I Will Get You Back Eren
Levi's POV
"Hey Eren I need to go ok?"
"No!! Levi..." Eren whined. Yes, I needed to go home to my house. It is a sunday after all and we still have school. I sighed, and held his face in my palm.
"Eren don't be brat." I scolded. "I need to go and you know that. I'll see you tomorrow." I said. Giving him a quick kiss. But before I could turn around Eren grabbed my wrist and I was met with his neck. He gave me a big hug, in which I returned.
"By, Levi." He said in a soft voice. I grabbed my things, and walked out. I went home and ate some dinner. It was small tho, then I took a much needed shower. (If ya know what I mean) Even when I lathered my body twice and hair I still smelt like Eren.
I walked out drying my hair, with a towel around my waist. I got into my sleeping pants. They are red and black plaid. I don't sleep with a top, so I don't grab another one. I flopped down on my bed, but before I could get comfortable the doorbell rang.
I grabbed a black shirt, and walked to the door groaning. I opened the door, and saw Eren.
"You left this at my house." Eren said holding my jacket. How the fuck did I forget that?!
"Oh. Thanks." I said taking it. When I took it my eyes widened, and so did Eren's.
A sound of glass breaking was heard upstairs. Eren and my eyes drifted up to the ceiling, slowly. Another crash was heard upstairs. I slowly walked to the kitchen, and grabbed a sharp knife. Eren and I quietly walked up the stairs, not making a sound.
We stopped in the hallway, and waited for another sound. We didn't know what room the sound came from so we waited. Some rustling came from my room. Eren and I charged at the door, kicking it open to find...nothing?
Nothing at all, but a shattered mirror, and my glass cup on the ground. But my clothes were everywhere. I looked at my room in disgust. It was gross, and a mess. Eren sniffed the air, as we began to search the room for clues.
The only clue we found was a piece of clothing. It was a piece of a blue plaid shirt. The only person I know who likes to wear plaid shirts is Armin. But he would never do this. I know it...hopefully.
But when I was looking around I thought that whatever or whoever did this looked like they were looking for something. Because all my draws were emptied, and everything. I had nothing in my room that anyone wanted.
Eren and I walked around my bed. We saw nothing again. After we cleaned up my room I lead Eren down my stairs.
"Levi, I don't think you should be alone."
"Tch. Brat I'll be fine." I argued. I kissed him once more, and went to bed. I put a pocket knife under my pillow, and fell asleep. Nothing happened that night.
I woke up to my alarm, and went to school. My two courses went by fast in the morning.
I walked in the lunch room, and sat down at my table. Eren and his friends all came over to sit with us too. Eren sat across me, but gave me a stern face and so did I.
The day went by quickly, and I went home. But throughout today I felt like I was being watched.
I shook off the feeling and did my studies, then took a shower. I forgot that I had left my knife under my pillow last night. I walked into my room, and grabbed my pocket knife.
I have no idea what to do. I guess I'd have to play it cool, and forget it. Hopefully nothing shitty will/would happen. But I also want to know what happened, and who did it...
I called Eren, and waited for an answer. Eren picked up.
"Hey baby. It's me Levi."
"Oh HI LEVI!!" Eren yelled.
"How are you?" I replied.
"Fine you?"
"I'm ok now that I am talking to you."
"Thats really gre-WHAT THE-" I heard Eren yell. I stopped walking, and started to panick.
"Eren? Eren?! EREN?!?!" I yelled through my phone.
"LEVI!! HELP M-" I heard Eren yell. But then the line got cancelled. All I heard the was the never ending beeping noise.
"EREN!!" I yelled. I then ran as fast as I could to Eren's house, praying I wasn't to late.
I arrived at Eren's house. I saw all of the house lights are on. I tried the door, but it was locked. I took a step back and kicked down the door. I'd pay for it later. When I walked in, the house was a mess. Everything was on the floor, and glass littered the ground.
"EREN!?" I yelled.
I ran through the house. I opened every room. But I found nobody. Not even a trace. Eren's window was open, and only the moonlight flooded in.
I smelt the air, I have smelt the scent in school today. But only today. It was a guys scent.
I remembered that it was in the hall. I clenched my fists, and gritted my teeth. Rage built up inside of me. I walked out of Eren's house. Before I exited I said...
I will find you, and you will fucking pay...
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