That night I was stretched across my bed and Kian was sprawled out on my floor. He was sitting on his laptop editing while I played Pokemon. Though I did look away from the screen to stare at his butt more times than I'd like to admit.
"Ricky, I hate the way this video turned out."
"It's fine, post it anyway." I say, not looking away from my screen.
"You haven't even watched it."
"Yeah, but I've heard it thirty times." Kian threw one of my stuffed animals at me and I finally looked up. He was not laying on his stomach anymore and was instead on his knees looking up at me expectantly.
"Come watch it and give me your opinion. I skipped a date to watch over you tonight." He pleaded, throwing a second stuffed animal in my direction.
"I didn't exactly ask you to do that." I complained but crawled off the couch anyway. I sat down beside Kian and lazily laid my head on his shoulder. He sighed but didn't shrug me off so that was a start.
"See? I'm so awkward during intros." As the video progressed I found myself spending more and more time looking up at Kian. Not because it was boring but Kian's reactions to it were even more interesting.
"Alright, that's the ending what do you think? I should film something else, right?" I closed my eyes and smiled.
"Nah, it's fine." I say drowsily. Kian shoves me off his shoulder and I look up at him, confused.
"How would you know you weren't even paying attention! You just watched me the entire time!" He huffed, crossing his arms. I giggle as he glares over at me.
"Well, maybe you shouldn't make such cute reaction faces." His glare lightens up a bit.
"Ricky P Dillon, are you flirting with me?" I smiled cheekily and leaned back onto his shoulder.
"No." I whisper, not able to keep a straight face as I say it. It really is like a middle school crush, I've never been this absolutely infatuated with a person before.
"What am I going to do with you?" He says, shaking his head and wrapping an arm around me.
"Anything you want." I mumble into his shoulder. His laugh brightens my mood even more.
"Are you horny tonight or something?" I can hear the click of the mouse so I assume he's started working on the video with his free hand.
"No." I defend, shaking my head into his shoulder.
"I really shouldn't put up with this, I almost feel like I'm leading you on."
"But you're not. You told me very clearly we aren't going anywhere and I respect that."
"Then, if you don't mind me asking, why are you still trying?" I raise my head to look up at him. He glances down at me out of the corner of his eye and smiles encouragingly.
"I said I respect it, not that I accept it."
"So you think you can convert me to your homosexual ways?" He taunts, closing his laptop to pay more attention to me. Kian must be in a good mood to play along with me like this, either that or he's already converting to my homosexual ways.
"I can try." I'd planned on a more witty comeback but something about how close Kian's lips were to mine made my mind draw a blank. I tried my hardest to keep from looking at them but my eyes just kept trailing down to them.
"Well, good luck then." He said, pulling my chin up so I have to look him in the eyes. I try desperately to swallow the lump in my throat to no avail. Kian has rendered me speechless.
"You really are kind of pathetic." He smirks, getting up and leaving me sitting in the middle of my floor frustrated. I'm beginning to wonder if him giving me the cold shoulder was any better than playing these mind games.
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