|||Perciver (Percy Weasley Oliver Wood)
Now here is a very minor ship involving two underrated/minor characters. Oliver Wood And Percy Weasley! And yes these are two characters who you would not expect to be apart of a ship. Percy And Oliver attended Hogwarts together and were in the same year and House, and I am actually kinda thankful to the person who first comes up with this ship, as even though it is probably the strangest of all ships mentioned in this blog, I think they are super cute and I love seeing fan art for these two! Also this fanart I found on Tumblr is just super amazing and I'm jealous of all the amazingly talented artists out there!
I'm not even sure how I came across this ship, but the important thing is that I did. Now, I'm hooked for life!! Maybe a friend recommended it to me...? It doesn't matter.
Perciver: Percy/Oliver, a.k.a what happens when you have a young and unreliable narrator, two endearing minor characters, and a penchant for filling in the missing pieces of your favourite story.
I didn't start out shipping Percy and Oliver, but I got there soon enough, and soon you will too.
I realized out of the blue one day that Percy and Oliver were roommates at Hogwarts. I imagined them initially annoying each other to no end but soon developing a grudging then wholehearted respect for each other's tenacity and ambition. I imagined them being the only people who could genuinely enjoy each other's company for extended periods of time without becoming tired. I imagined them studying together and turning the dorm into a whirlwind of notes and papers and transfigured pineapples, much to the chagrin of their roommates. Before long, it became clear to me that they would be perfect together. Now, I hope to convince as many people as I can that Perciver is meant to be.
Percy and Oliver share many of the same personality traits but not so many that they'd be completely incompatible.
Both are exceptionally talented men who are relentless in the pursuit of their goals. Out of all their Hogwarts peers, they alone would understand and be captivated by each other's passion and drive, even if they both are obsessed with different things. They alone would be able to keep up with each other's energy. Two intense people do not always have to drive each other up the wall; they could just as easily have become fast friends at Hogwarts.
Percy and Oliver were roommates for 7 years.
Oliver might have made sure Percy got enough sleep before an exam, and Percy might have made sure Oliver was eating in the days before a big match. They would have generally driven their roommates crazy with their idiosyncrasies. Perhaps they developed feelings for one another but never thought much of it. Not all close friendships are the foundation of a romantic relationship, but it certainly helps to know the other person, as well as Percy and Oliver, do.
Oliver isn't a brainless jock.
It's easy to imagine Oliver as a slacker whose passion for Quidditch leaves little time for academics. Were this the case, Percy wouldn't be very interested in him; it's true. But it isn't too much of a stretch to imagine that Oliver is just as focused in the classroom as he is on the pitch. He's not an idiot; by applying his meticulous strategy skills, focus, creativity, and drive, he could easily be top ten in his class and could certainly manage to impress Percy.
Percy doesn't hate Quidditch.
It's easy to see Percy as a high-and-mighty scholar who looks down on the primitive sport. But Percy watches and discusses matches with his family, attends the World Cup with them, and even bets Penny ten Galleons on a match when he doesn't have the money. Believe it or not, even Percy Weasley likes to have fun once in a while. He may not be talented on a broom, but if his reaction to Gryffindor winning the Quidditch Cup is anything to go by, he at least has a healthy appreciation for the sport. Oliver and Percy would both appreciate that the other has a healthy interest in his chosen passion.
Percy and Oliver would have reconnected after the Battle of Hogwarts.
Percy Weasley, for all his flaws and major mistakes, is not irredeemable. Oliver would understand what it was like to want to prioritize your dreams over everything else in your life. Especially after escaping the Ministry, fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts, and suffering the tragedy of Fred's death, his old friend's presence in his life would have really meant a lot to Percy. Perhaps they were flatmates after the war; they had lived together before, so it would have made sense to do so again. A few years after the end of the Second Wizarding War seems like a natural starting point for their romantic relationship.
Their relationship would be built on mutual respect and deep admiration for one another.
Percy went to every Hogwarts Quidditch match and would certainly continue to cheer Oliver on when he played for Puddlemere. Oliver would listen for hours to Percy talking about cauldron standardization not only because it's an interesting subject but also because Percy is so enthusiastic about it. They would unequivocally support each other and encourage each other to pursue their dreams. They would balance each other out and ground each other when needed. They would highlight each other's strengths and accomplishments because they both understand the need for encouragement. They would really, truly be perfect for each other.
They really remind me of Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt from "Parks and Recreation", and if that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.
Oliver: "When I first met you, I thought you were a fascist hardass."
Percy: *looks offended*
Oliver: "A cute fascist hardass!"
Percy: "Sometimes when we disagree, you're so passionate I feel like I'm arguing with the sun!"
Oliver: "What? That's crazy! I AM SUPER CHILL ALL THE TIME!"
Have I convinced you now to ship Perciver? :3
Rating: 10/10
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