* These next few characters are for a story idea. You may use them if you use my story but still ask *
Name: Abbey
Nickname(s): Abs
Parents: can't be bothered naming them but they are both there
Age: 16
Unknown fact: she is a guardian (which you can read about in my story ideas book) but guardians are considered myth even to mystics
Something they hate about themselves: she has naturally fluffy hair and can't tie it up
Personality: kind, helpful, sarcastic, smart
Hair: shoulder lenth, fluffy, light brown with side fringe
Something from their childhood: a necklace airloom
Extra: she lives and works at a mystics orphanage run by her family for generations. She also tutors mystics.
At school she hangs out with a strange group of friends.
Her best friend being Jan (he's also her crush)
She's from a world where "monsters or as they're called now mystics exist but are pretending to be human.
Since she is a guardian she can heal minor injuries.
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