Levi's POV
I waited in the music room for Eren to come. Looking at my watch I heard the heavy wooden door creaked open.
"Hey Er- what do you want Petra?" I asked annoyingly.
"Hey Levi. I just wanted to say something."
"What is it? I'm a little busy right now." How did she know I am here? What's going on?! I kept looking at my watch, not noticing Petra inching closer to me. Before I knew I she was right in front of me. The door started to open, and I knew it is Eren, but then Petra did something that I shouldn't have let happen.
She pulled me in, and attached her lips to mine.
"Er-Mmm!!" My eyes were wide, but her's were closed. Her arms around my neck, thinking it was real. In the corner of my eye I saw Eren standing there, shaking. I pulled away, wiping off her gross germs.
"Eren no it's not what it-" I tried, but I was all too late.
"So you asked me out, just to cheat on me?!" He questioned shakily.
"No I-"
"Yes Eren. He did, all of that was fake. He doesn't like you." Petra added in. Before I could turn around and yell at her, Eren was already running down the hall crying.
"Eren!!!" I yelled standing at the doorway. He was already gone. I slowly turned around to see Petra with a smirk on her stupid face.
"You bitch!!" I yelled at her. Without thinking I smacked her. Hard. She fell onto the floor, holding her cheek. Blood coming out of her nose as her eyes widened. She looked shocked as hell after I did that.
"L-Levi wh-"
"HOW DARE YOU!! DON'T EVER GET NEAR ME AGAIN!!!" I yelled at her. I grabbed my things and ran out the school, yelling Eren's name. I ran out into the sunshine and ran throughout the streets.
I saw him running to the park, guessing he's not the fastest runner. I ran after him, as fast as I could take it. I saw him fall to the ground and cry his big heart out. Damn you Petra. This is what you did to him.
I ran up behind the tree and let him cool off on his own. When I heard his soft voice and wanted to hold him in my arms, and kiss all of his tears away.
"Why? Why does this always happen to me? Everyone likes to play with my feelings l-like I am inhuman!" he cried. I held my breath.
"I really do like Levi-san. I thought I could trust him. But I am wrong, again. I should just go home and leave the world alone." he said to himself. He started to get up, but I ran round the oak tree and stopped him.
"Levi!! G-Get away from me."
"Eren stop! I isn't what it looked like!"
"No Eren I would never do that to you! She kissed me when you came in just to make you sad." I tried.
"I'm so sorry." I breathed out. I could see he was debating to trust me, as he played with his fingers. He then gave in and slowly made his way into my arms. I held him close to me and slide down to my knees.
"I heard you. And I promise you I won't ever play with your feelings. Ever." I said. Emphasizing ever. He just nodded on my shoulder, feeling his tears wet my shirt. As he breathed uneavenly I hugged him close to my chest, and stroked his hair softly. I loved the feeling of running my hand through his soft silky brown locks. More importantly though, I love him.
"Hey I wanna tell you something Eren." I say. He lifted his head away and looked in my eyes. Before I said another word, I wiped his tears away. Kissing his cheek softly.
"I got you a free ticket to my basketball game. It's our last one of the season, and I got you a ticket." I said stroking his face.
"R-Really? Thank you Levi."
"Anything, baby." I said leaning in so our noses touched. Eren gave me a small peck on the lips. Leaning in, and gave him a real kiss.
"Here, i'll give it to you now." I reached into my pocket and grabbed the ticket. I gave it to him, and he happily took it.
"Friday the...18th. Cool I can go then!!" He chirped, with all his sadness washed away. We both got up, and walked until we had to part for our houses.
"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" I said. I nodded and gave him one last kiss before he walked away.
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