The Morning After (More Smut)
Levi's POV
I opened my eyes, by the light flowing through the window. The crisp, clear curtains blowing softly. I felt myself being pulled towards something that is well built. I looked up, and saw his sleeping face. Flashback of last night replayed through my mind.
"A-Ahh Eren!! Faster!! Harder baby please!!"
"Oh...right." I said to myself. A small smirk made its way to my lips. I looked up at my lover once more, and soaked in his apperence. His eyes closed, and his mouth slightly ajar. And those sweet pink, soft looking lips.
And quiet snores coming out of his mouth. His hair bed-headed and muscles loose. I glanced at the clock. 10:00 it read. Time to wake eren up.
"Eren, baby wake up." I said. I got nothing. I nudged my nose in his neck, and softly kissed him. He stirred, but didn't open his eyes. He is so dificult.
I started to kiss him more harshly, and pushed his harder. Then finally he woke up. His green eyes opened, and loked at me sleepily.
"Morning beautiful." he whisperd to me.
"Morning." I siad right back. We got up, well he did because I felt a pain from my ass up m back. I ognored it for now and got some clothes. After we headed into the bathroom, to take a shower. Dumbest idea ever.
Nothing but moans, and love showerd over us. Even though we were in water, we were never fully clean.
After the session in the shower, we made our way over to the bed. Eren picked me up from under my thoghs, and walked over to the bed. I clung onto him, while making out. My heavy breathing filled the room again, as he made his way down my neck.
"Ahh Eren. Baby more." I moaned out. He then began to lay me down on the bed. He stopped and unbuttoned my top. He took it off, when I sat up and kissed him. He flung it across the room, and attacked my chest.
I arched my body off the bed, and moved my face to side.
Eren's POV
I attacked his pink bud, when I flung his shirt across the room. He arched off the bed. I then gave the other bud the same treatment. He moaned out my name in pleasure.
I thn unbuckled his pants, and licked his dick. Up the sides, and the top. I sucked on the top, which made him moan out pretty loud. Then I took him in whole.
"AHHH!! EREN!!!" He screamed. His hand made its way to my hair, and grabbed it. My hands wrapped around his dick, and moved up and down. When I did this one of his hands grabbed at the sheets. A salty taste started to tingle my taste buds.
"Eren. I-I'm c-coming!!"
"Then cum." I whisperd. With my hand slithering up his toned abs.
"E-ren. A-Ahh. EREN!!!" He screamed once more. Coming/Cumming in my mouth. I swallowed, and wiped my face off with my finger. Then licking my finger, leaving all traces gone. I looked at my darling Levi.
Breathing heavily, red faced, and sweaty. I got off of the bed, and got him new clothes. I got him a white top, with a black tie, and pants. I put it on him, with kisses after each clothing was put on. We then went down stairs and got some breakfast. I grabbed some cereal and milk.
But the whole time we just ended up feeding each other.
Levi's POV
"So Levi. What do you wanna do today?"
"I have no clue. Maybe we should rest, cause my ass hurts." I finally confessed.
"OH NO Levi are you ok?! What happened?!" Eren shouted.
"Eren you fucked my ass yesterday what do you exspect? But I'm fine. Don't worry, I just need a pill and it will go away."
"You shouldv'e told me before I had blown you this morning!!" Eren complained. I rubbed the bridge of my nose.
"Eren, I am fine! Now stop worrying about me."
"Here, stay there. I'll get you a pill." He said. He got up quickly. He ran to the medicine cabinet, and got me a Ibuprophin. (sorry that's what writer-chan uses when she has pain) He ran to me, and gave me the pill.
I swollowed it, and took the last sips of my water. Then Eren carried me to the counter and placed me onto it. He grabbed some aiding tape, and re-wrapped my wrist.
"Thanks baby." I said, after he was done.
"No problem." He said, smiling. He then leaned in, and gave me a soft kiss. He picked me up again, and went back to bed. He layed me down and got in. He pulled me close to him, and kissed my head. I felt myself getting sleepy, and snuggled into his neck.
Then fell asleep once more.
Sorry if that totally SUCKED!!! And I am sorry for not updating in forever.
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