|||Gastoria (Ginny x Astoria)
Why has apparently no one ever thought of shipping Ginny and Astoria? Just think about it! That would be kinda cute, wouldn't it? First of all, let's talk in-depth about Astoria from the first 7 books.
We never got to see much of Astoria besides the end of Deathly Hallows at the Train Station (And, of course, Cursed Child but I don't believe it is Canon), so we don't know that much about her like her Hogwarts House. Yes, her Hogwarts House. That would be helpful to know in this chapter, it was never mentioned at all in the books. :/ As her older sister, Daphne Greengrass, who was two years older than Astoria and in the same year as the Golden Trio and was in Slytherin house, we assume Astoria's in Slytherin with Daphne. We don't know much about her personality, like if she was rude, snappish, judgemental, cunning, ambitious, etc the main representation of what the Slytherin's were like in the books. Not saying all Slytherin's are rude because I know they aren't, my best friend's a Slytherin. c:
The Golden Trio never met Astoria during their Hogwarts years, as far as we know from the books as J.K.Rowling wrote the books pretty much about Gryffindor, then later on adding characters from other Houses. But her older sister Daphne Greengrass was mentioned a few times, but there weren't any conversations between her and The Golden Trio either. J.K.Rowling doesn't give much information about the Greengrass's besides the fact that Astoria Greengrass married Draco and had a son with him, Scorpius. Shame, I would have loved to get to know Astoria personally from the books. And her older sister too.
During the Battle of Hogwarts, as she was too young to fight, she was escorted out of Hogwarts with the younger Hogwarts students. The events of the second wizarding world during her teenage years made Astoria espouse a more tolerant life view, turning back on her family's blood purity ideals. As for Scorpius, she refused to raise him with the belief that muggles were Scum, which tells us a little of her personality and views of Pureblood Supremacy.
The only thing I recalled her saying which was to Scorpius is: "Sweets, they always help you make friends."
That's adorable. 😂 Honestly, I love her now even though she said just that one line.
Now, who do we see her as? Well, as she married Draco Malfoy in the end, we all, or if not some of us figured she was just as rude as Draco to Harry, Ron and Hermione in their Schooling Years but to others in her year. But what if she wasn't? Maybe she was this kind, witty, empathetic gorgeous person that most people adored. As some sisters do, I'm sure Astoria would have looked up to her older sister with how to act and make friends. But maybe not?
What were the Greengrass family like? We know they're a part of the Sacred 28 Wizarding Families and probably had a lot of Wealth, and like the Weasley's, Abbot's, Longbottom, McMillian, Prewett, and a few other families, their family didn't follow Voldemort. Well, their family name wasn't mentioned at all besides Deathly Hallows Part 2. As for the Greengrass's Pure-blood status, I'm certain their parents brought the two sisters up in the ideals of Pureblood Supremacy. But what if Astoria didn't care much for the whole Supremacy thing? Could she have had muggle-born and half-blood friends in her year?
So many questions that are unanswered. :>
And now to Ginny. She's a sassy, funky, bad-ass, beautiful woman that we all grew to love in the books. (Though some people hate her.) I don't even have to explain it to you. We all know what she's like. XP
Now, onto Gastoria. Really? Gas- Lol. I'm sorry. How about... Gintoria? Astinny? Astorinny?
Fanfiction honestly needs more gays and lesbians in it as well. Especially teen fanfiction. There is not enough same-sex shipping going on. And in movies as well.
I would have loved to see more interaction with Astoria in the books to get to know her in a whole different view. Astoria seems really nice, from the minimal interaction we get with her from the end of Deathly Hallows Part 2. Ginny and Astoria would have been such a cute couple, wouldn't you think? Ginny is the sporty one and Astoria... I'd see her as the best-dressed in Hogwarts or at least in her Hogwarts house. It's sort of hard to understand Astoria and who she was in Hogwarts. All thanks to J.K.Rowling. At least we have fanfiction. (:
Anyway, here are a few Headcanons I love. c:
- Ginny and her family were down in the Leaky Cauldron's bar a day after coming back from their holiday in Egypt. They were ordering food for lunch when Ginny's attention lay on the Floo were a pretty dark-haired girl dressed poshly in a purple dress and a cream coat who looked her age, though she doesn't recognise her from Hogwarts, stepped out from the bright green flames. The scent of Rose and Lavender filled Ginny's nose and was so captivating that she sniffed it in and sighed. Then following from behind her, an older blonde-haired girl and a tall well-dressed mother with the older sister's blonde hair.
Ginny didn't know what it was, but she wanted to be the dark-haired girl's friend. It was just a... a need, a feeling. The dark-haired girl looks around the room with her walnut brown eyes and then locks eyes with Ginny, and Ginny quickly smiles at her, feeling her face burn, and as the pretty dark-haired girl smiles back, she looks away and focuses on what Hermione, Ron, and Harry were talking about while feeling a wave of happiness rush over her. She looked from Hermione to Ron, then at Harry, who she noticed was looking at her curiously. Embarrassed that she had just been caught, she just mutters a "Shush," and looks down at the table.
- The next day on Platform 9 3/4, Ginny thinks she sees the same dark-haired girl walking onto the Hogwarts Express with her older blonde sister. So after saying goodbye to her mother, Ginny walks onto the Hogwarts Express first in search of a compartment and totally not to look for the pretty dark-haired girl. She finds the compartment the girl's in, and she quickly glances in, seeing the young girl seated and reading on the other side of the compartment from her older sister who's surrounded by her two best friends. She then walked away, curious about who the girl is.
- In the Great Hall that evening, Ginny watches the 1st years get sorted, and among those first years was that pretty dark-haired girl that's always captured her eyes. She watches closely as the girl named Astoria Greengrass finally gets on the stool and the hat was placed on her head, before shouting "SLYTHERIN!" (That's just for the headcanon. In most fanfics I've read, she's usually a Slytherin with her older sister.)
This confused Ginny. She knew Gryffindor's and Slytherin's didn't get along much as she knows, the houses despise each other. But that didn't stop her from wanting to make a new friend. That was it though. How will she get to know this Astoria girl? She noticed she was being stared at, not by one but by two people and she flushed bright red. Hermione and Harry were whispering to each other and looking at Ginny. Ron was too bust stuffing his face with chicken to notice.
"What?" Ginny hissed at them quietly.
Hermione smiles and shook her head, "Nothing," she tells her, then elbows Harry in the side. "Right, Harry?"
"Right," said Harry, forcing a smile as he feels where Hermione's elbow hit over his ribcage. "Yes, nothing."
Ginny rolls her eyes and sighs then as she looked up, she locked eyes with a certain Slytherin's with those walnut brown eyes. Astoria waves and smiles at her, and Ginny can't help but wave and smile back. Then she notices the two cute little dimples on Astoria's face that she hadn't seen before.
- Ginny rushed through the corridors, glancing behind her every now and then from worry that she was being followed by a black dog, and suddenly she falls over after thinking she crashed into a wall when she wasn't looking, but instead when she looked at the person beside her, it was the pretty dark-haired girl with walnut coloured eyes. A small pile of books were beside the girl, and an aroma of roses and lavender surrounded Ginny. It was such a captivating scent to her, so rich and pretty.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Ginny says softly, picking up Astoria's books for her, her curtain of red hair framing her flushed face.
Astoria smiles, the two small dimples appear on the girl's face that Ginny suddenly wants to poke her finger into. "It's alright," she replies kindly, tucking her dark hair behind her ears. "Oh, hey, I saw you at the Leaky Cauldron the other day, didn't I?"
"Yes, that was me," Ginny said lightly, nodding with a returned smile, handing Astoria back her books. "I'm Ginny, by the way. Ginny Weasley."
