[So, I literally have no idea on what to write, so I took prompts from the internet (actually, this site: http://otpprompts.tumblr.com/) and inputed them into my ships. I hope you enjoy.]
PROMPT 1: Person A means to send a message to Person B saying "I love your hair" but accidentally sends "I love you". It turns out Person B loves them back. Not wanting to break the latter's heart, Person A asks them out. They date for six months before Person A realizes they've fallen head over heels for Person B.
Hey Deku! What do you think?
Message sent at 8.32 p.m.
Below the text is a picture of Ochako, with her hair plaited, on one shoulder. She sat on the bed, waiting for a response. Lately, she seemed to be into hairstyles, trying out some and showing them too Midoriya, since Iida doesn't seem like someone who would appreciate hairstyles. Turns out, Midoriya has been trying to find some new hairstyles to keep his green, fluffy bush in place so it wouldn't bother him in training. Night after night, texting each other about new hairstyles, it has become one of their routines the both of them come to enjoy.
It looks really nice Uraraka. I love you! I gtg study now. Bye!
Message sent at 8.33 p.m.
Uraraka's heart stopped.
Wait, what?
She checked the message again, shaking.
It's still there, clear as day.
H-he likes... m-me?
She couldn't sleep at night. Her heart was thumping so loud, she was certain the entire dorm could hear it.
The next day , she woke up and frantically got herself together, rushing to class. She entered to find Midoriya in class, studying.
"M-morning Deku." Ochako stammered.
"Morning Uraraka!" Midoriya grinned at her.
"L-listen D-deku..."
The boy turned to look at her.
"Um, I really like you too! In fact, from the first time we met, I liked you! I loved everything about you! Your smile, your determination to be a hero, your cute looks, everything! S-so, what I'm trying to say is... I LIKE YOU TOO!" She ended her speech while avoiding eye contact, looking down, face red.
"W-well, uh..." To be honest, Midoriya only liked her as a friend, but she looked so happy when she confessed that he didn't want to break her heart.
"W-would you like to go on a date?" He asked politely.
The whole of Ohcako's face turned red. A date! With her crush! She nodded excitedly, hugged him in thanks and ran to her room, face streaming in happiness.
Midoriya, however, took this situation a different way. Nervous? Certainly. This is his first date with a girl. Uraraka! A girl whom he thought had amazing strength and determination, who caused a little spark in his chest every time he walked, even though he doesn't know what. Someone who he admired. Someone who confessed to him. Still, it puzzled him. What made her think he liked her.
Pulling out his phone from his pocket, he began to scroll through the chat.
He found the 'I love you' text. His face blushed in embarrassment. He meant to say 'I love your hair', but somehow turned into 'I love you'.
6 months later...
On their 6th date, Midoriya and Ochako decided to walk around a museum.
"Deku?" He turned to look at his girlfriend.
"I love you."
The single sentence made his heart stop. No, he didn't love her. He did this because he wanted her happy.
Or did he?
As he recalled the past few months, he noticed that he seemed to be cheerier when she was around. Happier. He felt the spark grow bigger and bigger in every moment spent with her.
He realized. He loves her.
No, not platonically. He enjoyed, no. Cherished every moment spent with her.
He loves her.
He loves her.
He smiled in happiness.
I love you too."
PROMPT 2: Person A works at a restaurant (or diner, coffee shop, etc) and is already close friends with Person B. Person A is serving drinks to a customer, and Person A overhears some friends of Person B gossiping about how Person B has a crush on Person A. Person A is so shocked that they accidentally dump the drink pitcher all over the customer they're serving, and they become a clumsy mess at work for the rest of the day.
Bonus: Person B comes over to the dining place and Person A, being so flustered, ends up doing things such as stuttering a lot, messing up Person B's order, dropping dishes, almost tripping all the time, or forgetting to bill Person B.
Bonus 2: Person A apologizes for their clumsiness by buying Person B their favorite dessert.
Yaoyorozu walked towards table 14, her assigned table. She is working as a waitress in a place called 'Tea House'. Even though she's rich AF, she still needed some work experience, and she thought it would be fun to work at a cafe. She has personally been here plenty of times, either with herself or with friends, and the food is great, the service is on point and the cafe has a wonderful aroma streaming through it.
