Chapter: 23
"With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt because love is an amazing feeling." -Britney Spears
Rezay's POV
She really think like that about me? But what more am I expecting from her besides this? Yes, I deserve that. I have been behaving like a jerk to her, so what else am I expecting? But her words,
We are nothing but just FB buddies?
'How can you say that Fatima? We are nothing more?' I asked myself in disbelief, but she is right. I haven't shown my interest in her, my love to her and if she is not expecting anything then I'd say she is right and she is the most bravest girl if she is accepting the reality/the truth. I can't make her live in her own fantasies, but still it hurts. It really hurts to listen those words from her. These words are like stabbing me straight in my heart. She also thinks that if in any phase of life, she'd need me, I won't come, I won't come because we are just that fucking facebook friends. WTH!
"What else am I expecting from her, Rezay?" I shouted throwing my phone on the bed. But why I am angry? I wanted that. I wanted to make sure that she'd never love me, she'd never get involve with me, cause I can't handle, I can't handle anyone's love? I can't handle anyone's care, I have hidden myself under a shell from which I'd never come out. I don't think I could handle her love, that's why I am not giving in. That's why I cannot give even a little chance to her. But now why I am feeling bad? why can't I just open up to her? I can't believe this I am still fighting with my past. Past, that haunts me, every night, that reminds me not to love anyone any more in this life, that reminds me how much I have paid just to love someone, every night memories comes and that's why I couldn't sleep, I couldn't forget that loving someone, how hard is that. How hard is to love someone, but.... no no, not loving someone is hard, but to forgetting someone whom you loved most. Yeah, forgetting your love is hard, really hard. I don't even know how long it'd take me to forget my bad experience of first love. But I don't wanna get hurt again, if Fatima too wouldn't be for me? If she'd marry someone else then? If History would repeat itself then ? I'd be again standing at the same platform. I cannot deal with this, I'dnt let this happen again to me. I'dnt let it happen, if she think like that then fine, she is right. It's good for both of us. She is right, I'd never come to her, I'd never meet her, I'd never confess my love to her, I will never give her any false hope. Never!
Tani's POV
After saying all that to him, I was feeling hurt, I was feeling that maybe I was wrong, I did wrong, I shouldn't have said those things to him, but realizing that he didn't even tried to clear himself, I think I was right, he didn't even try to say that, 'No Tani, you are wrong, I will come for you whenever you'd need me.' He didn't say anything like that, but what did he say is,
"You are right, we are just FB friends, nothing else, nothing more and we will never be."
His words gave me firm determination that we will never be more than just friends, so thinking about 'more' would just hurt me. Why my life is so complicated? I have a stalker whom I don't even know, I have a person who love me like hell and there is another one whom I love like hell, what my life is about? Hell? Yes... Hell !
*After 24 hours*
"Oww.. Why my head is hurting, so badly?" I tried to sit but something hard I felt in the middle of my body, on my stomach, I touched that thing, it was hard and thick felt like nylon or something. My eyes shot open, 'rope?' I started shouting when I saw, I was stuck in the middle of some bed, a rope was tied around my whole body clinging me with bed but that's so horrible, its hurting me, I started crying thinking about that someone has taken me here, someone has kidnapped me but who could have done this, where I am? I don't even remember anything how I got here? I just remembered that someone was following me and I started running and then--- what happened then? I don't remember, where my memory gone? Ohh My God! Ohh My God! If someone that was following me if he has taken me here then what would I do?
"Someone help! Help!" I started shouting.
"Where I am ? what's this place?" I again shouted but got no response. When I looked around in my surrounding, I saw, it was a really big tiled room, but so empty, it has only a dressing and a bed on which I was stucked, I tried to sit and saw my stole and scarf lying on the floor with my bag, my hairs were open but thank God I had clothes on my body, I started crying more, seeing that someone has opened my scarf, someone has touched me, who could be that? I started shouting again.
"Who's house is this? Please someone help! help! he---" I started sobbing badly, my voice stucked in my throat now. I lift my hands and started praying,
"O'Allah ! Please help me, please help me, please save me whoever he is, please don't let any sin happen here, just forgive me if I have ever done something wrong, but please save me. Save me, give me some light, hope, some way to get out of here. Please show me the way, send your angels to help me, to save me, please help me, please save me. please. Don't give us sorrow, just give us happiness, for the sake of your beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), please save me. Aameen."
I prayed and relaxed myself and tried to remember what happened before. I tried to remember everything, everything that happened a day before.
*Before 24 hours*
It was 8:00 p.m now, so I decided to make something for dinner, after talking to Rezay my mood was off so I decided to keep myself busy in work so that I won't end up crying.
I entered in kitchen, started to searching for anything to cook, I opened fridge and saw there were fruits; apples, grapes, but not vegetables, wow! Mommy didn't tell me that I would have to do some grocery shopping before reaching home. Then I opened freezer and nothing was in there too. I closed it and almost jumped out of my skin when I saw someone standing there, smiling at me, yeah ofcourse Sami.
