Chapter 13 - Breakfast at Moriarty's
Dinner with Jim at a 5 star restaurant was wonderful but all the while you felt as if someone was staring at you or watching you. You didn't want to worry Jim so you tried to look around the room casually but no one seemed to take any unusual or extra notice in the both of you. Of course you knew Jim must of had some of his people there for protection but this feeling of being watched wasn't a safe feeling, more of a worrisome, scared feeling. "Jim, thanks for taking me out to such a nice place." You smile at him from across the table. He grinned.
"Its nothing, kitten. I want to spoil you until the day I die."
You could swear you heard someone snort and mumble about that being soon. No, no. Most have been part of another conversation. Looking around to see if anyone was by themselves or if anybody around you looked suspicious. "You alright, love?" Jim reached his hand across the table and took your hand in his and looked at you with concern. "Something wrong?" You looked back at him, into his dark, mysterious, brown eyes. You shake your head slowly.
"No, everything is fine. Just thought I heard something." You smile slightly and squeezed his hand lightly. "Dinner has been great by the way."
"Ready to head back to my place yet, kitten?" He smirked and winked playfully which caused a rosy-pink colour to spread across your face.
"Depends, will there be dessert there?" You teased with a grin. His smirk grew wider and he nodded.
"Of course, kitten. Dessert and dessert." He winked again and chuckled. You giggled and stood up and walked over to the back of Jim's seat.
"Well then let's go, love..." You whisper into his ear as he stood up too and pulled out his wallet with a grin. Jim left a few hundreds on the table and gestured to the waiter that the both of you were done. Then he took your hand and walked you out to the car, but before he opened the door for you he grabbed your waist and pulled you into a quick kiss. "Oh, Jim." You giggled as he smiled and opened the car door for you and waited for you to be in the car before going around to the driver's side and getting in as well.
"More champagne?" James grinned as he held up the nearly empty bottle.
"Yes please!" You laughed and picked up your glass from the table and held it out closer to the bottle. You both were a bit drunk and were more irrational than usual. It only took a few more minutes before the bottle was empty. "You should get another bottle, Jim." You grinned and pecked his lips. He smirk and prolonged the kiss.
"I had something else in mind, kitten." He murmured as he trailed the gentle kisses from your lips to your neck. You giggle and tilted your neck to the side a little so it was easier for him. "Let's go to the bedroom..." he stood up and grabbed your hand with a seductive look.
After an hour or so you both were pasted out naked in bed together. In the heat of the moment, neither of you had thought about protection but you've been taking birth control for a while so it wasn't a big deal. Clothes were scattered all across the floor and the bed sheets were a mess thrown over the two of you just enough to stay warm.
The next morning you woke up with a slight headache and didn't feel like getting out of bed at all that day. "Good morning, beautiful." Jim's gruff morning voice mumbled as he turned on his side to face you.
"Morning, handsome." You smiled back.
"What should we do today?"
"Stay in bed and cuddle." You grinned as you wrapped your arms around him and snuggled your face into his chest. He chuckled and held you close.
"For the whole day?" You just nodded and didn't let go. Jim smiled and kissed your head. "Well I have no plans and it doesn't seem like I'll be able to get you off me anytime soon so we can cuddle for a while." He teased.
"Please don't ever leave me, love." You murmured softly against him, your warm breath rolling over his skin.
"I wouldn't dream of it." His fingers played with your hair lightly while his eyes were closed. "I'm going to stay with you and keep you safe for as long as I live."
Suddenly she remembered the voice at the restaurant last night. "Jim, I'm worried someone's gonna try to kill you."
Jim chuckled some. "People try to kill me all the time but I'm smarter than them and I'm still here, aren't I?" You shook your head.
"I mean someone in particular."
You blushed some. "Well I'm not exactly sure but I thought I heard someone last night at the restaurant say that you wouldn't live for long..."
"I'm safe, darling, don't you worry about me. I can fight off anyone who tries to hurt either of us." He played with your hair a little more and kissed your forehead with a smile.
You smiled softly and nodded. "Alright, but there will never be a time where I'm not gonna worry about you." You kissed his cheek and brushed hair out of his face. "Shall we go make breakfast?"
Jim nodded and grabbed your hand and pulled you out of bed. "Pancakes?"
"Yes please!"
You both threw on some "lounge around" clothes and held hands as you ran down the stairs childishly. "First one to the kitchen gets to eat first!" You giggle and push Jim back some and sprint to the kitchen. He laughs and runs after you but sees you're already waiting for him by the time he arrives to the kitchen.
