Chapter 18 - Peeta's Sister
Me and Peeta entre the bakery laughing about a joke Finnick said the other day.
"Hello Katniss, hello Peeta." Mr. Mellark greets us. "How's been the life living together?"
"It's been fine, dad." Says Peeta.
"Good. Now, Peeta, I have to tell you some news..." Says Mr. Mellark.
"News?" Asks Peeta.
"Well... do you even remember having a sister?"
"Dad, I don't have a sister. That's why mom beats me."
"Well..... You actually do."
"WHAT?!" Peeta and I say in unison.
"Yeah. When Peeta was 4 years old we had a daughter but when he was 7 she got lost. She's Prim's age actually."
Me nor Peeta know what to say. We're gaping and in shock.
"How?!" Asks Peeta.
"Well, you know how a baby come to the world." Mr. Mellark says.
"I don't mean that. I mean, how did you found her?"
"Well, I was walking down the street and saw this girl who looked a lot like Willow, that's her name by the way, and I went up to her and said 'Hey darling, what's your name?' And she said 'I'm Willow Mellark, I've been lost for about, 10 year, maybe.' I asked how did she survived and she said that a family found her and took care of her but that she had been looking for her real family all this time and then she said her dad kind of looked like me and she told me that her father's name was Jason Mellark (A/N which is Peeta's dad's name) and that she had 3 older brothers who's names were James, Rye and Peeta and that her mom was a pretty mean person. Then I thought to myself 'this is our Willow.' Then I told her I was her dad and she was so happy that we found each other, I was too. I then brought her here and now she's upstairs. So, would you like to see her?" Mr. Mellark tells us.
Peeta and I nod enthusiastically.
"Willow come down!" Yells Mr. Mellark.
"Coming!" Yells a voice from upstairs.
We hear steps running down the stairs and then a girl with wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes, that resemble Peeta's, who looks about 14 appears.
"Hello." She says. "I'm Willow. Who are you?"
"Well, I'm your brother, Peeta, and this is Katniss, my girlfriend." Says Peeta.
"So you are Peeta. I was wondering where you were." She says. "It's nice to.... re-meet you and it's nice to meet you Katniss. But I think I've met you before?"
"I guess we have because your brother and I know each other since we were 5." I say.
"Oh. So how long have you guys been dating?"
"About a year." Peeta says.
"Wait, wasn't Katniss the girl you had a crush on since the first day of school?" Willow asks with raised eyebrows.
"Yeah." Says Peeta.
"And you got together last year?!" She asks laughing slightly.
"Yeah." I say.
"Question. How long have you liked my brother for?" She asks me.
"Well, since the first day of school."
"Psh. Dumbs." Willow mutters under her breath.
"Willow." Mr. Mellark warns.
"Sorry. But I mean, how brainless of you. I don't mean to be rude, but... come on!" She says.
"So far I like this Willow girl, for some reason." I say.
"I think you'll get along with Johanna pretty well." Says Peeta.
"Johanna. Have I met her?"
"I guess you've met all of our friends. We've been all good friend since we were 5."
"I guess so. But I don't quite remember everyone. It's been, what, 10 years?"
"Well it's nice to see you, Willow."
"It's nice to see you, Peeta." Says Willow. "I'd like to meet your friends. They seem pretty funny."
"You'd probably like to meet Katniss' little sister too."
"Oh. You have a little sister?"
"Yes, she's 13." I say.
"Well, she is about my age."
"How old are you?"
"I'm 14." Willow says.
"That's cool."
"Yeah, I'll probably be in one grade older that her. Or maybe not. Is she going to be a freshman this year?"
"Actually yeah." I say.
"Then I guess I'll be in her grade."
"I hope you'll get along so you can be friends with her, and Rue, and Rory, and Finn..."
"Ok. I got it. Many people. So, when can I meet them?" She asks.
"You're pretty mature for your age." Says Peeta.
"Oh, you don't know the hell I've been through." Says Willow.
"Hell?!" Peeta asks worriedly.
"Yeah. I know mom beats you and all those things but you don't know what I've been through. I don't think I would trade it, though. I'm smarter than most people who are my age." She says.
"Well, ok." Says Peeta.
"So, when can I meet your friends?" She asks again.
"Why don't we have a sleepover at ours and y'all can come." I say.
Willow looks at Peeta and says, "You made a good choice with her." She then turns to me and says, "Yeah. I think it's a good idea."
I smile at her. I'm really grateful that she approved of me. Even though I don't know if I should care that much.
