Chapter 11 - Can't Sleep
You had gone to work that day and just as you expected Gwen squealed and freaked about the ring and you remembered how nice it was to be able to see all kinds of people come into the café and study how they act. You had picked up a few things from Sherlock such as if a person messed with and touched their hair a lot that most likely means they recently got a haircut, or if a woman had a wedding ring on but moved to a different finger she was most likely widowed instead of divorced.
You were happy to be at work and with Gwen again but as the days went by you missed Jim more and more. You kept the ring on you at all times except to shower and sleep. On Saturday you didn't have work so you decided to pop in to Sherlock and John's flat for a minute. You walked up to their door and knocked lightly. When John opened the door you could see a look of surprise on his face. "Hello (y/n), is something the matter?"
"No, no, just thought I'd stop by and say hello and see what's up with you two." You said with a smile. "I'd also like to apologise for how I acted last time I was here. You both were trying to keep me safe and I shouldn't have snapped at you guys for it. I'm sorry."
John smiled and shook his head a little, "It's okay, you were under stress and a lot had happened. I forgive you and I'm sure Sherlock does too. Would you fancy some tea?" He gestured inside as he held the door open for you. You accepted the offer and sat gingerly on the couch and looked around the flat at all the unusual decor wondering why Sherlock chose it.
"Is Sherlock in?" You asked curiously when John came back with two cups of tea, handing you one. John nodded and gestured to Sherlock's bedroom, telling you he'd been in there most of the day thinking over a case. "What's the case abou-"
"What's that?" John asked as he pointed at the ring hanging around your neck. You knew what he was thinking and you didn't want to talk about it.
"Oh just a gift from a friend. What case is he working on?" You said, trying to shift the conversation to a new topic but it didn't work.
"Is it from Moriarty?!" John's voice raised a little with anger. "You need to stop seeing that man! He's dangerous!"
"John, I know! But he wants to keep me safe, he really likes me...okay? And I lo- like him too..." you said angry at first but then that anger dissolved into something you couldn't explain. It brought tears to your eyes and it was then did you realise how separated your life had become. Two of the few friends you have are the enemy of the man you love and they wanted each other dead. You were now the only that stood between them.
John's face softened from full of anger to one of regret and shame. He always hated yelling at you, especially when it made you cry. "I- I'm sorry, (y/n). I just want you to be safe from harm." He said softly as he put his hand on you arm.
"We both do." The sudden voice made you jump as you looked up to see it's owner standing a few feet away. You weren't sure how long Sherlock had been standing there but you were sure he heard everything from the look of concern on his face. And his eyes had a slight look of...sadness?
You got up from the couch and wiped the tears away from your eyes and spoke softly to the two, "I should be going now..."
"(Y/n) wait," Sherlock said as you went to open the door. You turned and looked him in the eyes, waiting for him to continue. "We can't change how you feel. We can't force you to stop seeing him. We certainly can't force him to stop seeing you, but if you ever need help or just someone to talk to, we're here for you. Please don't let things continue if you won't be safe. We care about you." Sherlock's voice was calm and he spoke in a way you have never heard him before. You could tell he was telling the truth though and ran and gave him a hug, which was surprising and awkward for him, before going back to your flat. You were glad they were still your friends even though you felt like you had betrayed them slightly.
You walked into your flat and turned on some music. You made a snack and and sat around doing nothing for a while. You were staring off into space while laying on the couch when your phone buzzed. You sighed and sat up and pulled out your phone expecting to see a text from Gwen or your boss but instead the notification read Jim. Your heart skipped a beat and you smiled. You opened the text up quickly.
Hello darling, dinner tomorrow at 7?
You agreed and ran to your room to figure out what you would wear, but when you opened your closet you found a new dress. You grinned as you pulled it out and held it up to you and examined it in your mirror. It was a beautiful burgundy color and went down to your knees. You had black flats that would look great with it and a simple black handbag. You wouldn't say you're amazing at doing your hair and makeup so you decided to ask Gwen if she'd like to come over and help.
You didn't do much the rest of the day besides go out to the shop and get groceries and just watch a TV marathon and scroll through multiple social media apps.
When you were trying to go to bed that night you just couldn't fall asleep. Your brain was over thinking the events that had recently affected your life in extreme ways and you couldn't stop yourself from thinking of how things could be right now if you hadn't met Jim or if you didn't know Sherlock. You kept going over the tiniest of details trying to figure out how everyone felt about everything and it just made you feel guilty. You were tired but you just couldn't get your mind to turn off so you decided to text Jim.
Are you still up?
You waited for a few minutes but you felt like he wasn't going to text you back so you were about to try to sleep again until your phone buzzed on your nightstand.
Yes I am. Is something wrong, love?
No, I just can't fall asleep. Are you busy?
I'm just going through paperwork, but it doesn't need to be done tonight. Do you want me to come over?
Your heart sped up the tiniest bit when you read his latest text and you smiled.
That would be nice :)
You sent the text and waited in your bed for what seemed like ages, expecting to have to get up when you heard a knock on the door but after a while you saw your bedroom door open slowly and Jim walked in holding up a key with a smirk. You smiled and jumped out of bed and ran over to him. You hugged him tightly before letting go a little and saying hi. "I didn't think you'd actually come over." You blushed.
He smirked again, "Of course, kitten, I can't have you staying up all night and being lonely. Aaand I've been wanting to see you again sooo much." He said the last sentence almost childishly before he leaned forward and kissed you softly. You kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his neck as he ran his hands up and down your back. You missed his voice, his smell, his touch.
He broke the kiss and looked down at you, "You're covered in gossebumps, are you cold, love?" You were only wearing a baggy t-shirt and underwear to bed and you hadn't realised you were cold until Jim mentioned it. You nodded. "Get back in bed then, kitten. I'll help warm you up." He said with a grin as he began taking his jacket off. You got back in bed and watched Jim undress down to his black boxers. You smiled as he walked over to your bed and got in and cuddled up to you.
"I feel warmer already." You giggled as you kissed him. Jim smiled as he kissed you and then asked if you wanted to spoon. "I'd love that. Could you possibly just talk to me about whatever as I try to fall asleep? I love listening to your voice." You asked quietly, almost embarrassed by your question as you turned over and pressed yourself against him as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Of course I can, kitten. I'd be happy to." He whispered in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. "You're so damn beautiful, I'm so glad I can call you mine...I'm never going to let you be alone." He whispered softly. His warm breath rolling over your neck as his rich accent met your ears. You were starting to feel drowsy now. "You've changed've made me a different man...thank you (y/n)." You smiled when he said this and felt sleep starting to take over your mind. "A few months ago I would have never thought that a woman would be my only weakness, but then again, I had never met a woman like you... as special as you... as amazing as you." You were breathing slowly now since you were nearly asleep and Jim must have assumed you were because he paused for a minute then leaned over and kissed you very softly and whispered quietly, "I think I love you (y/n)."
You smiled slightly before falling asleep in his arms, glad to be with him again and never wanting to leave his arms, never wanting to be without him, never wanting to lose him. You used to think you were plain and boring but now you could see you're not. You are special. You made an emotionless psychopath fall in love.
Hello! Hope everyone's doing well and I hope this chapter was enjoyable. I'm glad the wait for this chapter wasn't too long and I'm super happy that so many people are so invested in this story xD
When I started this fanfic I was excited when it had around 50 views and thought it wouldn't get too popular but now it has thousands and I can't thank you guys enough!
Thank you all for reading and (hopefully) enjoying my story, all your comments make my day when I read them, and seeing how eager you are to know what's gonna happen next always puts me in a writing mood.
Until next time my friends!
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