Chapter 9 - Fancy a swim?
"Jim, where are we going?" You asked for the hundredth time, but you still got no straight answer. It was nearly midnight and Jim was ushering you into a sleek black car waiting outside.
"You'll see, kitten." he said with a small smirk before kissing you quickly on the lips.
"Can I at least get a hint?" You whined playfully with puppy dog eyes, but Jim just shook his head and got in the car next to you.
Seb had gotten into a second car that followed yours as you are driven to the mystery location. You were sure you saw someone else in that car with him but Jim just smirked when you asked him about it. "Well, kitten, that's our guest but we don't have time to talk to him right now. We will when we get there though. At least for a little while..." his voice trailed off and he had a dark look clouding his chocolaty eyes, making them look almost black. You were worried but tried not to think about what might be happening.
15 minutes later, the car stopped and Jim helped you get out. You looked around but it was too dark to tell where you where our what the building in front of you was. "What is this place?" You asked Jim as he linked arms with you.
"I'll show you."
You walked over to a set of doors together and Jim opened one and let you in first. You walked down a narrow corridor then through another set of doors into a big open room. 'A pool? Why would we be talking to a guest at midnight at a pool?' You thought, looking to Jim for an explanation of why you were there.
"Fancy a swim, love?" Jim chuckled as he walked over to you. He kissed your forehead softly before telling you why. "We were told that we were to meet here at this time so we to people."
"Where's Seb and our guest?"
"Our guest will be here shortly after someone else arrives and Seb is preparing things." He said as he looked at the time. "Follow me." He walked over to another door on the far side of the pool and held it open for you before going in after you. It lead into another hallway but Jim just stood there, not doing anything but listening.
"What are we doing-" you started to ask but Jim shushed you. You heard a voice talking loudly outside in the pool room. You knew that voice. That oh so familiar voice. Sherlock. Your heart started beating faster. 'Why is Sherlock here? What is Jim planning? Who's the guest then?' These thoughts dashed through your mind but it didn't take long before your last question was answered.
"Evening." Tears welled up behind your eyes. John. He was saying whatever Jim said into a small microphone. "I can stop John Watson too. Stop his heart." NO! Jim can't be serious. Tears where threatening to spill down your cheeks. John was one of the few people you called a friend in years and you were not going to let Jim take him from you.
"Jim, stop this right now!" You choked out as loudly as you could without crying but he continued to talk. You tried to calm yourself as you stood there thinking about how you could stop this until Jim grabbed your arm and went to open the door. "I can't go out there with them."
"Yes you can and you will, kitten."
"No, not if you're going to kill them."
"I won't, not now at least, okay?" he said as he held his hand out to you. You weren't sure you trusted this, but you knew he wouldn't let you stay in here so you took his hand and let him lead you out. You tried to calm yourself down as you stepped out into the pool room, but your heart beat sped up as you locked eyes with Sherlock. You could tell he was confused but didn't want to show it, you could tell he was analysing both you and Jim, but you couldn't tell what he was thinking.
"(Y/n)?" John's voice broke you out of your trance. It was full of confusion and you could tell he was upset. You looked at him and tried not to cry out as you saw bombs strapped to his chest.
"Surprised are we, Sherlock?" Jim sneered. "Didn't expect her to be here, did you?" You mouthed I'm sorry to John but you couldn't make yourself look at Sherlock. "I'm Jim Moriarty. Hiiiiii." He said in a sing-song voice.
"What is she doing here?" Sherlock asked, now pointing a gun at Jim.
"I've had fun playing this little game of ours. Playing Jim from IT, playing gay..." Jim said calmly, almost playfully, as he walked over to Sherlock. You followed but a few feet back. "But that's all over now, Sherlock."
"Y/n, are you alright?" Sherlock asked, looking at you but never moving the gun away from Moriarty.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak yet so you just nodded, but Jim also spoke for you. "Of course she's alright. She's with me, isn't she?" He sneered with a smirk as he wrapped his arm around your waist. Sherlock's grip on his gun tighten.
"Get your hands off of her."
Jim smirked even more, "She likes when I have my hands on her..." he glanced down at you before making eye contact with Sherlock again, "...especially in my bedroom." You felt your face burn with embarrassment immediately as you heard the words come out of his mouth. You looked down at your shoes wishing this whole thing could be over, better yet, wishing it never started.
"What if I was to shoot you right now?" Sherlock asked. Your head shot up and you stared at his gun. 'He wouldn't dare...' you thought worriedly, 'right?'
Jim wasn't scared by this though and just looked at Sherlock like he was bored. "Then you could cherish the look of surprise on my face, but only for a second though." He smiled as a red dot appeared on John. It was from a sniper, most likely Seb you assumed.
John looked to Sherlock and nodded and Sherlock nodded back. He then suddenly ran up to Jim and wrapped his arms around his neck and chest as Sherlock grabbed your arm, pulling you away from him. "John, stop it!" You yelled. He looked up at you confused.