"I'm Astoria Greengrass," the girl named Astoria says brightly, her brown eyes shining. Ginny was afraid the girl would think little of her as she's a Weasley and most Pure-bloods think of her family as 'Blood-traitors', but the young girl didn't look disgusted at her at all which relieved the Gryffindor. "Weasley... hmm... oh, you have older siblings?" Ginny nodded shyly. "That's so cool!"
And from then and on, as they headed off towards Gryffindor Tower, they got to know each other a little. Ginny learnt about Astoria's older sister Daphne, and she in return told Astoria about her six brothers and mentioned her family. Astoria was surprised to find out just how many siblings Ginny had, and had asked if she can meet them someday. Ginny agreed of course as she'd planned on telling her family of her new friends she'll make anyway.
- Outside of the Transfiguration class one day, Ginny sees Astoria walking down the corridor with three other girls, one other Slytherin, a Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff. Feeling rather jealous that she isn't amongst that group of girls, she stands like a robot facing the front where McGonagall then opens the door and lets Ginny's classmates inside.
Ginny walks inside after a blonde-haired Ravenclaw girl and sits in the back of the classroom alone. She knows that getting upset about Astoria's new friends won't get her anywhere. She figured it was best to find the girls and introduce herself to them.
"Hello," said a soft voice, and Ginny looked up from her desk, seeing that same Raveclaw with long blonde hair who Ginny doesn't see that often. "I'm Luna."
"Hi..." Ginny replies and gives the girl a little smile. "Uhm... did you want to sit with me?" She wanted to be kind and thought that maybe she'd make a friend. At least she wouldn't be alone in most of her classes.
Luna's silver eyes lit up and she nodded. "That would be lovely," she says, and she slips into the seat next to Ginny, putting her items on the desk. "You're very nice, Ginny."
Ginny chuckles. "Thanks, Luna," she then whispers as McGonagall starts the lesson. "You're uh... very nice too." And that's when she made a new friend. It wasn't too bad. Luna was a little odd with her ways and her turnip earrings, but that was the unique thing about her new friend that she found was quite beautiful.
- "Ginny, wait!"
Ginny, who was walking with Luna in the corridors of Hogwarts to the Hogwarts Library, stops and turns as she hears that familiar sweet voice. She sees Astoria and her three best friends walking up to her and Luna. "Oh, what a surprise," she says. "Astoria, hello!"
"The surprise is actually all mine," Astoria replies lightly with a pretty dimpled smile, causing's Ginny's cheeks to redden a little, and she put her arms around Ginny in a tight hug and kissed her freckly cheek, to Ginny's utter surprise. "Oh?" She then acknowledges the girl beside Ginny. "And who is your friend here?"
"Luna Lovegood," Luna says softly, a little shyly too. "Nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too, Luna," Astoria says politely, leaning out of the hug with Ginny who looked a little stunned, her cheeks blazing red and warm. "I'm Astoria Greengrass. Any friend of Ginny's is a friend of mine. And on the note of greetings, I'd like you both to meet my best friends Tahlia, Octavia, and Renee."
"Hello," says a tall girl with long strawberry blonde hair, wearing black glasses and a dark blue long-sleeved plaid dress, standing to the right of Astoria. She looked curiously at Ginny, though she had a smile on her face as if she knows something that her three other friends don't.
"Hi, I'm Tahlia," said the girl standing to the left of Astoria, her black hair cut into a bob, wearing what looks like male muggle clothes. Just a red flannel long-sleeved shirt with a black top underneath and black skinny jeans.
"I'm Octavia, nice to meet you," said the last girl next to Tahlia, her chocolate brown hair tied up in a messy bun, her choice of clothing a green plead skirt, a black shirt and a light green cardigan.
"I'm happy to finally meet you guys," Ginny says, extending her hand to them for a handshake while still not being able to come to the fact that Astoria had kissed her cheek. It felt so incredible at the time like a pure angel had kissed her. Octavia, Tahlia, and Renee shook her hand while Ginny's mind was focused on the warm feeling in her cheeks from where Astoria's lips had been. "I've always wondered when seeing you four together, who the other three were. I admit I was a little jealous when I first saw you guys together."
"Awh," Astoria says sweetly with her hand over her heart. "You really shouldn't be jealous, Ginny. The only person who should feel jealous is me."
Ginny scoffed in disbelief. "What exactly are you jealous of, Astoria?" she asks at once, her smile hard and disbelieving. She didn't think there'd be anything about her that Astoria would be jealous of.
Astoria just smiles. "You'd be surprised," she says with a quick glance up and down of Ginny. "There's a lot about you that I'm jealous of. Would you like it if I were to name a few?"
Ginny shook her head, though her mind was telling her to ask what Astoria is jealous of that's about her. "Maybe some other time," she decides to say as she was quite curious still. what could she possess that Astoria's jealous of?
"Alright," Astoria says gently. Though she really did want to tell Ginny what exactly she's jealous of. Maybe some other day, as Ginny had said.
"Just a quick heads up," Tahlia spoke up. "I go by Zey/Zem pronouns. But I don't mind if you forget about my correct pronouns, people always do and I'm used to it. Even my muggle friends at home forget to use them. Oh, and I'm also Pan which means I like all genders."
"Tahlia and I are muggleborns," Renee says with a knowing smile at Ginny. "And I'm bisexual too."
Ginny nodded her head. She gets confused with all these pronoun things as she rarely uses any others besides she/her and he/him, and she hasn't heard of Pan before. She didn't even think about Astoria having muggle-born friends. "That's cool," she answers with a smile. "I'll try and remember your pronouns. Didn't know zey/zem and Pan was even a thing until now."
"Well, now you know," Tahlia said brightly with excitement as she taught someone else the pronouns. Ginny laughs and Tahlia joins in.
"Are you the only uh... trans person in this group then?" Ginny asks after her laughter her died down. She doesn't know any Trans people in Hogwarts, and she thinks that maybe they like to keep to themselves and not tell anyone.
"Yeah, actually," Tahlia says with a nod. "But I don't mind. I'm just unique."
"And that you are," Astoria says, clutching Tahlia in a tight side-hug. "But we're all unique in our own way."
"Very true," Ginny whispers as she looks at Astoria, whising she could have another hug from Astoria. Oh, and another cheek kiss too. That felt incredible.
Luna looked from Ginny to Astoria and smiled. She's noticed Ginny watching Astoria over the past few weeks of being friends with her and at first thought nothing of it but now she sees something different. Something... interesting but hasn't quite figured it out yet. It's quite new to her.
- During the Summer Holidays, Ginny became a little closer to Hermione and developed a good friendship with her when she started staying over at the Burrow before the Quidditch World Cup. And one night before bed, Hermione had asked Ginny about Astoria and their friendship. Ginny, blushing at the mention of Astoria, just told her it was only that, a friendship. Hermione didn't seem to believe her, and to stop the conversation, Ginny wished Hermione a good night and just lay on her side and closed her eyes.
- At the Quidditch World Cup, Ginny sees Astoria with her sister walking around the tents, wearing Ireland merch for supporting the Ireland Quidditch Team. They looked quite well-dressed. The sisters were both wearing a long sea-green dress with white lace around the sleeves, but Astoria wore on her head a green shiny pillbox hat with elegant green feathers, and Daphne wore a green beret on top of her head. Astoria had the Ireland flag painted across her forehead, and Daphne had a painted flag over her cheeks. Wow. She wanted to go say Hi, so after choosing a bed in the tent, she asked her father if she could go meet up with a friend.
Of course, Arthur agreed but asked her to be back before the Quidditch match starts. Ginny excitedly thanked her father, kissed his cheek, and hurried out of the tent. She finally caught up to the two, who she noticed are both giggling.
