Chapter One
Running; constantly running, hardly breaking for air or to rest. That had been my life before running into a group of survivors, well, one of them. I remember how I'd been running from a walker, heart beating violently in my chest as I pushed myself to speed up.
And that's when my foot caught the root of a tree, sending me flying face first into the dirt. I could hear the groans behind me, and knew I was finished, preparing myself for what was to come as I closed my eyes.
Suddenly the groans stopped, and I heard a thud as the Walker hit the ground, followed by a grunt from someone other than the undead. Twigs crunched under the weight of my unknown savior as they neared me, and I could see the large shadow of the figure merge with mine.
"You alright?" a voice, obviously male, spoke out. It was laced with a thick southern drawl, deep and husky. I looked up, squinting as the sun hit my eyes as I met his gaze. "I think so," I looked down at my foot and then moved to stand, faltering slightly.
He caught my elbow awkwardly, steadying me, dropping his hand once I was standing straight. "What's yer name?" he asked tilting his head to get a better look at my face, which was most likely covered with dirt from the fall. "Phoebe,and yours?" I responded as I brushed the dirt from my clothes. He stood silent for a moment, eyeing me up and down. "Daryl."
I nodded wiping my forehead, "You happen to have a camp or something?" I asked him slowly, being careful with my questions, keeping in mind he was a stranger. He nodded with a grunt, jerking his head back. "C'mon."
I followed him quietly through the wooded terrain, watching his back. Eventually, I could see a field up ahead through the clearing, and blurred buildings passed that. I stopped in my tracks, and Daryl turned to look at me, brow raised.
"Why'd ye stop?" I looked to him gnawing on the inside of my cheek, "What if they don't accept me?" I asked softly, trying not to seem weak. He sighed rubbing his chin thinking before he started to walk again, but stopped after a few feet turning his head. "Ye coming or what?" I nodded my head slowly, and quickly moved to catch up to him.
A/n: hey lovelies! You guys should go check out kvalerie12 she has a really sweet Carl fanfic and it's definitely worth the read :) comment and review please!
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