"Um, I'd like green tea and a bagel please."
"Coming right up sir!" Yaoyorozu fled to the kitchen and prepared the food.
"I'm telling you! Todoroki has a crush on Yaomomo! It's so obvious! He smiles at her when he thinks nobody is looking", Mina showed a photo of Todoroki smiling at Yaoyorozu. "He daydreams way more and he looks at her. Cons. Tant. Ly." Mina pushed her phone towards Jirou's face.
"Hold on Mina!" Jirou took the phone and looked through her gallery.
"Huh. You're right. But, what's this~?" Jirou turned the phone back to Mina, showing a picture of Sero.
"T-that's for another thing!" Mina tried to grab the phone back as Jirou kept it out of reach.
"AHHH!" The distraction caused Mina and Jioru to look at the source. A man had hot coffee dripping form this clothes, with a waitress anxiously apologizing and creating something from her body.
Creating something from her body?
Mina gasped. She pulled Jirou towards her and whispered, "Jirou, that's Yaomomo!"
"Yeah, so?"
"She must've heard us!"
"So wha- Oh." Jirou's felt guilty. She was about to approach Yaoyorozu when Mina stopped her.
"Wait. I might be able to use this for blackmail."
After apologizing towards the costumer and giving him his order (free of charge, of course), she went back to her kitchen to help another table.
"Yaoyorozu!" The manager called her.
"Yes ma'am?" She asked, nervous. She had just spilled a cup of hot tea to a customer after all.
"I see you made a costumer leave." The manger narrowed her eyes at Yaoyorozu.
"Yes. I deeply apologize for that ma'am. I gave him his meal, free of charge." Yaoyorozu watched as the manager's face soften.
"Ah, good. After all, we put forward our services and our food here first."
"Is there anything else, ma'am?"
"Yes, actually. Risha (random person) called in sick today, and you have to manage her tables as well."
"Of course ma'am. It's the least I can do."
"Good. Ya know, if your career doesn't work out, ya could be here helping me manage. I swear girl, I never saw you comin' here late or get a sick day."
"Of course ma'am."
"Now go!" The manager gave her a friendly push out.
She saw a hand raised and walked towards the table, Risha's supposed designated table. Table 26.
"A croissant and black tea, please." The voice sounded oddly familiar. He was wearing a hat, so Yaoyorozu couldn't distinguish who he was.
"Of course sir. But I would it be alright if I suggested something?" She saw the man nod and continued. "I'd suggest a darjeeling tea to go with the croissant. I believe they would make a better pair."
"It does make more sense. Then a darjeeling tea instead."
"Coming right up!"
The man lifted his head to see the waitress. When she looked at his eyes, she wanted to flee.
He was no other than Todoroki Shouto.
"Yaoyorozu? What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I work here. I-it's a pleasure meeting you h-here Todoroki."
He hummed in acknowledgement and turned the other way.
"As I said, c-coming right up!"
Yaoyourozu hurried to the kitchen, also tripping several times.
"What's wrong gal? You seem a bit messed up. You okay?" The manager asked.
"N-no nothing! It's fine ma'am. J-just fine." She turned to make the order for Todoroki.
Once finished, she gave him his order.
"Thanks Yaoyorozu." He took elegant sips of tea from his cup and made a peculiar face.
"Yaoyorozu took note on that and asked anxiously, "Y-yes? I-is there a problem?"
"Well, it doesn't taste like darjeeling tea."
Yaoyorozu peered into the cup. Sure enough, it wasn't even the right color. It had a pale green colour, not a light cream colour.
"Oh! I have you the wrong order. I apologize Todoroki. I'll be back." Yaoyorozu turned to go back to a kitchen when a hand stopped her.
"Hey, are you feeling okay? You've been tripping a lot. And your face is red. Do you have a fever or something?" Todoroki put his hand (cold side) on her forehead and waited. Menawhile, Yaoyorozu's getting hotter by the second.
"You're hot, but it doesn't feel like a fever." He sighed in relief and sat back down.
"R-r-right! W-well, I'll be by the entrance then." Yaoyorozu left him. After a while, he asked for the bill. And so he waited. And waited. And waited.
He raised his hand once more.
"Yes, Todoroki?" She asked.