"Hey, Astoria!" Ginny yells and smiles brightly at the sight of her friend giggling at whatever they were talking about that was funny. "You both look so pretty!" She eyes Astoria as she says that as she couldn't take her eyes off her. "And what are you giggling at?"
Astoria blushed and beamed at Ginny, her smile lighting up Ginny from within. "Aw, thank you," she replies sweetly. "You look beautiful too!" Ginny felt her face redden from the compliment, she didn't agree with her as she only wore a Green hat with a shamrock and green everyday clothes.
"Thank you, darling," Daphne says to Ginny, her smile wide and cheerful. "It's Ginny, isn't?" Ginny nods her head. "Yes... I've heard so much about you from my dear sister Astoria." Her younger sister glares at her, and Daphne just laughs softly and looks back at the Gryffindor girl." And we just saw two guys kissing by their firepit outside their tent. They are in my year, both Gryffindor's... Dean and some Irish guy. Forgot his name. Shane... Shame... yeah, I forgot."
"What?" Ginny asked in disbelief and with pride at the great news. So the was another gay couple in Hogwarts? How exciting! She's seen some males snogging each other in the dark corners of Hogwarts, and some lesbian couples too. "Do you mean Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnegan? Those two are my older brother's roommates."
"Yes, them," said Daphne with a nod. "It was incredible to see." Astoria nodded along with her in agreement. "Purely magical."
Suddenly, people started coming out of their tents and made their way towards the Arena.
"Well, I've got to go now," Ginny says flatly, not wanting to leave Astoria at all, or Daphne as she seems cool. "Dad wants me back now. I'll see you soon?" Her eyes remain on Astoria, who nodded at her.
"Yes, Ginny," she replies. "Of course."
Ginny smiles at them both, then turns around and leaves back to the tent. Only when she gets back, she's bombarded with questions about where she's been by her brothers. "I just went on a walk!" she tells them. "End of discussion!"
- After the Death Eaters attacked, Ginny looked out for Astoria and Daphne amongst the scurrying people as Fred and George quickly hid her behind a tree in the deep forest, but just couldn't find them. She hoped they were okay.
- Ginny felt relieved when she saw Astoria on the train back to Hogwarts. She even sat with her in the compartment and got to talk with Astoria's three best friends, Tahlia, Rene, and Octavia about the Quidditch World cup and how excited they were for the new year.
Ginny was shocked to hear about the Tri-wizard tournament and that Harry would be in it, though as she looked over at the Slytherin table at Astoria, the Slytherin looked as if she didn't care and was happily chatting amongst her 3 friends.
Ginny walks out of the Gryffindor common room after Neville asked her to the Yule ball, and of course she said yes because she didn't want to let him down. He's a nice guy after all. She wanted to invite Astoria, her friends, and Luna though, and yet she knew she couldn't.
She walked to Charms class one morning alone, thinking of Astoria and what she was up to at the moment, when that was exactly who she ran into as she walked into a different corridor. "Oh, hi!"
"Hello, dear Ginny," Astoria replies, placing her arms around her and just like last time, kissing Ginny's cheek. Ginny wants to ask why Astoria greets her this way, but she doesn't want Astoria to stop it as she quite enjoys the greeting. "How are you and what are you up to today?"
"Eh, n-nnothing much," Giny says quickly, still quite dazed after being kissed again by those pink shiny soft lips. "Neville Longbottom actually asked me to the Yule Ball a few days ago. Of-"
Astoria gasped loudly in what sounded like surprise. "And what did you say?" she asked at once, hiding the jealousy in her voice and features.
"I said yes because I didn't want him to feel left out and have no one to go with," Ginny tells her truthfully, Astoria looking quite proud of her best friend. "He told me that he asked Hermione but she said she's going with Viktor Krum."
"You did the right thing," Astoria assures her gently, not seemingly surprised to find out a Hogwarts student was going with Viktor Krum. Ginny smiles at her. "So... have you picked out a dress and how you'll do your makeup?"
"Nope," Ginny says, shaking her head. "It's only been a few days and I haven't thought of looking for a dress or shoes yet. The Yule Ball is months away."
"Oh merlin, Ginny," Astoria sighs and quickly grasps Ginny's hand, pulling her towards the stairs leading to the stairs to the second floor of the castle. "We're going to find you an outfit. I have heaps just in case for special occasions!"
"You really don't have to," Ginny mumbles, staring down at her hand which was pretty much intertwined with Astoria's. She couldn't take her eyes off Astoria's hands and perfectly rounded manicured nails.
"Oh,but I do have to," Astoria says. "You're my friend and it is one of my duties to make you look fabulous for these kind of events. Not that you need any dolling up as you're perfect," she mutters to herself with a smile.
Ginny blushed as she heard what Astoria had said quite clearly, yet she kept quiet and let Astoria take her down to the Slytherin dungeons and then the girl's dormitories from where Astoria showed Ginny a few of her outfits and shoes to match. Ginny couldn't decide on what to wear so she just went with a long fluffy sparkly yellow dress with yellow dangly earrings (Astoria recommended, and her jaw dropped when seeing Ginny in her dress) and matched with that were some yellow flats as Ginny didn't want to wear heels as she thought she'd trip over something or her own foot and break something. Astoria had giggled at Ginny's reason why she wouldn't want to wear heels.
"Because you now know what colours you'll be wearing - unless in the near future you would like to change the dress you'll be wearing which is completely fine - do you have anyone to do your hair and makeup?" Astoria then asked, tearing her eyes away from Ginny and looking at something over her shoulder.
"I could ask Hermione if she's back from London to do mine," Ginny says. "She'll be going shopping with her mom after school to get her hair and makeup done. But if she's not back, then... I'll come to you?" She was uncertain if Astoria would offer to do her hair and makeup if her older sister Daphne needs help with her own hair and makeup. But Daphne was fourteen and could probably do her own by herself or had her friends do hers.
"Of course!" Astoria says happily with a clap of her hands. "I'd love to doll you up. Oh, and I'll keep the dress, shoes, and earrings for you until the evening of the Yule Ball."
"Alright," Ginny agrees with a nod. She didn't think she'd be able to take care of a pretty dress like that. She believes she'll end up ruining it at some point, and the shoes and earrings. "Thank you so much, Toria."
Astoria blinks at her and smiles at the nickname Ginny gave her. "It's all good, Gin," she replies, deciding to give a nickname to Ginny. It was a cute nickname she believes.
And when the time came by for the Yule Ball, Ginny didn't want to disturb Hermione from her own hair and makeup so as planned, she went to Astoria who was more then happy to help her, of course. As she was inside the 2nd year's Slytherin girl's dorm room, she got dressed in the bathroom into the sparkly yellow dress Astoria lent her and put on the yellow dangly earrings.
When she was done dressing, she let Astoria inside to do her makeup. Astoria opened the bathroom door and stared in awe as she walked in with a little blue makeup bag. "Okay, so I have a few ideas with what to do for your hair and makeup," she says as she opens her makeup bag up and places it on the sink counter.
Ginny nods and looks into the makeup bag, seeing a lot of bits and bobs that she doesn't know what are but has seen her mother use them when going out. She picks up a pink coloured tube, pops the lid off and sees pink shiny lip balm in it. She gives it a little curious sniff and her mind automatically thinks of watermelon. "Oh... watermelon?"
"Yup," Astoria says, nodding as she looks for her mascara and eyeshadow. "It's what I use everyday to keep my lips from becoming dry. I rarely use the strawberry one as I don't like the scent of it." Ginny nods when Astoria points out the grey rounded container in the makeup bag.