"So, you two live together. Even though you're 17." Says Willow.
"Well, yeah." I say.
"You're Juniors, aren't you?"
"Yes, we are."
"Cool." Says Willow.
"So can you guys take me with you to your place now? I don't know if I'll be able to get a ride later and I don't feel like walking." She continues.
"Sure. We'll give you a ride." Says Peeta.
"Thanks, bro." She says. "I'll go pack my stuff for the sleep over. Bye daddy." And then she goes upstairs.
"Well, that was.... interesting." Says Peeta.
"Yeah. Nobody would have expected Willow to be like that." Says Mr. Mellark.
"Nope." Says Peeta. "She was so sweet when we were younger. I'm kind of remembering her now."
"Like she said, she has been through hell. She already told me. Her whole life has been pretty hard." Mr. Mellark says.
"I can imagine." I say.
"Well, see you guys later." Mr. Mellark says and goes back to the kitchen.
"Well, let's wait for Willow and call the group meanwhile." Says Peeta.
We do a group chat which I start.
Katniss🎯: Heya!
Peeta🍞❤️: Hey.
Finnick🐠🏊🏼: Sup?
Annie👭❤️: Hi.
Marvel😎: Hey.
Glimmer✨💄: Hi.
Cato🎮: Hey.
Clove 🍀🔪: Hey!
Johanna💀😒: Hey.
Finnick🐠🏊🏼: So, what's up?
Katniss🎯: Well, we are having a sleepover at our house because Peeta just found his sister.
Everyone: SISTER?!
Peeta🍞❤️: Yep. We'll explain everything at the sleepover. So, you guys up to it?
Finnick🐠🏊🏼: Sure.
Annie👭❤️: Sure.
Marvel😎: Sure.
Glimmer✨💄: Sure. Cato🎮: Sure.
Clove 🍀🔪: Sure.
Johanna💀😒: Yeah.
Peeta🍞❤️: Ok. Be there at 8.
Then Willow comes back with her stuff.
"Ready to go?" Peeta asks her.
"Yeah. Is your sister going to be there?" She asks me.
"Oh. Yeah, I'll text her and we'll meet her in the way." I say.
"Can you ask her to bring some people our age too. Like from our grade?"
I text her and Prim says that she'll bring Rue.
"Ok. She and a friend will be coming." I inform Willow.
"Cool. I'll start school next week so it wouldn't hurt to know a couple of people."
"No it wouldn't."
"So, can we go now?" Willow asks.
"Sure." Says Peeta and we all go to the car.
We put her bag in the trunk and she sits on the back seat.
"Just try not to be all lovey-dovey in front of me. I mean I ship you guys and all..." she giggles "...but I don't wanna be a third wheeler."
"It's ok. We won't." Peeta says laughing.
"Ok. Good."
We then pick up Prim and Rue.
"Prim, Rue, this is Peeta's sister, Willow." I say once they get into the car.
"Hello." Says Willow.
"Hi!" Prim and Rue say in unison.
"I'm Willow, but you can call me Will." Says Willow.
"I'm Primrose, but you can call me Prim." Says Prim.
"And I'm Rue, and you can call me... Rue." Says Rue. They laugh.
"So, I'm new here. I'm starting school next week. I'll need a couple friends." Says Willow.
"We'll be your friends." Says Prim.
"Why, thank you." Says Willow.
"It's nothing." Says Rue and we head to our house.
Once we reach our house Willow has face of shock.
"Wow. This is huge for a pair of 17 year olds." She says.
"Well, we found it actually but my dad paid to repair it. " I say.
"Oh well."
The girls get settled in the living room and a couple of minutes later the door bell rings. The gang enters.
"Sooo. Peeta's sister." Says Finnick. "Is she hot?"
Peeta gives him a death glare.
"Yes, she's hot but she's 14." Peeta says in a somewhat angry voice. He's her older brother after all.
"Ok. Calm down. I was just joking." Says Finnick.
"Don't joke about my sister like that." Says Peeta sternly.
"Ok, ok. Over protective brother." Finnick says.
"Oh, shut up FishBoy." Peeta says. "Anyways, you have Annie."
"Yeah, like I said I was just joking. I hope you don't mind that I brought Finn with me." Finnick says.
Finn is Finnick's little brother. Somehow he convinced his parents to name his little brother Finn after him. He wanted it to be Finnick Jr. but his mom wouldn't let it be.
"Of course we don't mind. Prim and Rue are here too. And I think Rory's gonna come." I say.