"You forgot to give me my bill."
Yaoyorozu blushed in embarassment.
"I apologize again! I'm sorry Todorki. The bill is coming."
Soon enough, the bill did arrive. With a chocolate ice cream.
"Yaoyorozu, I don't think I ordered this."
"Oh no, I gave it to you for free, because I kept on messing up your order."
"No, you don't need to."
"The manager and I insist."
"Alright." Todoroki started to get up. "Oh, and by the way. Yaoyorozu?"
"Nice outfit."
He left, leaving Yaoyorozu a clumsy mess all day. She was wearing a maid outfit as a uniform.
PROMPT 3: (A is having trouble getting an appliance to function)
A: What's wrong with this thing?
B: Did you set it to wumbo?
Bakuogu was sitting on a chair, computer in front of him. He was trying to get an app to function, bu it failed.
"What's wrong with this f***ing thing?! Work!" He goraned in frustration.
Kirishima just happened to be passing by and asked, "Did you set it to wumbo?"
He laughed at his own joke and walked pass Bakugou, laughing while Bakugou just looked at him, dumbfounded.
PROMPT 4: Person A doesn't show affection easily, Person B loves making romantic gestures. One time when they cuddle before falling asleep together, person A whispers Shakespeare's 75 sonnet into Person B's ear.
"Sero! Come on!" Mina whined, hugging him. Sero refused. They were watching a movie together when Mina wanted Sero to show her more affection (ya know, girls and their never ending satisfactions for love).
"Come on!"
He took a deep breathe and started.
"So are you to my thoughts as food to life,
Or as sweet-season'd showers are to the ground;
And for the peace of you I hold such strife
As 'twixt a miser and his wealth is found;
Now proud as an enjoyer, and anon
Doubting the filching age will steal his treasure;
Now counting best to be with you alone,
Then better'd that the world may see my pleasure:
Sometime all full with feasting on your sight,
And by and by clean starved for a look;
Possessing or pursuing no delight,
Save what is had or must from you be took.
Thus do I pine and surfeit day by day,
Or gluttoning on all, or all away."
Mina stared at him, astounded.
"What was that?"
PROMPTS 4: Person A and B aren't a couple. A just has a crush on B. A finds a genie bottle (You decide how) and is granted 3 wishes. B doesn't know about this but starts to notice that A is starting to look different. A's clothes have changed. A has become much more popular and social. B doesn't like it and decides to confront A.
I was cleaning the storage room the other day (Punishment for electrocuting a student. It was Mineta, okay? He was staring at MY girl, and I can't allow that. He was staring at MY purple-haired goddess, with her adorable self, so I had to.) and this bottle fell. It had patterns drawn on it and stuff. I mean, I'm not going to get into more trouble (Jirou's jacks hurt, okay?) , so I just picked it up and wiped it. Might as well. Suddenly, this swirl of wind came out of the bottle and a genie popped out.
I grinned.
This is going to be fun.
A few weeks after the electrocuting accident (Kaminari, that dork!), I noticed he was acting weird. Let me explain. First, he is wearing different clothes. He would normally be wearing some derpy shirt with memes stuck to it. But now, he's wearing like, dark shirts more often. It makes me kinda sad, seeing him like that. Two, and this is a BIG difference, he was acting differently. Yeah, he still jokes around and stuff and quote vines and memes, but he's... I don't know. Nicer? Friendlier? I don't know. Let me give you an example.
So, I was heading to a cafe called 'Tea House'. It's the place Yaomomo works at. I was about to head in (I had to pick her up to go shopping. Mina insisted.) when I saw Kaminari in front of a poster. I walked towards him, and patted him lightly on the shoulder. He turned around calmly (calm? Kaminari does not do calm!) and waved at me, motioning me to go closer. So I did. Turns out it was a poster for the a competition.
"Yo. You attending that?" I pointed towards the poster.
"Mhmm. I mean, it might help me with my job profile. Besides, I've been studying more know. I think I can win it! You should join this competition for instruments, Jirou. I bet you could win!" He said excitedly, punching his fist through the air.
I couldn't even progress what was happening. Kaminari, this big dork, is joining a debate competition. A. Debate. Competition. I mean, you expect me to think this is normal? This is not!
