Chapter 14 - Say Bye to Virginity
We're at the sleepover at Finnick's and guess what we're doing?
Yep... Truth O'dair.
Finnick spins the bottle. Oh boy.
It lands on... Peeta. Oh dear.
"Dear Peety. Which one will it be this time?" Asks Finnick.
"Dare." Peeta states.
"I dare you to do two hours of 7 minutes in heaven with Katniss." He says with a smirk.
"Ok." Says Peeta while getting up.
He offers me his hand and we go in one of the spare rooms.
After the door shuts we hear a click and we start.
We start kissing. Which soon turns French. Which soon turn to a full on make out session. I start tugging on Peeta's shirt. I can't take it much longer. But why should I. We've been friends since forever and we're together.
Peeta starts kissing my neck and it's getting harder for me to not rip his clothes off.
"I love you, Katniss Everdeen." Says Peeta.
I don't hesitate to answer,
"I love you too, Peeta Mellark." And it's true.
He then kisses me fiercely.I can't take it any longer. I pull his shirt off to reveal his amazing six-pack. But then he stops kissing me. Didn't he just said he loved me?
"Are you sure you want this, Katniss? I don't want you doing anything you'll regret later on." He says.
"Yes, Peeta, I'm sure. I would never regret doing it if it's with you." I say smiling reassuringly at him.
"Ok." He says and goes back to kissing me.
Soon enough all of our clothing is spread all over the floor. Peeta stops kissing me once again. I looked at him with hurt in my eyes. Is he regretting it?
"I'll just put protection on. Bette prevent than grief." He reassures and goes to the bathroom.
After about a minute he comes back and we continue.
"Tell me if it hurts too much and you want to stop." He says.
"Ok." I tell him.
When he enters my body I feel nothing but pleasure. I thought it was supposed to hurt to virgin girls. I guess it doesn't hurt when you're meant to be with that person. After all, it is love making. Peeta's going slow afraid to hurt me.
"Peeta... harder... faster..." I moan and he does as told. My body feels like in cloud 9.
"Katniss..." He moans.
Once we both reach our climax at the same time and collapse panting next to each other.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I reply.
Suddenly the door flies open and the group rush inside. We are, luckily, covered but I pull the sheets higher anyway.
"I told you they would have sex!" Cheers Finnick. "Y'all owe me five dollars."
"What is wrong with y'all!!!!" Me and Peeta yell in unison.
"Nothing. We just made a bet, which Finnick won because he was the only one who said that you two would have sex." Explains Cato.
"Thanks for trusting me Finnick." I say sarcastically.
"You guys are messed up." Says Peeta.
"Yeah." I agree. "Now can you let get dressed."
"Sure." Says Annie and they walk out of the room.
"Well that was messed up." Says Peeta.
"Yep." I agree and we get dressed.
After we get dressed and fix our hairs we walk out of the spare room and join the others who are watching Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollows: part 1.
After, the movie we decide to get some sleep. Peeta and I lay in his sleeping back.
"Good night, Kat. Love you." Says Peeta.
"Love you too. Night, Peet." I reply.
My last thought before drifting off was:
'I'm not a virgin anymore'
A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating lately it's just that I've been busy at schools with final test and everything but I'll try to update at least once a week.
Love y'all
- Valentina 😘💋
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