"It's cute," Ginny says when running her finger along the black and blue polka dot bow on the side of the bag.
"It's not the only thing that's cute in this room," Astoria mutters with a wink Ginny's way, who of course blushed and laughed.
"Toriaaaa, stop!" Ginny couldn't stop her laughing and her reddening face.
"Alright, alright," Astoria says at last with a bold smile. "Sorry, I'm just stating the truth." Ginny shakes her head, smiling as she looks herself in the mirror. "Now... I won't use any foundation on you as your natural skin and freckles aren't meant to be hidden from the world. They are beautiful and are kind of are apart of who you are."
Ginny hides her blushing face with her hands, and Astoria laughs and pulls Ginny's hands away from her face. "No hiding that face, missy," she says at once. "Now look at me so I can do your mascara, please."
Ginny turns to her and relaxes as Astoria starts applying the mascara onto Ginny's eyelashes, and then after, a shiny yellow eyeshadow blended in with gold glitter. Ginny looked into the mirror at herself, noticing how well Astoria brightened up her face with the eyeshadow and brought out her eyes with the mascara. "Whoa..."
"Exactly," Astoria whispers, staring at Ginny's reflection in the mirror with a proud smile at her work of art. She thought about applying some eyeliner to Ginny's eyes but thought that Ginny looked better without it. "Now for your hair. Daphne taught me how to curl and straighten the hair. What do you think? How would you like your hair?"
"Uh... curled a little?" Ginny askes of Astoria. She honestly doesn't know what she'd like her hair to be for the Yule Ball. Merlin, she wouldn't mind if Astoria could somehow style her hair to look like a ginger swan. At least she'll look quite unique.
"Okay," Astoria says, grabbing a lock of Ginny's red hair from the back and curled it around her wand. As she released the lock of hair, it began to curl on its own into a wavy dolly curl. she did the same with the rest of Ginny's hair, and as she had four more locks to do, she asked, "Are you going to wear any type of lip makeup? Lipstick? Lipbalm? Lipgloss?"
"Lipgloss I guess," Ginny says, distracted by the perfect curl that lay on her shoulder. "Eh... what kind of flavoured lipgloss do you have?"
"A lot," Astoria answers with a laugh. "I have coconut, raspberry, watermelon, strawberry, lemon... Any that ring to you?"
"The coconut one, please," Ginny says. She didn't know coconut lipbalm existed and thought to try it out. Astoria nodded her head and searched through her makeup bag for her coconut lipgloss. She pulls the slightly translucent tube out with a white lid and gives it to Ginny.
Ginny takes it from her and looks at it curiously. "Could you possible apply it?" she asks. "I don't want to mess it up by applying too much or too little."
Astoria agreed and once Ginny gave her lipgloss back, she opened the lid and dabbed a bit on the tip of Ginny's nose. She laughed as Ginny grunts and wipes the lipgloss blob off her nose. "Hold still now..." Ginny relaxed her face yet again as Astoria applied the transparent glossy lip gloss to Ginny's lips, and as Astoria did so, she watched the furry glossed end of the lid press lightly against Ginny's soft pink lips. It distracted her quite a bit, the way the lid tip pressed into the Gryffindor's lip. She blinked and focused on her task of applying lipgloss to her friend's lips. "There. All done! Take a look."
Ginny turned her head and looked at herself in the mirror. It was like staring at a completely different person, a new Ginny Weasley. "Wow..." she says quietly in awe. "You did such an incredible job!"
"Thank you," Astoria says softly. "Now, you have a Ball to head off too, don't you?" Ginny nods her head. "Yes... so let's get your shoes on and head on over there. I'll walk you there if you'd like."
"Neville's actually walking me to the Yule Ball," Ginny tells her, "but... you can come to Gryffindor Tower with me if you'd like to drop me off there. I would like that."
"Alright, sure," Astoria says with a nod, closing up her makeup bag and holding out her arm to Ginny who took it and walked with her out of the bathroom into the dorm room.
"Wow," Tahlia says when she sees Ginny exit the bathroom, looking gorgeous in yellow and complete with ringlet curls. She was seated on her bed, painting her nails black and green. "You look absolutely stunning!"
"Thank you, Tahlia," Ginny replies kindly as Astoria walks over to her bed to grab the yellow flats and gave them to Ginny who quickly shuffled her feet into them. "I wish you both could come with me to the Yule Ball. It'll be so much fun with you both there! Renee and Octavia too."
"I'm not into the fancy ball dresses and such," Tahlia says, blowing on her painted black and green coloured nails. "It never interested me anyway. The only place you'd see me fancy dressed is either at a funeral, a wedding, or a Halloween themed Party."
Ginny nods. "Well, I'll see you tonight when I return from the Ball," she says quickly, leading Astoria to the dorm exit. "I gotta meet with Neville soon. I don't want him thinking I've decided not to go or is abandoning him. Bye!"
They exit the dorm room after a quick goodbye from Tahlia and made their way out of the Slytherin common room and up to Gryffindor Tower. By the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, Astoria stops and turns to Ginny. "Have fun at the Yule Ball, Gin," she says. "Don't forget to smile too. That's your most prized possession."
Ginny chuckles, feeling her face warm up with a blush and she nods her head. "Will do, and thank you so much for everything you've done. You are truly incredible and is the best friend a girl could ever have."
"It's alright," Astoria says. "You look beautiful, by the way, if I haven't told you so already."
Ginny smiles, tucking a lock of her curled red hair behind her ears. "I believe you may have mentioned it," she replies. "And you look beautiful too - uh with or without makeup and a long dress on."
Astoria laughs and cups her mouth, trying to hide her smile and blushing cheeks. "Oh, come here you!" She pulls Ginny towards her and hugs her tightly, and she gives the Gryffindor a lingering kiss on the cheek for good luck in the Yule Ball and hope that she wouldn't step on anyone's toes. Neville's especially. Oh, and because she could and loved to kiss her as it gave her such incredible feelings deep inside her like fireworks sparking and blowing up.
Ginny just froze, not used to this at all. She loved Astoria's kisses and always wondered why she kisses her cheek in nearly all greetings, and not her other friend's. She would like to kiss Astoria back but didn't want to ruin her lip-gloss, if that were possible. That was an excuse, of course because she didn't know how Astoria would react if she did kiss Astoria's cheek. She doesn't want to find out because her mind is telling her negative things like Astoria slapping her.
Astoria leans away, smiling at Ginny's obvious blushing cheeks. "Well I'll see you after?" Ginny nods. "Have a fun time then!"
"Thanks," Ginny responds, distracted by the feel of the warmth patch on her cheeks where Astoria had kissed her. "I think I will."
Astoria said her goodbyes with a wave of her hand and left with a spin of her heel. Ginny watched her leave for a minute, then turned to say the password to enter the Gryffindor Common Room. As she stepped in, Neville came out, looking worried but when seeing Ginny he looked relieved.
"Are you blushing?" Neville asks.
"No, I had to run to Gryffindor Tower from the girl's bathroom," Ginny tells him simply. But then, as she felt bad for lying, she told him the truth. "Um... sorry, I'm blushing because my best friend Astoria had kissed me. I err..." She, if possible, blushed a darker shade of red at the confession.
"You like her?" Neville asks, a smile slowly making its way onto his lips.
Ginny nods her head. "Yes, I do," she replies, just hoping her face hasn't caught on fire from how warm it feels. "I like her a lot... But enough about my friend, we have a Ball to go to." Neville nods and takes her by the arm, walking her down to the first floor where the Yule Ball will be located.
