Chapter 14
Ahsoka was upset that they had to return to Coruscant. She wished that they could stay there at the resort on Naboo forever. Alas, Lux had his duties in the Senate to get back to so she had to say goodbye to the place where she had spent the best week of her life. She may not be able to stay, but she'd always have the memories of the time here and Lux spent there.
With one last look back at the resort, her and Lux boarded their ship. Ahsoka frowned upon entering the ship, and this didn't go unnoticed by Lux.
"What's wrong?" Lux asked the young togruta.
"I just wish we could stay here forever," she responded with a sigh.
Lux put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him, planting a kiss on her lekku. "I know, me too. But I promise we'll come back here one day soon. Maybe for our honeymoon," he mumbled the last part so Ahsoka couldn't hear.
Ahsoka just nodded. For some reason she couldn't shake the feeling that she wouldn't be back ever, let alone soon. She shrugged it off and took her seat next to Lux in the cockpit. They took off, and soon entered hyperspace. It would take them a few hours to get back to Coruscant, so she decided to take some time to meditate, as she often did when flying through hyperspace.
Ahsoka and Lux made it back to Coruscant in a few hours with no problem. It was rather late so they headed back to the apartment right away.
After eating a dinner prepared by Ahsoka with the little food they had in the apartment, they sat on the couch to watch the holovision. However, Ahsoka had other ideas. She was still feeling like they were on vacation, and she was still feeling rather frisky. She decided to give in and just go along with the feeling. She turned to Lux suddenly and began to kiss him passionately, running her hands through his thick hair. Lux didn't hesitate to return the kiss, running his hands down her back.
"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for? It kinda came out of nowhere," Lux asked chuckling after they had pulled out of the kiss.
"Our little vacation isn't over just yet," Ahsoka said seductively.
Lux smirked, and dived right back in, their lips colliding roughly. Ahsoka pushed Lux down on the couch and laid on top of him, continuing to kiss passionately, her hands cupping his face, and his making their way slowly down her back. She began to unbutton his shirt, and he began to take off her top.
Without speaking, they both got up from the couch in unison, and made their way to Ahsoka's bedroom, attempting to do so while not breaking the kiss. They stumbled over many things, which just caused them each to laugh and smile a bit, before getting right back into kissing. They finally made it to the bedroom, and Ahsoka pushed Lux onto the bed. Lux grabbed her, pulling her down along with him. He began to kiss her on her lekku, causing a small moan to escape her mouth. Lux smiled and continued down to her shoulder, and then made his way down her stomach.
Ahsoka had been right, their vacation was not yet over.
Eventually they fell asleep late in the night, they didn't know at what time, but they didn't care. Ahsoka was dreaming of her and Lux and their future. She was smiling in her sleep, it was so peaceful. However, that didn't last long. Soon the dream faded, and she was shrouded in darkness again...
"Child," Ahsoka heard a voice call out softly. She recognized the voice immediately as that of the Daughter. She continued, "The time will soon be upon us. You will have to make your decision."
Ahsoka nodded, deep down she was afraid, no terrified, of what would happen, but she knew it was her destiny. "I already know what I'm going to do. Ever since you gave me the choice, I knew."
The Daughter seemed pleased with this response, but he face soon hardened. "Very well, but be warned, some of the things you will see will be tough to stomach. People close to you will fall, it is inevitable. You will be unable to save those close to you, and one of those people will betray you, and all you and the Jedi have stood for," she paused, and then continued, "With this knowledge, does your decision change? It is still not to late to run and get away, to survive"
Ahsoka thought for a moment. People close to her would die? One of those people close to her would betray her and the Jedi? This was a lot to take in. What if her doing this got Lux killed? Or Anakin? Or Padme? She didn't want that to happen, they all meant too much to her to lose. But then she thought of everything that she could save. All the other lives that she could protect, and she knew she had to go through with it. She would never be able to live with herself knowing that she could have changed things.
Ahsoka nodded in response to the Daughter. "I know what I must do, and I'm willing to pay the price. I can't stand around and watch people die, knowing that I could have saved them."
The Daughter smiled. "You truly are a brave, kind soul Ahsoka Tano. I could not have asked for a better person to receive my life energy and my powers."
"Thank you Daughter, that means a lot. I will do everything I can to pass on your legacy and story, along with that of your Father and brother."
The Daughter nodded, and began to fade away.
"Wait!" Ahsoka shouted, "When will all of this happen?"
The Daughter didn't stop fading, but gave an answer: "Two days before the day after tomorrow..." (If anyone can get what show that is a reference to, message me for a small prize) and with that, she was gone and Ahsoka was launched back into dreamland.
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