Chapter 10 - Promise
You hadn't been back in your flat for almost a week and it felt nice unlocking the door now. You stepped in slowly, looking around and finding everything just as it had been when you left it. Before you were kidnapped shuddered at the thought of what happened to you in that room. You didn't want to think about the kind of things Jim could've done to you. You sat down on the couch and turned on the telly. You realized that you left your phone at Jim's house and didn't have any way of contacting him. No idea where his house was, who could get you there, or when you would go back.
After a few hours of mindlessly watching and flipping through show after show you remembered that before disappearing you had a job. You got up and decided to go down to the cafe to see if you could explain everything without actually saying anything of what really happened. As you walked in the cafe's door you almost tumbled over as Gwen ran and hugged you tightly. "You're okay! God, (y/n), I thought you were dead! What happened?!"
"Gwen, I didn't realise you worked today." You said casually with a grin as she released you from the hug. "I'll have to explain later, are you able to come over?" Gwen nodded quickly and hugged you again before going to the counter to get someone's order. You laughed to your self as you walked to the back to try to find your manager. "Hello?"
"Only employees are allowed back- oh (y/n), you're back." Your manager, Anne, said as she rushed to the door to the back room, but you saw relief in her eyes as she realized it was you.
"I can explain for not coming into work-"
"No need, honey. A man named Richard Brooke called me and explained the situation. I'm so sorry about your aunt." She said with a look of empathy. You were confused at first but realised it must have been Jim's doing. You smiled a little playing along with his lie.
"Thank you. I'm sorry I couldn't call you myself, it was just too hard to talk about. I'll begin work again though. I can start again tomorrow if that's ok."
"Of course. And don't worry about it, I understand how tough it can be talking about something like that." She said as she softly put her hand on your shoulder before you both said goodbye and she went back to what she was doing and you went back out to see Gwen again.
"What time do you get off today?" You asked as you walked up to the counter as she finished up an order.
"In about 30 minutes." She says and you smile and sit down at a table and wait for her to end her shift.
As your footsteps synced up to each other, a simple thud, thud, thud as you and Gwen walked happily to your flat. Both of you couldn't stop smiling, glad to be hanging out together again. "I was almost ready to accept the fact that you were dead." Giggled Gwen although she was being serious.
"I would've texted you but Jim took my phone at first until he knew he really could trust me. I accidentally left it at his place yesterday as well." You said a little embarrassed. You turned to her and smiled, "I'm just glad you're alright." She smiled back and hugged you again.
After a few more minutes of walking you got to your flat and started to unlock the door when you heard footsteps behind the both of you. "Hello, (y/n), Gwen." John said as his warm, friendly smile appeared on his face.
"Ah hello, John," You said back, "where are you off to?"
"Sherlock texted me. He wants me to meet him at Scotland Yard so I can help with a new case."
"Cool!" Gwen said excitedly, "What's the new case?" Gwen was always interested in mysteries and crime scenes though she would never actually visit one. John just shook his head and said he didn't know much but what he did know was classified at the moment.
You said your farewells and went into your flat and John walked off. You took of your shoes, jacket, and purse and sat on the couch. Gwen did the same and sat down next to you. "So tell me everything that happened to you. Do not leave out any details." She demanded with a grin.
Since Sherlock and John were gone you didn't worry much about anyone over hearing as you recounted as accurately as you could what happened from the moment you left your flat the day you were kidnapped to the moment you walked into the cafe, but not giving much detail about what happened in Jim's bedroom. Gwen was shocked by all of this and was left speechless with her mouth wide open as she tried to understand everything. "You mean-... he really-... and you're sure you're OK?" She finally managed to ask.
"Yes I'm fine. I promise." You smile.
"Are you going to be seeing him anymore?" Gwen asked wearily. You nodded with a small smile.
"Of course. I really like him and I think I can help him be better. Not completely but a little. I can't just leave him alone now, not with how he feels about me." Gwen was still hesitant about really believing that Jim felt strongly about you but you could tell she was coming around when she grinned a little. "I just have to figure out how to have Jim and Sherlock and John both in my life without them interfering with each other." You laughed a little. Gwen suggested some ideas but most of them were totally ridiculous and ended with you both laughing.
After a few hours of laughing, gossiping, and flipping through shows and movies Gwen decided it was time for her to leave and that she would see you the next day at the café. When you were alone again it wasn't quite late enough to go to sleep yet but too late to go out. You pulled up Tumblr on your laptop and scrolled through for a while until you nearly fell asleep on the couch. Listening to your body, you got up and went to bed and savored the feeling of sleeping in your own bed again.
You slept peacefully that night and woke up happy. You felt rested and relaxed. If someone had told you everything that happened in the last week or so was just a dream you would of believed it...until you saw the small box on your dresser.
You got out of bed and walked over curiously to it and opened it. Inside was a piece of paper and a beautiful ring on a sterling silver necklace chain. You smiled and pulled out the paper which read-
Please forgive me for not taking you back from Sherlock. I will be in contact in a few days. But for now here is a promise ring, not for marriage but for protection and safety and the fact that I'll always be there for you.
Tears formed in your eyes as you smiled down at the paper before taking out the necklace and putting it on. 'He must not want people getting the wrong idea.' You thought while examining the ring hanging on the chain. It had a simple yet elegant design with a few leaves and three gemstones where flowers would be, which happened to be your favorite color. "Oh Jim." You muttered to yourself with a huge smile. You knew he must have come into your flat and snuck into your room while you were sleeping last night and you wish he had woken you up. You wanted to talk to him about what happened at the pool and how he really feels about you.
As you walked into your living room you noticed your phone sitting on the coffee table with another paper next to it. This one read-
Thought you might want this, love. To keep you safe right now, please only call or text me if it's an emergency. I'll come for you soon though.
You put this note and the other in the same small box together and hid it in your dresser. You were a sentimental person, although Sherlock disliked that quality about you, and you always kept things like this. You couldn't stop grinning while getting ready for work and kept rereading the notes in your head. You couldn't wait to show Gwen the ring. But more than that, you couldn't wait to see Jim Moriarty again.
Hello! Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than the usual length but I just wanted to update for you guys. Hope you've all been having a good day. Until next time my friends!
Votes and comments always appreciated! <3
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