They walked in together, Ginny was hopelessly looking around for Astoria though she knew she wouldn't be there. she does that a lot it seems, wanting to see that pretty face again. She and Neville watched the Tri-wizard contestants and their partners walk in and start dancing as the music begins. One thing in particular that Ginny notices with the Tri Wizard contestants, is that Harry Potter's quite distracted by something or someone over Parvati's shoulder who didn't seem to mind.
Curious, Ginny looks in the direction Parvati was in but only sees a bunch of older students, Cedric Diggory happily dancing with Cho Chang, Millicent Bulstrode who stood by Daphne and her two friends, and Draco Malfoy next to Pansy Parkinson who didn't look very pleased to be there with her.
Ginny and Neville joined everyone on the dance floor. Ginny just focused on Neville and dancing him, not wanting him to suddenly feel left out or anything, and trying not to get distracted by the thought of Astoria and the cheek kiss.
"You're thinking of her, aren't you?" Neville says as they both spin around with the music with the others on the dance floor. "What's her name? Antasia?"
"Astoria," Ginny corrects him. "And yes, I am. Be quiet about it too, please. I don't want it spreading throughout the school."
"My lips are sealed," Neville says as he glances over to a Slytherin who's dancing with some girl, yet the guy just doesn't seem to be enjoying it. He knows the Italian boy's one of Draco Malfoy's friends, and he hoped the Italian isn't rude just like Malfoy and is decently nice.
Ginny notices Neville staring over her shoulder and grins as she asks, "And who are you staring at, mister?"
Neville blushes and sighs as he looks away from the Italian Slytherin as he locked eyes with the Slytherin's brown eyes. "... A guy in my year."
Ginny gasps in surprise. "I didn't know you were gay, Neville," she says quietly, noticing then as Neville frowns and looks down at his feet. "Or bi," she adds. "And there's nothing to be ashamed of. I like a Slytherin too who's the same gender as me."
"I know there's nothing to be ashamed of," Neville says quickly, quietly, then looking at her. "I just... I don't know how everyone would act if they find out. I don't want to be bullied, especially by... him. But from what I've heard, Bl - my crush seems like a pretty nice guy."
"Okay, listen to me... if anyone ever bullies you, you come tell me straight away," Ginny says firmly. "Nobody's getting bullied because of who they like and what their sexuality is. Do you understand?" Neville nods quickly. "Good! Now..." she smiles, "Who is it you like, Neville? We Gryffindor's stick to our promises, and I promise I won't tell anyone about what we've talked about - not that I would ever tell anyone actually."
Neville hesitated for a minute, before sighing in defeat. He trusts Ginny. "Well, he's in Slytherin, is Italian, and his first name is a breed of a horse," he tells her quietly. "That's all I'll say for now."
Ginny groans, clearly annoyed she didn't get enough information about this dude Neville's crushing on. "Okay... err... Andalusian?" Neville shakes his head. "Uh... Clydesdale?"
"Nope," Neville says.
Ginny sighs, but realizes Neville's voice cracked and she grinned. "So his name is Blaise?" Neville dipped his head his cheeks reddening. "I don't know any Blaise's. Perhaps Hermione or Harry would know? I won't mention your little crush on him to them though. You have my word."
"Thank you, Ginny," Neville says faintly. "You're a good..."
"Friend," Ginny cuts him off as she wants to have more friends. The more the merrier, right? "I'm your friend, that's what I am."
Neville smiles. He doesn't have many friend's. "Thank you then." Ginny nods.
When the dance ended, Ginny led Neville over to a table. "Why don't you go make some more friends?" she suggests quickly. "Or perhaps befriend this Blaise guy? I need to go talk with Hermione if I can. Or to Harry since he's just sitting with my brother, looking quite depressed as usual. Someone give him a Happy potion, honestly.."
Neville laughed nervously. He doesn't think he's brave enough to do such a thing. But... he was put into Gryffindor for a reason. "Alright, I'll see if I can go talk to him," he finally says.
"You will go talk with him," Ginny replies at once. "And good. Now go!" She gives him a little push forward though she had no idea where this Blaise guy was. He could be anyone really. When Neville finally walked away, Ginny headed over to her older brother and Harry. "So... what are you two doing just sitting around, looking all depressed and mopey?"
Harry was staring in a direction to Ginny's right. she couldn't see who Harry was looking at. While Ron was staring at Krum and Hermione, or was until Ginny blocked his line of sight of them.
"Jealous, are we?" Ginny grins at her older brother, who grimaces and tried looking around her back at Hermione.
"No..." Ron drawls. Ginny could tell he was lying.
"Honestly," Ginny whispers and pulls her older brother up from his seat, or tried to but Ron just shook her hand away. "Go ask her for a dance! You'll never get a dance if you don't try! And you," she looks at Harry, "who're you staring at?"
"No one," Harry mutters, still not looking her way.
Ginny stands in front of Harry and looked behind her where Harry was staring at. she only saw a bunch of Slytherin's including Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson and two boys who look like bodyguards, just in dress robes. she looks back at Harry curiously, "Do you like... Pansy Park-?"
"No!" Harry snaps quietly. "She's not the one I'm looking at. I'm looking at the... her date, which I hope he didn't ask her because they look absolutely terrible together."
Ginny raised a brow. "Then... it must be Malfoy?" she asks. And she didn't think Harry would be interested in the two trolls.
Ron splutters. "You like Malfoy, of all people!" he hisses in disbelief.
"No, I mean yes, I mean..." Harry stops there, hiding his face with his hands as he feels his face redden with a blush. "Bloody Hell, Ginny. Why'd you... make me admit it? It's been a bloody secret for... I don't know, years?"
"I didn't admit it, you did, you gronk," Ginny replies flatly, though a genuine smile was present on her face. "And anyway, I've caught the snob looking at you from time to time so I believe you're not the only one with a crush on the opposite house."
"Impossible," mutters Harry. "I haven't taken my eyes off him all night." Ron suddenly snorts.
"Glad you're admitting it," Ginny says with a laugh. "But oh, you must have taken your eyes off him at some point during the dance. He really has been staring at you and not paying attention to that Pansy girl that always hangs around him. He looked pretty jealous of you, as were a few others. I'm doing you a favor here, so go talk to him!"
Harry finally looks at Ginny, as if to consider it, but then shakes his head. "He's surrounded by his Slytherin friends so there's no way I'd be able to talk to him without getting let down and possibly made fun of," he drawls. "And there's no way that blonde would ever like me in the same way."
"We'll see about that," Ginny mutters to herself. She thought about shouting out to Malfoy that Harry wants to snog him but doesn't want to humiliate Harry in front of everybody. "Come on then." She grabs Harry's wrist and pulls him up, this time Harry actually gets up from his seat. "I'm taking you to your prince Ice charming."
Harry didn't comment, he just followed Ginny through the few dancers and students standing around.
"Oi, Malfoy!" Ginny yells through the loud crowds. "Malfoy!"
Malfoy finally looks their way. "What is it, blood traitor?" he sneers. "And Potty, of course. What's wrong with your face, Potter? Been snogging someone so much you started blushing?" Pansy barked out in laughter.
"Ginny, let's just go," Harry says with a glare at Draco who looks pleased more than anything, and Harry crosses his arms over his chest. It was obviously a mistake to come here.
"No, actually," Ginny says calmly, as if not triggered by the name Malfoy had called her. "Harry here wants to talk with you in private," she tells him. "So let's not be shy here, get off your lazy butt and let Harry speak of himself."
"Why does Draco have to speak to Harry at all?" Pansy asks at once. "As far as I know, they aren't friends."
"That's what you think, Miss Parkinson," Ginny says with a knowing smile. "Oh, and Malfoy, don't you have this... obsession with Harry Potter?"
