I would give my own life to make sure of it. This is my choice, and I will not let him perish because of it."
Obi-Wan just nodded, he didn't want to make the togruta too upset, he just needed to make sure she knew it was a possibility. It was a few moments before either of them spoke again, until Obi-Wan broke the silence. "So did the Daughter tell you when this would happen?"
"KInda," Ahsoka started, "as she was fading away, I asked her that very question and she responded with 'two days before the day after tomorrow. I don't really know if it was meant to be taken literally or if it was a riddle or what." All the color drained from Obi-Wan's face as he heard this. "Master Kenobi? Are you okay?"
"Ahsoka..." he croaked out, "that's today..."
"But it had to just be a riddle right? It couldn't actually happen today, could it?" Ahsoka asked panicked.
"Ahsoka did you feel the rush of darkness this morning?" Obi-Wan asked.
"No, I must have been sleeping."
"Well this morning there was a rush of darkness, all the Jedi felt it. The Council talked about it, but dismissed it as nothing. But now, what you've just revealed to me shows me the true nature behind the surge: the attack is coming today, and soon. We must be going now."
Ahsoka's face paled, but she nodded and followed Obi-Wan out of the dinner...
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