"Sami?" I shouted, "Y-you almost killed me." I said placing my hand on my chest and he laughed more.
"What? what's so funny?" I asked angrily.
"Your face, see your face. You became pale."
"That's not funny, scaring someone is really not funny, my face, yeah ofcourse, its all your fault." I said with gritted teeth.
"Whoa whoa! calm down lady." I frowned more.
"So tell me, what are you upto?" He asked me placing his elbow straight on the counter and palming his chin.
"Nothing, I just wanted to make dinner for us, but there is nothing that I could cook." He laughed.
"So? what's the worry? Sometimes, you act like a cute little girl Tani, we can order something from outside. Wait! I have money so don't worry about that." He said while taking out his phone and his credit card from his pocket.
"Listen, I have money too, I just don't wanna spend it without any big need."
"Its okay, I can understand, I will pay nah, you don't worry baby."
"Ohh shutup, I am not your baby." I said.
"Yes you are."
"I am not."
"You are."
"I am not."
"You are."
"I am n---" I cut off in between.
"Ohh shutup you two, do you always fight like little chuddy buddies?" Ghannu exclaimed from the door of the kitchen and we all bursted out laughing.
After this, sami ordered for Pizza, and we waited calmly for our dinner, when our order came we all ate it, watched a horror movie and then at around 1:00 a.m, I ordered Ghannu to sleep with me in my room at night and asked Sami to take a guest room, for which he happily agreed. It was really hard to sleep at night, thinking about everything, my parent's trip to Pakistan, Rezay's words, that stalker's messages, but I tried and after some time I passed out.
The next day I woke up before Sami and Ghannu, took a shower, offered morning prayers and then quickly went to make breakfast for them. Thank God! there were eggs in the fridge so I quickly made french toasts with tea, meanwhile I got a call from mom, telling me about there safe trip, I was glad and thanked Allah, that they safely reached there, after some chit chat I hung up and called Ghannu and Sami for breakfast, they both came, then we all got ready to leave, I locked my home and checked it twice, due to having two keys, I gave one key to Ghannu for any emergency and kept one in my bag, then we headed for dropping Ghannu to school, then Sami dropped me to university and after dropping me he said,
"I will pick up both of you in the noon." I nodded then he went.
The day went well, I got a call from Ghannu at about 2:00 pm for telling me that she safely reached home by van, I ordered her to 'lock the whole house and be there and don't open up the gate for anyone except me and Sami', she agreed. I went to van uncle and told him that 'today I will go with my friend' he nodded then at the end of the day it started raining. I quickly called Sami to pick me up but then he told me,
"I am sorry Tani, I have an urgent need to go somewhere, I can't, sorry." I felt sadness in his voice.
"Aahan ! Its okay. Is everything alright?" I asked concerned.
"ohh yeah! just dad gave me some important thing to do. Just tell me, You can go through van, yeah?" I didn't even know uncle is still there or not but I don't wanted him to worry, so I just said,
"Ohh yeah, don't worry. Allah Hafiz."
"Allah Hafiz." and with that we hung up.
I quickly went to search for uncle and van but I didn't found both, I sighed. 'I think today, I'd have to go by myself.' It was raining heavily, so I quickly went outside my uni, trying to save my things from rain and started searching any taxi, cab but I didn't found anyone. So I decided to walk. Although my home was so far from university but what could I do? when I didn't find any cab, any vehicle to go through. Also, It was really hard to see the other side and finding any vehicle in this heavy rain. So I just kept walking silently, hiding and saving my things from rain, I kept walking, walking and walking until I heard some foot steps behind me and my heartbeat quicken its pace. I silently prayed in my heart, it wouldn't be him, it shouldn't be him. I heard foot steps coming closer and I started running, running madly in the rain, on the streets, finding a safe place to hide but I got nothing, so I just kept running until my home came in view and when it came, I started running towards it and as I started running with more speed suddenly my foot slipped and I fell on the floor hitting my head on the pavement and just I heard some foot steps coming closer and then... I don't remember anything.
Now, I get it, I hit my head on the pavement that's why it is hurting. But who was that? who was following me? Suddenly, I woke up from my thoughts when I heard some foot steps getting closer, someone is coming here, Ohh my god! what should I do? I started panicking, but then I calmed myself.
"You are brave, you don't have to worry, he'd do nothing to you, he cannot harm you." Tears again started streaming down my face with fear. I was horrified, how couldn't I? Someone has taken me here without my will and I don't even know who he is? what he would do to me? For what he has taken me here? To rape me? To kill me? My parents are in Pakistan, who'd save me? I don't even know about Ghannu, where is she? Is she fine or not? I have to be strong for my sister, I have to be strong for her, I don't know if he has taken her too, I have to save her no matter what.
Suddenly the door flew open and I saw a man, who was not tall, he had a normal height with muscular body but he was the same, the same man in black costume, with his face covered in some sort of scarf, only his eyes were showing, he was the same, he is the one who was following me, he came silently inside the room closing the door behind him and locking it, my fear started to grow, he slowly took steps towards me and sat beside me on the bed, when he saw that I am awake, he started caressing my head and cheeks, I felt sick under his touch, then he said something with mild eyes, I don't know but I think I have heard his voice before but where?