Pansy snorts as if she knows something a little more about what Ginny had mentioned. Suddenly, she yelped in pain as if she was kicked on the shin from underneath the table. Draco was glaring at her.
"So it is an obsession?" Ginny says to Draco, whose face becomes brilliantly pink as he glares at Harry, who flushes and hides behind Ginny.
"Oh I don't know, Weasel, you tell me," Pansy snaps. "Honestly, you haven't heard Draco's annoying ranting about Potter. It goes on for hours! Potter this and Potter that. Potter and his wonderful scar and broomstick. I honestly don't think Draco has anything else on his mind all day except Potter."
Behind Ginny, an amused laugh was heard, and Harry's head, cheeks blushing, peeked up over Ginny's shoulder.
Ginny glares at Pansy for her tone, but then her expression calms as she takes in what the Slytherin girl had said. "Does he really...?" Pansy nodded, grinning. "Well... I certainly haven't been around Harry much to hear him rant about Draco all day, though I'm sure Hermione and Ron have heard it."
"Indeed we have, little sis," Ron walks up to them, bored out of his right mind just sitting there at the table so he decided to come to see what was being said over here. "But I've mostly been seeing Harry stare at the Slytherin's most of his time, not talking about Malfoy. I never knew Harry liked Malfoy until earlier - Owww!" He winces and rubs at where Harry pinched him. "Harry, that hurt!"
"Then shut up," Harry hissed and felt himself blush redder as he locked eyes with Draco's stormy grey ones.
"No, Harry," Ron grinned wickedly, "I won't." He went up to Malfoy, grabbed him by the collar off his dress robe and pulled him off the chair.
"Weasel!" Draco spat and tried wriggling out of Ron's grasp, "Get your filthy dirty hands off me!"
Ron just didn't let go and pushed Draco towards Harry. "Whoops!" Ron said with an innocent smile as Draco fell into Harry's arms. Harry captured Draco easily, his line of sight never leaving Draco's face as he studies him, and Draco stares back dazedly into emerald green eyes for a minute, before gaining control of his emotions and putting on a hard smile.
"Well done, Ronald," Ginny said, clapping her hands with a proud smile at the artwork her older brother had done.
"If you let go of me, I might lead you out of the room to a secluded dark corner of the school," Draco whispers to Harry, forgetting entirely that they're being watched by a few of their friends as he's quite distracted by Harry's looks, his stupid glasses and stupid gorgeous smile, and stupid untidy hair, and bright emerald green eyes that he's been dreaming of loving forever.
"Is that where you take your lovers to snog?" Harry drawls the question, feeling himself become rather jealous of the previous people who've been in that dark corner with Draco, if there has been people.
"I've never been kissed," Draco tells him quietly. Harry looked to be in disbelief as how could anybody not fall in love with the git and not want to kiss him. "Not ever," the Slytherin says firmly. "Never had a need to or wanted to. School's been my main priority."
"Until now...?" Harry says curiously with a slow smile. Draco rolls his eyes, curled his fingers over Harry's collar, and pulls him into a quick kiss. They felt fireworks explode within their souls, lighting their insides up with happiness and love for what they both never had.
"There," Draco says as he pulls away, blushing brilliantly red now from the quick breathtaking kiss he just gave the boy he's always been so intensely fascinated about. Harry looked quite dazed, just staring open-mouthed down at Draco. "First kiss. Now let me go so I can take you to that dark corner for that snogging session."
Quickly, Harry lifted Draco back to his feet and rushed through the crowds of students with Draco's hand in his.
Ginny watched them leave the Great Hall, both boys looking excitedly at each other. She felt real good for what she had done, putting the two together. She looked at her older brother and sighed, just wondering why he hasn't gone up to Hermione to ask her for a dance. She looks around the room, seeing Neville in a far corner of the room talking with a tall curly brown-haired boy. It must be that Blaise guy.
She sits down by the tables, wishing Astoria, her friends, and Luna were with her so she can chat with them andtalk about what's going on in their lives and isn't bored. she locks eyes with a boy, sitting with his mates on another table and gives him a quick smile and looks away. He was a decent looking guy with dark curly hair and a nice smile.
Ginny wants to leave early but doesn't want Neville thinking she abandoned him, though the bloke was chatting happily with Blaise. She decides to wait a little while longer, 10 minutes precisely until she walks over to Neville and Blaise while feeling a little guilty as she was about to disturb them from their conversation.
"Uh... Neville?" Ginny says lightly, awkwardly. "Hi," she says to the tall curly brown-haired boy.
"Hello," Blaise says politely with a smile. He had two dimples, Ginny noticed. But she knew Astoria's were cuter.
"Hi again, Ginny," Neville says, not at all annoyed that she'd disturb him and Blaise's conversation. "I want you to meet Blaise Zabini."
Ginny nods at Blaise courtesly, who nods back at her. "Is he nicer than the other Slytherin's?" she asks Neville with a grin. Blaise certainly seemed nice but she hasn't gotten to know him yet besides a smile.
"He is, yes," Neville tells her with a quick smile. "But there are nice Slytherin's, Ginny. You just have got to stop judging them all."
"I approve then," Ginny says, "with this relationship."
"Friend-ship," Neville corrected her quickly, his cheeks reddening a little.
"And we don't need your approval on our relationship, thank you very much," Blaise says at once, looking down at her from his nose.
"Oh," said Ginny, curiously smiling at Neville. "So it is a relationship then?" Neville sighs and shakes his head, as if in disbelief. Blaise smirks at him. "Well... I'm going to leave now. I've got to give the dress, shoes and earrings back to my friend."
"Alright," Neville says, though Ginny was already walking towards the ballroom exit. She exits the room and starts making her way down to the dungeons, then she realized she doesn't know the password to enter the Slytherin Common Room. Deciding that she can just give the dress, earrings, and shoes back tomorrow, she walks on up to Gryffindor Tower and heads to bed.
In the early morning, she dresses quickly just in some jeans and a long-sleeved orange t-shirt and headed down to the empty common room, Astoria's dress, shoes and earrings in her arms, passing Harry and Draco in a corner of the common room, Harry running his hand slowly through Draco Malfoy's blonde hair the Slytherin's arms were around Harry's waist. Wait... what! She had to make sure it was Draco in the Gryffindor common room with Harry and not her eyes playing tricks on her.
Smiling at them, she continues out of the common room. She met Astoria outside of the Great Hall and gave her items back, and with a quick thank you and a be right back, Astoria rushed back down to the Slytherin Dungeons to put her items away in her trunk in the 2nd year's girl's dorm room and came back up to the Great Hall to have breakfast with Ginny.
"So... how was the Ball?"
Ginny sighs slowly, gaining her memories of last night. "It was alright, but would have been better if you were there," she says and gives her a little wink for a change. Astoria grins, her cheeks pinkening darkly. "Oh! And Neville was really nice. I found out he's got a crush, so I got him to go up to his crush and talk to him. Won't say anything more as I swore to him I wouldn't tell anyone about the lad. Oh, and Harry and uh... a guy hooked up together last night."
Astoria's eyes widened in surprise. "So he likes males then?" she asks at once with excitement. Ginny nodded with a smile. "Oh, how wonderful! I wonder who this guy is? Do you know of him? Did you see him?"
"I think Harry would like to keep his relationship a secret," Ginny tells Astoria before any more questions pop out of that lovely mouth of hers. "If I were him, I wouldn't want the public knowing about who I was dating because of the publicity and pressure put on me because of the 'Chosen One' title."
"Oh, I understand that," Astoria says. "I wouldn't want that either. I like my life the way it is."
"Yeah," Ginny replies, "It's the same for me."
