Chapter 17 - Meeting Miss Adler
Jim held you close and whispered, "It's alright, kitten. What did he do?" You took a few deep breaths then explained what happened slowly, taking pauses to sniff or just breathe. When you finished you looked up at him again.
"I don't know what to do, James..."
"You're going to stay strong and stay with me and Sebastian, and you'll be safe." Jim reassured you with a big hug. "I promise to always take care of you, kitten." He smiled warmly and kissed the top of your head.
"Thank you, love." You smiled back. "But there's one more thing I need from you."
Jim raised his eyebrows slightly in curiosity. "And what's that?"
"Cuddles!" You giggled softly, hugging him tight, but before you knew it your feet were lifted up off the ground. Jim laid you down on your usual side of the bed then he laid next to you and pulled you close. You kissed him lovingly and felt relaxed in his warm embrace.
"Mew!" Oreo came climbing up on the pillows above your head and sat down next to the two of you.
"I think someone is jealous they've been replaced." Jim joked and gently petted Oreo who purred in response.
"Well then we'll just have to share the love." You smiled and kissed Jim lovingly. You stared into his eyes with admiration and felt your heart fill with happiness.
The criminal smiled widely back at you and rubbed his hand tenderly up and down your back. "I think we will. There's plenty to go around." He stopped his hand on your lower back and pulled you even closer to him. "I'm never letting you go, (y/n)..." He murmured under his breath.
"Hey, kitten...Wake up, baby, I've made some dinner." Jim said a bit above a whisper as he shook your shoulder lightly.
"Hmmm..." you mumbled as you opened your eyes slightly and then smiled up at him. "Thanks, love..." you pulled him down and kissed him gently but he threw the covers off you and picked you up when your lips met his.
"I'll carry you down." He smiled and let you wrap your legs around his waist and hold onto his frame sleepily.
"What's for dinner?" You ask through a little yawn and then lay against him.
He chuckled. "Just popped a frozen pizza in the oven. It's not much and it's definitely not fancy but I didn't have much-" Jim started to ramble but you stopped him with a small kiss.
"It sounds lovely, dear, don't worry. Pizza is always a good choice." You smiled. "Dinners don't need to be fancy or expensive to be yummy."
Jim grinned and hugged you tightly before setting you on the couch. "You seem to only get more perfect as time goes on." He kissed your forehead then walked to the kitchen and came back with two plates with a few slices on each. "Here you are, kitten." He smiled as he handed it to you.
"Eating on the couch instead of at the dinner table? Has James Moriarty really lost his mind?" You teased and took the plate happily. The melted cheese and fluffy crust looked amazing, plus the smell of the toppings was enough to make your mouth water, you could tell James bought a more expensive 'cheap' pizza than you usually would even consider at the shop.
"I'm just tired of being so upper class and fancy and proper all the time. Spending time eating crappy pizza on the couch together seemed like a logical option for us to be more relaxed and happy." James chuckled and seeing his smile made you smile even wider. He was the love of your life, you just knew it. Still his job and past were slightly getting in the way sometimes. Though so was yours so you couldn't blame him too much. "You alright, love?" He asked when he noticed you spacing out. You just smiled again and nodded.
"Just got caught on a thought but it's nothing. Let's eat and then cuddle some more." You suggested and Jim agreed to it with a grin. You could tell he was happy with you but you just had a sense that something was going to happen soon. You couldn't quite place your finger on it though. Something good you felt. But there was love in it. Without a doubt. There was love.
During the next few days you got no threatening messages or signals and it made you more scared and anxious than when there had been. You had no idea what was going on or where Chris was and had no way of finding out.
"Darling, I'm going to work now! I'll be home in a few hours." You called out to James in the other room, waiting for his response before actually leaving the house.
"No you're not!" He yelled back and was hurrying into the entryway in seconds. "I called in and told them you were sick and staying home today. I want to take you to meet Irene while she's got some free time in her schedule." He smiled and kissed your forehead softly, hoping you wouldn't get upset at this. You just shook your head and laughed very softly before standing up on your tip toes to kiss him gently.
"That sounds much better than work. Especially because I'll be with you." Hugging him, you felt sudden relief. You had been scared of going to work ever since the back alley incident.
"Well no matter what you'll be with me or Sebastian. I'm not giving Chris any chance of hurting you." James murmured as he held her close and kissed the top of her head. "As soon as my people find him, he won't be a problem anymore."
The drive over to Irene's house was quicker than expected. But when you got out you felt odd. What if you didn't like her? Or she didn't like you? You hated the thought of making James break his friendship with her. "James... you sure this is a good idea?" You asked softly as the both you of approached the door.
He just smiled and nodded as he knocked a melodic tune. "Everything will be fine."
A few seconds passed before the door opened swiftly and a smiling dark-haired women was standing there. "Oh you must be (y/n)!" She exclaimed as she held out a hand for you to shake. "I'm Irene Adler, which you probably already knew that. Its a pleasure to finally meet you." She grinned.
You nodded and shook her hand politely. "Its a pleasure to meet you too."
"Come in, you two." Irene smiled and gestured them in as she held the door wide open for them. "Don't need you freezing out in the cold."
They all sat in her sitting room and talked for a little over an hour. Exchanging stories and getting to know each other better.
"(Y/n), Jim better be treating you right or else.." Irene smiled as she teasingly glared at the Irishman. "You two are so cute together!" She squealed happily.
Jim chuckled and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed your cheek. "Well I don't plan on leaving her." He grinned and nuzzled his face into your neck a little. "She's mine."
Irene was fauning over your relationship the whole time and complimenting you a lot. "I can't wait until..." she started but then stopped herself when Jim widened his eyes.
"Until you're a very close friend like Jim. I'm sure it won't take long." Irene laughed off her mistake a little, playing it off like it was nothing. You hadn't seen Jim's response so you just smiled and nodded in agreement with her.
"I can't wait either, Irene. We'll have to hang out a lot when we can." You suggested. "Might have to wait until my issue is solved."
"Issue?" Irene asked with furrowed brows as she looked between you and Jim, concern showing in her eyes. "What issue?"
You frowned softly and explained what had happened so far and what Chris had threatened you with. Jim placed his hand reassuringly on your knee.
"She's safe with me though." He said with a small smile. "Won't let anything happen to my kitten."
"I'll do anything I can to help as well." Irene said proudly. "I've got a lot of contacts that can try to find him."
You felt safe in this house, you felt safe with Irene. She wanted the best for you like Gwen did. It felt nice having another girl friend.
But then your phone buzzed. Your heart dropped and stomach churned as you read the text.
'This criminal and professional slut aren't going to keep you safe forever... watch your back.'
Im back with an update finally! I'm really sorry life's been keeping me away from my writing. I'm sure the next chapter won't take this long to publish.
This chapter isn't exactly the best but I hope you guys like it!
Have a great day or night, whichever it is for you.
Votes and comments are always appreciated! Thanks in advance
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