"Oh, okay." Finnick says.
"Come on in." Peeta says realizing that we've been standing at the door for a couple of minutes.
They all come in and settle in the living room.
"Will, I present you the Victors." Says Peeta.
"Hello, I'm Willow." She says.
Finnick is the first to speak. "Hello, babe. I'm Finnick. Want a sugar cube?"
Willow looks at Peeta and asks, "What's wrong with him?"
"Oh, nothing. He's just... Finnick." Peeta replies.
"Okay." Willow says.
"I'm Annie. I'm Finnick's girlfriend." Annie says.
"Nice to meet you, Annie. You're really pretty. I love your eyes." Willow says. She has Peeta's charm. That's for sure.
"Oh, thank you." Says Annie.
"I'm Clove." Says Clove.
"I'm Glimmer." Glimmer says.
"I'm Cato." Says Cato.
"I'm Marvel." Says Marvel.
"And I'm Johanna. Whoop whoop." Says Johanna making Willow laugh.
"So this is the girl you told me about?" Willow asks.
"Yeah." I say.
"Oh, I'm honored to have been talked about but may I ask why?" Says Johanna.
"Oh, it's because when I met Katniss and Peeta told me she was his girlfriend, I asked if she was the girl he like since he was 5..." Willow starts saying.
"So you know all of us." Johanna cuts her off.
"Well, kind of. I got lost when Peeta was 7. So somehow, yes." Says Willow.
"Ok. Keep on with the story." Johanna says.
"Well, then he told me that, that was her, so I asked Katniss for how long has she liked my brother and she told me since they were five, so I called them Brainless." Willow finishes.
"Oh, Peeta I like your sister so much already." Says Johanna.
Willow laughs.
"Of course you do Johanna." I say.
"Obviously. Who else would call you Brainless." Johanna says.
Willow and Johanna high five.
"I think we're gonna get along, little BakerGirl." Says Johanna.
"I ain't no baker." Willow says.
"Then what should I call you? I need a nickname for you."
"I don't know. You'll find something soon. Meanwhile you can call me... I don't know... Dancer Girl... Ballerina?"
"Ok. You do ballet?"
"Yeah. Any type of dance, really."
"Cool, DancerGirl." Johanna says.
"Cool, Jo." Willow says.
"Finally! Someone who can be nice enough to call me, Jo." Johanna says.
Willow laughs.
"I'm Finn." Says Finn after a while.
Willow stares at him for a moment and then snaps herself out of the gaze.
"I'm Willow." She says in a sweet voice I haven't heard her use before.
"Nice to meet you." Finn says.
"Nice to meet you too. I like your eyes." Willow says.
"Thanks. And I like yours."
Willow giggles and says: "Thanks." Kind of flirty. Which causes Peeta to tense besides me.
"Relax." I whisper to him. "She's 14. She's old enough."
He looks at me and kind of scowls.
"Peeta." I say warningly.
"Fine." He mutters.
"Better." I say.
"Okay." He says.
"Cool." I say.
"Fine." He says.
"Fine." I say.
"Okay, okay! We don't need a new Fault in Out Stars." Willow says. We all look at her.
"Were we really that loud?" I ask.
"No, but I have a pretty good hearing." She says.
"Oh, cool." Says Finn.
"Thanks." Willow says.
Then Finnick yells: "TRUTH O'DAIR!!!"
We all laugh at him.
"What is truth o'dair?" Willow asks.
"It's just the Finnick version of truth or dare." I explain.
"Something tells me that's not something so good." Willow says.
"Believe when I say it's not." I reply. She laughs.
"Oh, don't worry. It's not just the Finnick version now. It's the Finn/Finnick version." Finn says.
"Oh, shit.". She says.
"Willow!" Peeta says.
"What? Haven't you heard any cussing in this place?" She asks.
"Well, I have but..."
"Come on! I'm 14 not 5. I'm not a little girl anymore." Willow says. We all just look at her.
"Oh, Jeez. I bet Prim cusses when Katniss isn't hearing." She continues. "And Rue. And anyone else here."
"Yeah, but..." Peeta tries again.
"Oh, come on. Don't be sassy on me." Willow cuts him off. "Are we gonna play it nah?"
Everyone laughs and we make a circle in the living room. Finn spins the bottle and it lands on... Peeta.
"Peeta! Truth or Dare?" He asks charmingly.
"I'll go with truth, because if I've learned something is to never take a dare from an Odair." Peeta says making everyone laugh.
