In exactly eleven minutes we were downstairs. I only know the exact time because Kian had been timing it and urging me to hurry up the entire time. He kept trying to tell me his mother would be even crankier if we were later so I'd pushed myself to finish getting ready quicker. In result I looked like crap, but at least the old coot would be happy. I was too annoyed with her to even correct myself for calling her an old coot at this point.
"You guys are late." His mother stated when we joined her outside. She was standing beside her car with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face that kind of reminded me of Kian's, except it was much darker.
"By a minute."
"Also I don't remember inviting Richard. I'm not paying for you." She stated blandly, staring at me like I was a pest. I glared back and headed toward the backseat of the car.
"Don't worry about it, I have it covered." I snapped, trying very hard to keep my tone neutral. She sighed but got in the car regardless. Kian got in the front seat, much to my dismay. I knew he didn't want his mother to know about us yet but he could have at least hidden from her back here with me.
"So, Richard, have you gotten a woman yet? Surely you must get jealous seeing Kian and Andrea around the house all the time." I glared at her in the mirror but she didn't notice. It was obvious she was just doing this in an attempt to make me angry.
"Yeah, actually, I do." I watched Kian tense up in the front seat, like he expected me to confess to her or something.
"Oh, really!?" Could she not have sounded so damn surprised?
"Yeah, she's really something else. Funny, gorgeous, smart, mouthy. She's a lot like Kian actually, but female of course." I laugh, noticing Kian's mouth in a tight line as he stared out the window. His mother smiled.
"Well, I don't know how great of a girlfriend she'll prove to be if she's like Kian. You'll probably end up having to cheat on her to be satisfied." She said, snickering darkly to herself. She thought it was funny Kian had had his heart torn out and spit on? I balled my hands into fists and began counting to ten in my head to keep calm. It didn't really work, I was still boiling with rage when we pulled into the fancy bistro, but at least I hadn't said anything out loud. Yet.
After making a big deal at the doorway Kian's mother managed to get us a table without reservations. She made some excuse about how she'd travelled miles just to come to this restauraunt and would simply die if she couldn't try it. I watched her arranging her silverware smugly from across the table and bit my tongue to keep from saying something rude. She had no respect for other humans whatsoever. I mean, sure Kian liked to bug other people and get what he wanted, but the more that you got to know him the more you realized deep down he was a good guy. The more I got to know her the more I wanted to punch her across the face.
"So, I'm sure you're curious what I'm doing just showing up at your house. Right?" She asked, turning to him with a face that said she was going to tell him regardless. He nodded eagerly.
"Yes, very."
"Well then, you are a pitiful excuse for a son." His face twisted up and he looked back and forth between her and I before settling on her.
"What?" He croaked out, instinctively grabbing for my hand under the table. I frowned, remembering the day he'd told me I deserved someone who didn't have to hold their hand under the table. It's not that I didn't understand why we had to hide it, because of course I did, but it still irked me that we still couldn't show who we really were.
"If you actually cared about your poor old mother you would have kept in touch. Or even just watched the news or something and seen that my house burnt down." Kian's eyes went wide and he broke out of my grip to reach across the table for hers.
"What? Did you get out alright?" He asked, concern painted across every single one of his features.
"Well, I'm still standing here, aren't I?"
"Mom, I am so sorry."
"Please dear, how many times have I told you to call me by my real name. You sound like a pathetic child when you refer to me as mom."
"Sorry, I forgot Margaret." I cringed hearing the hurt in his voice. How could a mother treat their child so distant? I'd always had a great home life, and honestly, without it I don't think I would have been able to make it through all that I have.
"Anyway, seeing as my house has been burnt to the ground I am in need of a temporary place to stay. As much as I hate to ask this, and trust me I really do, can I stay with you and your hooligan friends for a couple weeks?" I bit down on my tongue so hard I could taste blood. No. I could not live with this woman for an hour let alone a couple weeks. Kian would be too nervous to do anything physical at all with her in the house. She'd constantly be on our asses about cleaning up. Oh no, Kian, please say no. She's treated you like crap your entire life, she doesn't deserve your kindness.
"Of course! We don't have a spare room though so you'll have to sleep on the couch-"
"No! I am not sleeping in the open where any of those weirdos could walk in on me! I'll stay in your room."
"With me?"
"Well, who else stays in your room?"
"Mom, I mean Margaret, I can't share a room with you."
"Why? Scared I'll find your porn stash?" I smirked when Kian cringed and shook his head.
"No, you snore. And it'd just be all-around weird."
"Then you can stay on the couch because I'm not." Kian nodded but I realized something and spoke up.
"Trevor is coming to stay with us for a bit next week. Kian can just stay in my room." I announce, sneaking a glance in Kian's direction. I could tell how displeased he was with me despite the fact he was smiling.
"That's generous of you, Richard. You know, I always thought you were weird because of your lisp but you are actually a decent guy." I forced a horribly fake smile on my face and nodded mechanically. I was definitely a lot stronger than I was in school, but hearing people mention my lisp still drove me crazy. Kian must have known because I felt him squeeze my thigh supportively a second later.
"Alright, now that that has been sorted out, we can order! You're paying, right Kian?" I stared at him, begging him with my eyes to say no to her, just for once in his life. Instead he nodded in her direction eagerly.
"Of course!"
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