"You're not being you, y/n, we're saving you from this psychotic man." John said half angrily, half reassuringly. You tried to wriggle your way out of Sherlock's grip but it was no use. He was holding on to you with one hand and holding his gun at Jim with the other.
Jim laughed at their plan, knowing they wouldn't get away with it, "Good try, boys, but that's not going to work." He said with a grin as a red dot focused on Sherlock's forehead. He could tell by the look on John's face what was happening and instead pointed his gun at your head.
"What about now?" He asked with a small smirk. Jim's grin faded fast and you could tell he was worried about you.
"No one shoot anyone." Jim said loudly, to both Sherlock and his snipers. "Let her go, Sherlock."
Sherlock shook his head, "No, this is for her own good. Let her come with us, Moriarty."
Jim's face with now unreadable, void of emotions. He was thinking of what to do and you could tell he hadn't planned this to happen. "Fine. Take her, I don't need her anymore anyways. She's useless now. But this won't be the last time we meet. Ciao, Sherlock Holmes. He said almost casually, but you couldn't quite figure out why he was saying this. Did he really want them to take you away from him? Was this a part of his plan all along or is he improvising something? Jim walked through a different door and left, leaving you alone with Sherlock and John.
"Y/n, what happened? Did he kidnap you too?" John asked worriedly as Sherlock helped him take the bomb vest off.
"I'm fine, and, uh, yeah he did..." You lied. You weren't ready to tell them the truth yet. You couldn't be sure what they would do if they found out so you thought it'd be better to keep it a secret for now.
Sherlock and John looked at each other before looking back at you, both about to say something but were interrupted by the door opening again. "Sorry boys, I'm soooOOOooo changeable." Jim sang as he walked back into the room with the three of you.
"John, take y/n outside, stay close to her, and wait for me." Sherlock whispered quickly before pointing his gun at Jim once more. You wanted to protest but John grabbed your arm and dragged you to the door. You looked back and saw Jim watching you but you knew he didn't want to risk hurting you when targeting John so he'd just let you go. You reached your arm back towards Jim and saw him nod his head in the slightest bit, you knew he wasn't going to let John and Sherlock really take you away from him. John opened the door and rushed you outside. You both waited in a nervous silence that seemed to last for hours before Sherlock walked out the door.
"Are you okay?" You asked as you looked for wounds on him, but more worried about what happened to Jim.
"I'm fine. Moriarty got a phone call and said today was the 'wrong day to die' and left." He said as he hailed a cab for you three. On the ride back to their flat you fell asleep, leaning a bit on John's shoulder, because to be honest it was the middle of the night and you were exhausted. You were fast asleep by the time the cab stopped in front of 221b baker street so Sherlock picked you up and carried you inside and up the stairs. He laid you down on their couch so you could sleep more and John found a blanket to lay over you. The boys talked about the incident and Moriarty for awhile before going to bed themselves.
You didn't wake up until the next morning, pleasantly to the smell of tea and toast. You got up and walked over to the kitchen where John and Sherlock were sitting at the table. "Good morning." John said happily to you when you walked over to get a cup of tea for yourself.
"Morning." You said with a yawn. "Thanks for letting me stay here last night. I would've gone to my flat but I don't have my keys with me right now."
"Don't worry about it, we wanted to make sure you were safe after the incident at the pool." John smiled as he took a sip of his tea.
"She would've been fine without us." Sherlock told John. "Actually she might have been better off without us." This confused John and worried you. Sherlock had seen through your lie about being kidnapped and he knew the truth, you could tell.
"What do you mean, Sherlock?" John asked, glancing between you and Sherlock.
"She wasn't kidnapped by Moriarty, she was with him willingly. He's the man she's been seeing, isn't that right y/n?"
The two looked at you and your face burned red as you looked down at your tea and stood frozen for a moment before slowly nodding.
"I knew it, I'd gone over the pool incident over and over in my head last night and knew that was the only possibility of why you acted the way you did." Sherlock said with a small grin from being correct, but then it quickly turned to a frown. "You need to stay away from that man, y/n."
"No, he hasn't hurt me and he treats me kindly. " You snap back, not mentioning being locked in a room for days with little food because you knew he had trouble with expressing emotions, especially relatively new ones and he was learning.
John frowned, "He's a psychopath. He's only using you to get to Sherlock most likely. He doesn't actually care about you, y/n." You shook your head and got up from your chair.
"I'm going to see if Mrs. Hudson has a spare key I can use for my flat." you said curtly as you walked out of their flat. You wanted to explain your feelings to them but you knew they just wouldn't listen or understand. They already had their opinion of the consulting criminal and you doubted you'd be able to change it anytime soon.
Hello! Hope all of you had a nice Easter. I know it's been forever since I updated and I'm so sorry about that. I've been really busy with school and trying to catch up on all my work, but I've gotten some time recently to write and since my spring break has started I'll have more so the next chapter won't take so long to write and publish.
Hope you all like this chapter. It's not as dramatic as I was planning, but I'll make up for that in later chapters hopefully.
Votes and comments are always appreciated, thanks!
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