In The End
Sorry for not updating yesterday. I would've but I had friends over and I had to do stuff. Sorry guys. Forgive me? And this is the last chapter. Please vote and comment.
Levi's POV
"Mr. Ackerman, you may see him now." A thin nurse said. I nodded and walked to Eren. Needles and a breathing mask is hooked up to his body and face. Wires run all over the room. Waves of regret washed over me, knowing he might not wake up.
So all I could do was fall to my knees. Begging for my lover to come back. I had plans of marrying Eren, of our honeymoon and growing old. Maybe even adopting some kids along the way. But now, my dreams are shattered because of my stupidity.
Holding my face in my hands I let all my tears fall.
My breath hitched in my throat. Eren? Was that really Eren's voice. Getting up slowly I am met with Eren's green eyes. His precious eyes that made me melt. "E-Eren..." I whispered.
Eren swallowed hard as his hand tried to reach mine. I held it with the utmost care and love I had left. His shaking, cold hands gripped mine. In is his time of dying, and we both knew it. Fresh tears clouded my vision and fell onto his hands.
"L-Lev-i if-if I had en-energy to-to fight...I would. But-I don't ha-have any-anymore left. I'm-I'm sorry." Eren tried. His voice cracked as he said his last words to me. My lip quivered, so I bit it to stop it's trembling.
"Shh Eren. I-It's ok. You'll pull through right? You have to!" I begged. "Please baby for me!!"
"Lev-i I-I'm afraid that-that I-" before Eren could finish he coughs violently. I hold his hand and rubbed his back. Curling his body forwards he keep coughing. He covered his mouth as blood splattered out on the crisp white sheets, along with his hand. "I-I can't ma-make it."
"Eren...please have hope."
"Le-Levi It's no u-se." He breathes breathlessly.
"Eren, i'm so so sorry. I will always love you." I cried. "I wanna-I can't-" I couldn't finish my sentence. "I can't let you go." I whimpered. Eren wiped away my tears.
"Levi, I-Im sor-sorry for the way I acted." Eren says in a raspy, broken and dry voice, as he grips my hand.
"Eren NO!!" his breath is weakening, as the heart thermometer goes down. "STAY WITH ME!!!"
Just like that, his life slipped away. Like sand within my fingers. His last breath had gone and the monitor stopped. My love, was killed by me. His own lover. I cried and sobbed for his to come back, but he wasn't. Not this time.
But, before he slipped away.
Eren's last words to me, were...
"I love you, Levi. And I'll tell you all about it, when I see you again."
Sequel anyone? I've been thinking about it, but Idk if I should do it. And by the way, this was really hard to write. I'm sorry. Bye for now. Please vote and comment.
I love you guys~
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