- Ginny was bored, sitting in the Gryffindor common room by the window overlooking the grounds of Hogwarts, watching the rain falling down on the windows. She was startled when someone suddenly sits beside her. It was Hermione Granger. "Oh, hello."
"Hello, Ginny," Hermione says, handing her a cup of tea as she's noticed the young Weasley just sitting here by the window alone for an hour. "How are you and your friend going? That Slytherin girl?"
"Astoria and I are great," Ginny tells her, cupping the cup with her fingers to keep them warm, a smile appearing on her face as Astoria was mentioned. It always sees to appear, her smile. "She's a really good friend. Kind, caring, crafty, pretty..."
"Hm?" Hermione sipped her tea. "Your blushing, Ginny."
"What!" Ginny says at once. she didn't know she was blushing, her mind was distracted by the thought of Astoria. "I didn't realise... must be the tea?"
"Ginny, is there anything in particular that you're not talking with me about?" Hermione asks her carefully. "You know you can talk to you. I'm always here for advice."
"How can you give advice on something that you don't understand?" Ginny asks quickly, and Hermione looked a little taken aback. Ginny noticed this and looked guilty at the older witch. "I'm sorry. You wouldn't understand unless you've..."
"Fallen in love with your best friend," Ginny finishes what she had wanted to say, blushing more as she had come out to Hermione.
"Oh," said Hermione thoughtfully, her smile widening at Ginny. "You're not the only one who's fallen in love with your best friend though. Many people in the world have." she flushed red then. "I know I certainly have, though he is too daft to see it."
Ginny laughs loudly. "Sounds like Ron in a way," she says, not noticing Hermione's cheeks blushing until she does a minute later when her laughter had died down. "Oh... wait... you don't mean my own brother, do you?"
"So about Astoria, "Hermione skips Ginny's question entirely, "Is she interested in dating at the moment? Has she been talking about anyone in particular to you?"
Ginny shakes her head. "No, she hasn't mentioned anyone to me yet," she says. "Or hasn't spoken of dating."
"Okay," Hermione says lightly. "She just might not be interested in dating anyone yet. Maybe in a year's time? So I recommend you start dating - but only if you want to - and get to know a few boys and girls in Hogwarts. But that's only if you want to and if you like the person. Don't just date people to pass the time."
Ginny considered that for a moment. Was there anyone on her mind? Not really, besides Astoria. "I'll consider dating if I find someone attractive,"she tells Hermione. "And thank you for the advice."
Hermione nods her head. "It's no problem at all."
- Ginny was walking to breakfast one morning to meet up with Astoria when her bookbag suddenly fell off her shoulder, onto the floor, and all her books inside it coming out as well. She swore she buttoned it up before she exited the Gryffindor Common Room. She sighed and bent down to pick her books up.
"Oh, let me help you," came a male voice, and Ginny looked up and saw the boy she had seen talking with his mates at the Yule Ball when she was seated alone on an empty table, walk over to her quickly and help pick her books up.
"Thank you," Ginny says, opening her book bag up wide so the boy could put her books back in.
"No worries," the boy says with a smile. It was a very nice smile, Ginny thought. But not as gorgeous as Astoria's with her twin dimples. "I'm Micheal. I saw you at the Yule Ball?" Ginny nodded her head. "Yeah, thought I recognised you."
"I'm Ginny," Ginny says quickly. "It's nice to meet you and all but I'm meeting my friend soon. I don't like keeping her waiting. Perhaps I'll see you around?"
Micheal smiles and nods his head. "Of course, I'll see you around," he says, though it looked as if something was on his mind that he wanted to get out. Ginny didn't seem to realise this and turned on her heel, walking away. "Wait!" He jogged up to her.
Ginny turns back around, folding her red hair behind her ear. "Yeah?"
"I was wondering... maybe do you want to go out with me sometime?" Micheal asks Ginny hurriedly, though he wasn't in a rush to speak his mind. "
Ginny considers the offer, remembering what Hermione told her. "Uh... sure!" she replies at once, giving the boy a wide smile. "Just owl me a date and time and I'll be there."
"How about this Saturday in Hogsmeade?" Micheal suggests, rather happily. "Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop? I can walk you down, we can walk together."
"Sure," Ginny says lightly, nodding. "I can't wait. Now I really must go...: She starts walking backwards and gave Micheal a little wave. "See you!" She turns back around and starts walking away. Only when she heard a yelp, she looks behind her and sees Micheal standing in front of a wall, rubbing his forehead. Laughing quietly, she hurries down to the Great Hall.
Astoria was just about to walk inside the Great Hall, when Ginny pulled her aside. "Hi!" she says in surprise when seeing her best friend.
"Hello," Ginny says, her hands holding Astoria's warm comforting ones. "I have news... uh..." she looks down at Astoria's painted pink nails. "There was this boy and he um..." she looks back up into walnut brown eyes, "asked me out."
Astoria looked sad for a second, but as quickly as a lightning flash, she put on a happy face. "Oh, I'm so happy for you!" she says quickly, beaming brightly. "I never knew you'd find someone so early. Who is he?"
"Thank you," Ginny says lightly. "And his name is Micheal Corner. He's a Ravenclaw student."
"Ohhhh," Astoria says in approval. "Smart, witty, and friendly. He's certainly a keeper, I believe. Anything else I should know about him?"
Ginny shrugs. "I'll get to know him soon on our first date in Hogsmeade this weekend," she says. "He seems like a really nice guy anyway."
"Are you excited?" Astoria asks her.
"Yeah, it'll be my first date," Ginny says, nodding. "Oh, I should tell mom and dad about Micheal after the first date when it's official. How will I come out to Ron?"
"You'll find a way, Ginny," Astoria assures her quietly. "But don't think about it now. You've got a week of thinking about how to tell your brothers and other friends. Let's talk about this more in the Great Hall while we're eating."
Ginny nods, and she and Astoria walk inside the Great Hall together. Tahlia, Renee, and Octavia were seen seated on their separate house tables. "So, what about you? Are you in the dating game yet?"
"No," Astoria says, shaking her head as she walks with Ginny to the Gryffindor Table and sits with her. "I'm not into it yet. I want to wait until I'm ready to date people... girls."
"Oh," Ginny says in surprise at Astoria's coming-out. This excited her. "You're into girls too?"
"Yeah, I am," Astoria replies, smiling at Ginny, her twin dimples showing. "I just don't see myself with any men in the future. Boy's don't intrigue me at all. Only girls do." She looks down at her nails and sighs, almost in a dreamily way. "Girls are just... these pretty angels that just deserve everything, honestly."
"Yeah," Ginny says, agreeing with her entirely as she stares at her for a moment then quickly looking away as Astoria looks up. She dishes her bowl up with warm porridge and adds almonds and blueberries to it.
Astoria suddenly grins, grabs a spoon from the centre, and steals a spoonful of Ginny's porridge.
"Heeeeey," Ginny laughs and swats Astoria's hand away from her porridge with her spoon. "My food!"
"Sharing is caring though," Astoria reminds her, stealing anther spoonful of porridge from Ginny who rolls her eyes and sighs slowly.
"Oh, fine," Ginny says. "We can share." Astoria smiles with her teeth.
(Let's skip some time. A few months, (Ginny's 4th year) to be precise as this has turned into an entire fanfic. Lol.)
- Ginny was watching Astoria Greengrass and her friends from inside the Quidditch Girl's Locker Rooms just before a Quidditch match on a hot summer's day. To Ginny's full amusement, Astoria was jumping up and down in excitement from what one of her friends had said, wearing only a white tank top and a plaid white and blue skirt.
:^) You know where that was going.
Ginny jumped in surprise as someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around at once until the face of her boyfriend Micheal Corner was seen. "Oh, Micheal," she gasped for air. "You scared me."
