[Alexandra is not to be used in your stories, DO NOT ASK TO USE HER, thank you :)]
The pirate known as Alexandra (only her brother and the captian call her Alex [and me because I made her :P]) is a bold, cunning and sarcastic young lady.
Her story starts when her mother was killed mysteriously when Alex was 4.
She was left to be rasied by her drunk/nutty father and older brother [name not yet decided]
Her father taught her one thing and it was to shoot a hand pistol.
At 8 she was given an anti-possession necklace with a pentagram, a jar of salt and an angel's wing charm on it from an old lady in town who said Alex's mother was killed by 'no human nor animal'
She would often steal to eat (her brother made her so if she was caught she could act cute and persuade them into giving it to her) but when she turned 10 she started to steal more valuable things that looked nice.
At the age of 14 she would often steal off boats while the inhabitants are off around the village but one day she was caught by a man with a deep voice and crew of men behind him.
The man turned out to be a captain of a Pirate crew and would demand the people from towns would join his crew. [Captain has no name yet]
The captain has never had a woman on board nor a child but he needed someone to steal for him, so he dragged her to his cabin and told his crew to set sail.
Alex thought he was gonna rape or kill her but he turned around, laughed and welcomed her to his family.
For the next 4 months she was taught to beg and barter, to use weapons such as sabers and muskets.
The ship often stops for food, alcohol and ammunition, and on these stops Alex would wonder on her own, the captian gave up on trying to keep her on task as long as she got back with the supplies before they set sail.
She lived of the ship from there on out.
She would act adorable to get what she needed till she got to old to which she learned and mastered the act of seduction.
She will often steal items she finds interesting but she would never use them often selling off less important items for food or clothing for herself.
She keeps to her self but often enjoys watching the crew make a fool of them self (sometimes joining in if it's a bar game she will win)
She can out drink the younger crew members (and even some of the old boys)
She acts all brooding and mean but she likes to watch the children play (maybe because she never got a real childhood) in the towns they stop at and even made the captian get a cat (or two) for the ship.
Alex once went back to her old town, while there she found a merchant, he recognised her necklace, turns out he's her brother, he told her their father died in a bar fight a few years ago.
They had a fight, she slashed his face causing a small cut but when she realized what she had done she dropped her dagger and stumbled towards him crying trying to stop the bleeding, he was stuned but brought her into a hug.
Her brother wanted her to stay but she was happier on the seas, he wished her well and sent her off with a wooden carved cat, some baked goods from his wife and cried well past her seting sail.
[Hi guys I cosplay Alexandra on tiktok (yes I know go on judge me) so if you want more of her just head over to Foxy Tatty on there.
I made a youtube video for this but hey it can't be found even with the url.
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