|||Lunarry (HarryxLuna)
Um... I'm sorry I just don't ship it. xD
However, I do get why people ship them together. But Lunarry just isn't my cup of Tea.
Luna was first introduced as an important character in the third book. She was this strange, intriguing, girl that nobody really understood. She was always very supportive of Harry and understood him from the start. One of my favourite quotes of hers, "Don't worry, you're just as sane as I am." She saw the Thestrals and was the bravest of the six in the department of mysteries fight.
She helped publish Harry's article in The Quibbler. Luna spent hours painting Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Neville with the word 'friends' traced around them. She was the only one that Harry felt comfortable with, even when he was the most popular boy in school. Luna has so many amazing, wondrous, and insane qualities about her, Harry couldn't help but feel attracted to her as a friend, because they were so similar. Both seen as crazy. Both murder witnesses. Both treated terribly, though in separate environments. Harry unconsciously loved her so much, he named his only daughter after her. (Lilly Luna Potter)
Let's look at Ginny:
Ginny always liked the idea of going out with the Boy who Lived, but that was just a little girl's fantasy. JK wanted Harry and Ginny to be together so much that she forgot to develop both Ginny's character and their relation ship, making it much easier for fans to write and dream about Harry and Luna, as opposed to Harry and Ginny.
Movie!Hinny was a fail. Movie!Lunarry was not. DanRad shipped it and it showed in his acting. He happened to be sweet around Evanna (Luna), and awkward and lifeless around Bonnie (Ginny.)
If you ask me, Luna/Harry is way too similar to Hermione/Harry. Or to be more specific, the reasonings behind Luna/Harry are wayyyy too similar to Harry/Hermione (further proven by the existence of the "Lunar Harmony" OT3.)
Harry/Hermione shippers scream, "Hypocrisy!", at Romione shippers, who use the "it's good that H and Hr didn't end up together because it shows that a girl and a boy can be best friends." The reason we use that logic is that unlike them, we're not interested in turning Harry into some kind of death eater, so he won't get in the way of Romione. We just respect Harry and Hermione's preferences and prefer them as friends. However, I've never actually heard a Harry/Hermione shipper say that Ron/Hermione is their brotp. I've never heard a Luna/Harry shipper say that Harry/Ginny is their brotp (maybe because they know that as long as Ron and Ginny are nearby, Hermione and Harry won't have eyes for anyone.) Most of them are just interested in turning Ron and Ginny into villains, or belittling their relationships. Yet....most Romione and Hinny shippers that I know are in no way threatened by Harry's friendship with Luna and Hermione. We like the Luna and Harry friendship. We like Harry and Hermione's sibling relationship (we just hate it when people exaggerate it and use movie fanon to support it.) We're not interested in separating Hermione from her baby brother (although, we do like pointing out that Harry prefers Ron to Hermione...so you guys won't get carried away like you did in the olden days. It's fun. It's a fact. Yes, Harry prefers it when all three of them have fun together. And so do I, because when one of them is missing, it feels empty. But Harry would be happier about spending alone time with Wheezy, than spending alone time with Hermy. It is what it is.)
Anyway...Both ships revolve around the "underdog girl/hero" ship and both shippers turn Harry into a prize. While there's nothing wrong with the nerd/hero ship, there is something messed up about the reasoning. See, most of the fandom consists of underdogs, introverts and nerds. Fans (mostly female fans) relate to the bossy, bushy-haired know-it-all who loves books (Hermione.) Fans also relate to the eccentric girl who got bullied (Luna.) Ginny Weasley being a popular, pretty, and athletic girl makes her a "threat" to the nerdy girls. People find it difficult to relate to her. They've spent their lives being jealous of all the "Ginnys" because they were everything that the Hermiones and Lunas wanted to be. And they've completely missed the point of all of the characters tbh. Ginny Weasley was more than just the popular jock. She had her weaknesses, and her vulnerabilities. Harry isn't some walking penis who gets attracted to any girl who shows interest in him. Hermione and Luna weren't special because of their love interests. They were special because of who they were as people. They never needed to "get" the hero to hold up as some kind of trophy which read, "Look at me! I got the hero and that's the only reason I'm so special! Take that Ginny Weasley! Guess the ugly duckling got the guy! Haha, I won and you lost!" This line of thinking makes me very sad. It worries me how Lun*rry and Harmione shippers complain about being "robbed" and how their ships "should've" been endgame. Hermione and Luna never needed to end up with the hero for validation. They were heroes themselves. And Harry is no one's prize. He never owed Hermione or Luna anything. He was never attracted to them.
In the end, people ship Harry with Luna, not for any reason grounded in the text or logic, but simply because they like Luna the most and there were enough interactions between them to make the pairing theoretically plausible, since she was only one of four dateable women to have that level of interactions with Harry.
Harry and Luna are able to bond with one another over their losses and Feelings of alienation. Those being the loss of dear ones and Their reactions to it being, feeling lonely, they are able to empathise with each other in a much deeper level than Ginny whom while yes, felt alienated when Voldemort possessed her, couldn't really empathise with Harry's loneliness, as she's popular and blessed with a family who loves her.
Not only that Harry and Luna are also able to find respect in their differences as well. As Harry respect her view in the world and applies a bit of it into his. And Luna Understands and respect Harry's needs for loneliness and isolation.
Respect one's difference is a big part of investing your self into another person being friendship or romance. While Harry and Ginny Do have some common ground, they aren't able to appreciate their differences while Luna and Harry can.
I may not ship this but I hope that you and whoever has read this can maybe come to terms with liking this ship. I mean, the ship did die a couple of years ago but people still ship it just like we Drarrioners do. :)
*drops the mic and walks off the stage*
Rating: 4/10
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