"Well, that rhymed." Willow says.
"Ok. Have you and Katniss... you know... already... done it?" Asks Finn smirking.
"Ooh. I'd like to know that." Willow says and Prim joins:
"Well, I'd like to know that, too."
Peeta looks at me for approval and I nod. After all it's TRUTH or Dare. You can't lie.
"Fine. Yes, we have." Peeta says.
Finn and Willow, both, burst out laughing and Prim looks as pale as ghost.
"KATNISS!!!" She yells.
"What Prim?" I say confidently.
She just gapes at me.
"You won't tell mom? Will you?" I ask.
"Of course not! I'm not that mean." She says.
"I'm not a tadle tell." She mutters.
"I trust you Prim." I say.
Peeta spins the bottle and it lands on.... Finnick.
"Finnick! Truth or Dare?" Peeta asks.
"I'll go with Dare." Finnick says calmly.
"Ok. I dare you to go out on the street and kiss the first girl that crosses. It doesn't matter what age she is."
Finnick glares at Peeta and says: "Fine. But you're gonna pay for this one way or another." And gets up.
"You're in trouble Peeta." I say.
"Oh, dear. What have I just done?" He mutters. Willow laughs.
Finnick ends up kissing a woman about 39 year old with a suitcase and a suit.
"Well, that wasn't pretty. I'd rather Annie's lips anytime." Finnick says and we all laugh.
Finnick spins the bottle and it lands on Willow. I sense Peeta tense up besides me.
"Truth or Dare?" Finnick asks Willow.
"I'll be brave and take dare." She says.
"Fine. I dare you to make-out with Finn for 5 minutes." Finnick says. Willow freezes.
"Uh... um... Is t-there a way I-I can get out of t-this?" She stutters.
"You can take of a pice of clothing."
"I'll just go with the dare 'cause I ain't gonna undress in front of y'all. Come here Finn." She says.
"Ok. Five minutes start in... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1. Kiss!" Finnick says and they start making out.
I feel Peeta tense up next to me.
"Relax, Peeta. It's just a dare." I tell him.
"But what if they like each other? Or what if she likes him and he doesn't like her?" He asks.
"Calm down. Everything's going to be fine. It's just a dare."
"But what if?"
"If they like each other then they'll get together. I know you don't want your sister heart broken but I think we can trust Finn." I say.
"I guess we can." He says.
"And... the five minutes are up." Says Finnick but they keep kissing as if they didn't heard it.
"Yo bro! Stop eating Willow's face off!" Screams Finnick.
They break apart and blush.
"Ok. I'll spin th bottle." Willow says breaking the silence. She spins the bottle and it lands on me.
"Ooh, Katniss dear." She says in a Capitol accent.
"Oh, dear. I'll take dare. Even though I've learned not to accept a dare from an Odair but I think the Mellarks will be soon on their heels." I say and she laughs.
"Well, you're pretty much right." Willow says. "Oh, I have the perfect dare for you. I dare you and Peeta to go outside, naked, and start making out." She smirks.
"Oh dear." I say.
"A dare is a dare. You take it or a pice of clothing off." She smirks.
"Ok." I say not really caring.
"But then you'd be a coward and a 14 year old would have won over you." she continues. I freeze at this.
"Oh, no one's gonna win over me!"I say and take Peeta outside.
"Peeta, take off your clothes." I demand.
We both undress and start making out. It starts to get heated when Willow yells: "Alright, Love Birds that's enough!!!"
We stop get dressed and run into the house. Everyone's laughing their heads off. Willow is laughing the most. Her and Finn are rolling on the ground. They stop for a second but when they look at us they continue.
"W-well, I-I think t-that's enough o-of truth or d-dare." I stutter.
"Yeah." Says Peeta.
"Whatever. As if you haven't done it already." Says Willow.
"Okay. Let's just watch a movie. What do you guys wanna watch?" I say.
"The Conjuring!" Finn and Willow say at the same time and then they smile at each other.
"A girl. Who wants to watch the Conjuring?" Says Cato.
"What can I say. I'm a tough girl." Willow says.
"Well Peeta, I think your sister and I are gonna be best friends." Says Johanna and everyone laughs.
"Ok. Let's go." Says Peeta and we start the movie.
A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating lately. I got a summer job and I'm kind of busy but here's the chapter. I hope you like it. It's the longest chapter I've written so far. It's 3104 words (or at least that's what the word count says) not counting the author's note. Keep calm and love everlark.
- Valentina💋
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