"Damn you're fast." He breathed out with a chuckle. "Well you won so go sit down and I'll make the pancakes."
You smile and nod and kiss him on the cheek sweetly as you go sit on the couch in the living room. After powering on the telly you flip through some channels before deciding on watching a sitcom.
You hear Jim start humming softly as he mixes the batter and you turn to watch him. He seemed like any other boyfriend making pancakes, no hint of a psychotic criminal in sight besides the small bullet and knife wound scars he had here and there on his chest and back. A smile appeared on your lips all by itself and you felt your heart flutter.
"I love you, Jim Moriarty." You murmur to yourself and find yourself ignoring the telly and just watching him until he brings you a plate of pancakes.
"Here you go, love." He smiled and kissed the top of your head before heading back into the kitchen to make his own plate. You thanked him as he walked away and started eating. They were delicious.
"Plans for today, love?" You say after swallowing the food in your mouth. Jim looked at you and shrugged.
"I have some work to do later tonight but nothing until then. Maybe we should teach you some self defense skills." He chuckled as he came back to the table and sat down with his food. You smiled.
"Alright. That wouldn't hurt. Maybe also teach me how to properly use a handgun?" You grin. He widened his eyes into a fake worrisome look teasingly.
"Sure we can do that too." He chuckled then started eating.
You two ate and talked and laughed for a while. It was a nice morning and you didn't want it to end, but of course like all good things it did. Jim's phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out and sighed. "Damn, Seb needs help with something. It shouldn't take too long. I'll come right back here and we can continue with our plan, alright?" He smiled and got up and ran up to the bedroom to change.
"Well I'll just be here waiting for you, love." You said as he comes back down stairs and you get up to kiss him goodbye. "Tell Seb I say hi."
"Will do. Goodbye, kitten." He kisses back and walks out to the car. You close the door and decide to explore the parts of the house you hadn't been in before. You wondered around the theatre and music rooms that you had only heard about before this. There was a beautiful shiny black grand piano with a vase of dark red roses on top. On further inspection, a vase of fake roses. Obviously Jim got tired of replacing them. You sat down and played a simple tune for a while that you had learned in primary school. It wasn't the best on the ears because of the frequently missed keys so you stopped and walked upstairs. At the top of the stairs you were met with a row of identical dark stained doors. But after a few minutes you realised they were all locked.
Expect the last one.
It wasn't like the other ones, it had a different feel to it. You pushed it open slowing and stepped inside. Looking around the room inside, you were confused. It was nothing like any other room in the house; it had loads of picture frames and photo albums of a family, assumingly Jim's, and what you could only suppose were family heirlooms. But the walls were also different then any other room. They had been covered in an old fashioned wallpaper. The room had a nice feeling in it and you moved toward a table with picture frames and picked one up. You narrowed your eyes slightly when you noticed the house in the picture was your old childhood house. You set down the photo and looked at another one. It was a picture of the street with your house in the foreground. They seemed familiar but you couldn't place why, you were mostly just concerned and worried about why or how Jim had them. You looked around the room for a while more and studied everything until you heard the door open and close downstairs. "I'm home, love." Jim said loudly.
"I'm upstairs!" You called back and grabbed one of the picture frames and waited inside the door of the room. "Jim, what is this?" You asked with a serious look while holding out the picture frame.
He hurried over to you and yanked the photo out of your hand and looked you straight in the eyes with anger flaring up in his. "You weren't supposed to go in there." He pulled you out of the doorway and put the picture frame back on the table and then closed the door and locked it. "Don't go snooping around places I haven't given you permission to be in." He said with irritation and stormed back downstairs. You stood there puzzled, you thought he would have explained why he had photos of your old house not get angry or upset that you went inside an unlocked room. You shook your head slightly and ran downstairs after him.
"Jim, wait!" you called out, trying to sound as calm as you could for the time being. "I promise I won't go back in that room, but I just need some answers from you about that photo." You ran up and grabbed his hand as you caught up to him heading to his office to get rid of his anger. "Please. I just want to know why you have a framed picture of my old childhood house." He stopped dead in his tracks and turned and looked back at you, obviously confused.
"What? What are you talking about?"
I'm so super duper sorry that its been so long since I've updated, guys. I've been quite busy with school and therapy and life in general but I'm so happy to finally be able to update again. I'm going to be updating as much as possible but I'm still going to be busy for a while so it might take a while more than usual for new chapters to come out, but I do promise I will keep writing.
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Like always votes and comments are always appreciated! Thanks in advanced :)
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