"Sorry, Ginny," Micheal said gently. "Listen..." He appeared sad, "You're not really giving me the attention I want and I know most of that attention you're giving it to that Astoria girl from Slytherin House... so I'm letting you go."
"What?" Ginny said in shock, her smile fading at what Micheal said. "Oh..."
"I'm sorry," Micheal said flatly. "I can't be with someone who's got her eyes on someone else. I'll see you around? Yeah?"
"Yeah..." Ginny muttered, but she didn't seem that sad at the thought of the breakup. Her mind went right to Astoria. "Alright... umm, I wish you well in your next relationship then. And I'm sorry I'm not that compatible within the relationship. Astoria's really distracting."
"It's alright," Micheal replies. "And thank you." He then grins and pushes her out of the tent towards Astoria. "Now go and get her. You need her."
Ginny laughs and nearly trips over her feet outside of the tent, but steadies herself and looked over at Astoria giggling with her friends. Ah, what music to her ears. She walks over to her, but then she remembers she forgot her broom back in the tent but that can wait. "Astoria?"
Astoria looks at Ginny with her walnut brown eyes and smiles brightly, Ginny smiling also as she can't not smile at this beautiful girl. "Hello, dear Ginny," she says, lips glazed with pink lip balm which Ginny knows is watermelon flavoured, and she steps closer and places her arms around the Gryffindor lightly. Just like every greeting since Ginny's third year, she kisses Ginny's freckly cheek as well. "How are you? Ready for the match between Ravenclaw?"
Blushing, Ginny kisses Astoria's cheek back and it surprises Astoria, making her blush as well, as Ginny's never kissed her cheek ever. It's always been Astoria. "I'm great and totally ready!" she replies instantly, the scent of rose and lavender filling her nostrils from Astoria's perfume. "Though Micheal broke up with me just minutes ago..."
"What!" Astoria snapped loudly, in disbelief that Micheal would ever do this to Ginny, and she tightens the hug with her best friend.
"How dare he," Renee mutters darkly, her arms folded over her chest and eyes glaring up at the Ravenclaw Quidditch stands.
"I hope you beat his arse on the pitch, Ginny," Tahlia said at once with a laugh.
Ginny laughed also, thinking of beating Ravenclaw in the match in a few minutes. "Oh," she says with a smirk as she leans out of Astoria's comfortable loving hug, "I most certainly will. And it's fine that Micheal-"
"No, darling, it's not fine at all," Astoria tells Ginny softly, her anger for Ginny's ex hidden behind her smile, her hands wrapped around Ginny's forearms. "Why ever did he break up with you? You're incredible, beautiful, sweet, really good at Quidditch as I can tell!"
Ginny was blushing brilliantly red now. "Toria, stoooop," she chuckles softly and hides her red face with her hands, feeling how warm her face is.
"I'll never stop because it's all true!" Astoria says lightly, grinning widely at her best friend. "So tell me..." her features softened, "what happened? Why'd he break it up with you?"
Ginny just stared at her in those gorgeous shiny walnut brown eyes. Could she do it? Could she tell Astoria exactly why Micheal broke up with her? "Well..." she says slowly. "You see... I never really liked him. I did at first a little bit but it was only a small crush, and throughout the 1 month that he and I dated, he noticed I err... I was rather distracted by someone else and not paying attention to him at all."
It took a few moments for Astoria to realise what Ginny meant. "Oh," she says, "so you've got your pretty eyes on someone else?"
Ginny blushed and nodded her head. Astoria doesn't know what she does to Ginny. "Yes, I do," she replies lightly. "And um... it's not a guy." Astoria gasped with excitement. "Yeah, it's uh... It's actually y-"
"Oi, Ginny!"
Ginny groaned and turned to look behind her. "What is it, Harry?" she asked loudly, annoyed that he'd ruin her 'coming out' to Astoria who knows she's into both girls and guys, but she wants to come out to who she really likes to her.
"The match is about to start," Harry shouts back. "C'mon," he claps his hands with impatience, "get a move on! Your girlfriend will still be here afterwards."
"Alright, I'm coming!" Ginny says, blushing as she's still not used to Harry calling Astoria her girlfriend even if she loves that title. She turns back to Astoria. "I guess I'll see you after then? And you too, Renee, Octavia, and Tahlia."
"Yes, of course," Astoria says with a nod of her head. Renee, Octavia, and Tahlia nodded along.
"Alright," Ginny sighs. With one last look at Astoria and a smile, she turns and walks towards Harry who she sees is snogging Draco Malfoy, his boyfriend of an entire year. Rolling her eyes, she elbows Harry in the side and with a grin as she walks past and when hearing Harry yelp, rushes inside the tent to grab her broomstick.
Minutes later, the Gryffindor Quidditch Team walks out onto the Pitch. "And here come the Gryffindor's," Luna Lovegood, Ginny's other friend, commentates. "Oh? What's Astoria Greengrass doing running up to them from the stands?"
Ginny stops and turns as she hears what her best friend Luna had said. It was true, Astoria was jogging up to her. "Astori-?"
Astoria flings her arms around Ginny's neck, her fingers clutching together at the crook of Ginny's neck. "Good luck out there," she says quietly to her, her dimples showing as she smiles. "Though I know you'll do excellent on the pitch as you always do."
"Thanks, Toria," Ginny replies, again wanting to stick her pinkies into Astoria's twin dimples. "I'll need the luck. As does the entire team."
"Oh, and..." Astoria hesitated for a moment, licking her lips. "I umm... I love-"
Ginny, to speed things up and try to ignore her rapidly beating heart from the way Astoria's holding her and how close she is to her, pulls her closer and presses her lips to Astoria's rather soft and clingy lips. It's something she's wanted to do since... the very beginning. She forgot when exactly.
"Well, finally," Harry mutters to himself. He's known there was something between these two when he first saw the two lock eyes four years ago in the Leaky Cauldron. He looks up at the Slytherin stands and locks eyes with his boyfriend. He grins and draws a heart in the air for him, and Draco rolls his eyes, though a smile was on his face, and he flips him the birdie. Harry chuckles and after a moment, he sees Draco blow him back a kiss.
Astoria leans away slowly, her eyes fluttering open and cheeks bright pink with a blush. "Love you," she finished what she was going to say before. "A lot. More than a best friend."
"Really?" Ginny replies lightly, not expecting that love confession from Astoria. "I mean me too - uh - I love you too. So damn much that you have no idea. You really don't have any idea..."
Astoria giggles and kisses her quickly. She knew she was keeping the match from starting and she didn't exactly want that. "I know you do, and I better leave you to your Quidditch match," she says, flushing as she knows the entire of Hogwarts was probably watching them from the stands but it was worth it finally telling Ginny how she really feels. "I'll be up in the stands watching."
"How did you know?" Ginny asks quietly, suddenly.
"I figured it out ages ago," Astoria replies. "It wasn't that hard to find out really. And Renee notices things... she saw you staring at me earlier from the tent. She's caught you staring a lot of the time, and the same goes for me. I can't help it, you see..."
Ginny blushes yet again. "Neither can I," she says. "You're gorgeous." Astoria blushes.
"Alright, you two," Madam Hooch says. "Enough lovey-dovey stuff. Mrs Greengrass, get off the Pitch now, please. And Mrs Weasley, get your head in the game."
Ginny nodded firmly, as did Astoria before kissing Ginny on the cheek and then rushing back to the stands to her friends to watch the match. Ginny feels her face warming again and tucks a strand of her red hair behind her ears, forcing herself to focus on the match she was about to play.
I have more headcanons, but honestly, it's 12 AM. :/
Ship rating: 8/10
I love it!
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