"Don't worry sweetheart, I won't hurt you." He said and I snapped at him.
"R-Really? Th-then why did you kidnap me? where is my family? You know, you are already hurting me." I started crying again and he took my face in his hands and started wiping my tears, I quickly jerked his hand away and his eyes held a change emotion now,
"Behave! If I am not doing anything with you, it doesn't mean I can't. I can do whatever I want with you, I can touch you wherever I want, don't try to be stubborn, be polite with me. I love you and you should love me back and you will. You got it?"
My eyes got wide, Is he fucking serious? how could he expect me to love him back when he has kidnapped me and threatening me to love him? Really? Is he in his senses?
"I won't love you back, ever, you jerk." I shouted angrily at him and he grabbed me from my hair and I howled in pain, then he said,
"Ohh! You will, otherwise I will make you love me." Then he started kissing hungrily on my neck grabbing tightly my hands so that I couldn't do anything, a moan escaped from my lips, when he kissed my sensitive area, although he was kissing from scarf that was covering his face, his lips, but still I could feel his lips, his dirty touch on me and the horrific feeling went through my whole body and I started,
"Please, Please, I beg you, please let me go, please don't do this to me. Please For the sake of God! Please!" I begged and he didn't stop from kissing me, I tried to hit him with my legs but I couldn't move a bit, my legs were tied too and he was holding my wrists so tightly that I couldn't even hit him when I wanted so eagerly to hit him in his face. He started moving his free hand all over my body and I felt sick, I felt weird, I felt nasty. How can I free myself from his grip?
"You smell so good." He said through kisses. I started shouting again.
"Please leave me, please. Stop! Stop!" Then suddenly he stopped and started looking at me like I was some mad girl and I was doing something wrong if I was shouting at him,
"What's wrong with you? I am making love and you are not even helping me." Is he mad or what? He really expect me to cooperate with him?
"I-I can't believe this, you are mad, you are psy-psycho, yes that's you are. Leave me." I said jerking his hands away from me but he didn't even budge a bit. Now he held anger in his eyes and he gripped my hands more tightly to stop me from moving and made me look at him and then I felt a hard thing on my face and I felt pain, severe pain, everything seemed blur and slowly everything blacked out. Just I heard was,
Stalker's POV
i cannot believe this , I hit her, I hit her, how can I ? I love her. I quickly started shaking her hands and shoulders but she didn't move, she didn't wake up, she didn't open her eyes, her left cheek started swelling, seeing this I quickly stood up from bed and in anger and guilt I hit my hand on the mirror of dressing and it shattered all over on the floor and my fist started bleeding but I was happy, I deserve that. I deserve to be hurt cause I hurt her. My blood was flowing down out of my hand and I didn't even try to takeout the pieces of glass from my hand but I sat there beside her and kept looking at her. I hold her hand, kissed her,
"I am really sorry Tani, I am really really sorry."
I started caressing her cheeks, the swelled cheek, I didn't know when I started crying, I decided not to hurt her anymore, when she'd wake up. I will take her to my home and will ask my parents to formally arrange my marriage with her. She'd be happy then, and then she'd accept me as her husband. Thinking about my life with her I smiled. I don't have to rape her, I don't have to forcefully make her mine but ..... What did I do? When she'd wake up she'd try to escape from me and I can't let this happen, If I forcefully marry her, she'd never love me, I have to do something else. Dammit! What have I done? Thank God! She don't know me, she didn't see my face, I still have a chance. I have to come in her life but not like this, shit! I should have known this coming. I kept sitting there beside her, holding her hand, don't know how long, waiting for her to wake up. She is so beautiful, I memorize her every feature, every curve of her body, every thing. As I heard some voices in my house, like someone was breaking something, I quickly stood up from my bed, who could be here? No one knows about this house. Who could be that? I have to check first. I gave a quick peck on her forehead and left.
Tani's POV
I woke up with some shattering voices, my vision was blur, then I heard the door opened and I saw a tall figure coming towards me with a knife in his hand, he quickly came inside closing the door behind him. I shouted,
"P-Pl-Please d-d-don't kill me, please don't kill m-me." I started stuttering due to horror, now he has taken knife with him, he is going to kill me. But then he leaned before me and started cutting the rope with knife, I couldn't saw his face cause he has covered his face in a hood and also due to blurry vision, I was not seeing properly. Without looking at me, he said,
"I won't kill you, my love, I am here to save you." I know this voice, I really know this voice but where? Where my memory vanished?
"Wh-who are y-you?" After cutting rope he stood beside bed and said,
"No need to know me."
"B-but why not? You are saving me, aren't you? I need to know, who are y-you? J-just tell me you ar------?" He didn't listen to me but he just leaned closer and before I could say more, he cut me off by putting something on my mouth and nose and again everything blacked out and I just remember I murmured the last two words,
"--My Angel."
Its the longest chapter I ever wrote. How's this chapter? Your views?
What do you think who is this angel?
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