It's just... really weird. I mean, good for him, sure. But, why? I don't see any motivation for this kind of thing from him, and now he's thinking of entering competitions. It's just really hard to get used too.
I got curious, so one night, I followed Kaminari around. He went to his room and locked the door. I plugged my earphone jack in.
I heard a 'whoosh' from the room, then someone else, I don't know, spoke.
"So, has she been falling for you?"
"Nah. I mean, what should I do to get her to like me?"
Who's her?
Oh crap. I missed part of their conversation. The door opened. I squeaked, and hustled to get out.
"Jirou?" I can hear Kaminari coming towards me. Crap.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the girl's side? Or did you get lost?" He teased.
I wanted to punch him, but at the same time... I'm kinda scared. Who is that person? Why is Kaminari talking to him? Is he a villian? Wait, I shouldn't be scared of my friend!
I stood up straight and glared at Kaminari. He looked shocked.
"Kaminari Denki, you explain what the hell's going on with you!"
"W-what do you mean Jirou?" He asked. He stammered. He's gotta be hiding something.
"Don't you dare act innocent Denki! Don't think I didn't notice! You haven't been acting like yourself lately. Your acting weird. What's up? And, who's the guy talking to you?" He was speechless for a second.
"You... heard me?"
"Yeah doofus. My quirk, duh." I pointed towards the jacks hanging form my ears.
"Oh. Well, I guess I have nothing to hide then." He explained everything to me. Suddenly, it made sense. Why he was trying to get better at school, acting cooler, he was trying to get a girl. I felt kinda disappointed, I don't know why.
"S-so, who's she?You must really like her huh?" My voice is shking.
"W-wha... no, Jirou, don't cry!" He hugged me as I cried. Hell, I don't even know hwy I cried. I must be really looking shitty now.
"Hell... I don't even know why I cried..." I sniffed.
"It's you Jirou. It's you. I thought you would like someone more serious." he explained quietly.
Me? Me, who couldn't defend anyone? Little old me? Is that why he changed?
"You stupid idiot!" I hit him on the forehead, still crying. " You stupid idiot, I like you just the way you are." I kissed his forehead.
"Y-you... like me?" I didn't even realize I do,but I do.
"Yes, you stupid moron. I like you the way you are." So we stood there in silence.
PROMPT 5: Person A: *staring very intensely at B's chest*
Person B: What is it?
Person A: Your shirt.
Person B, looking down at their shirt: What's wrong with it?
Person A: It's still on you.
Kirishima stared intensly towards Bakugou's chest.
"What, shitty hair?"
"Your shirt?"
"My shirt?" Bakugou looked down. Looked fine to him. "The f***'s wrong with my shirt?"
"It's still on you."
Bakugou turned crimson red and started chasing Kirishima around.
PROMPT 5: Imagine Person A is a bartender for the overnight shift. Person B comes in looking very tired and orders a mild alcoholic drink. When Person A starts up the usual bartender-to-patron talk, Person B replies with, "I'm here to get away from the waterpark." Person B: "...what?" Bonus points if it's the middle of winter.
Tsuyu comes in her shift on time and puts her uniform on. She was working part-time as a bartender. She loves mixing drinks together, which landed her this job.
Tokoyami kicks the door open, comes in and sits across Tsuyu.
"What would you like?" Tsuyu asked, not bothering to ask him what went wrong.
"Something that has lots of alcohol Tsu. I need to get away from the waterpak."
Tsuyu stops to stare at Tokoyami, who was already half asleep on the counter.
"Tokoyami, isn't it the middle of winter?"
PROMPT 6: Your OTP use a spell to see their red threads of fate. Sure enough, Person A has a red thread going from their left hand to Person B's right. Before they can sigh in relief, they notice they both have a second thread going from their other hands out of the room.
Ojiro looked at the spell Tokoyami gave him. He was an amazing brewer, the one with the highest ranks, but Ojiro still doubted that it would work.
He shrugged. Oh well, might as well take it while I'm still alive.
He drank the full bottle. Soon enough, Ojiro has a red thread going from their left hand to a girl from across the room. Well, what he can make out as a girl, that is. The perosn was literally clothes that flew, so Ojiro assumed it was her quirk. Why a girl? Becuase Ojiro knew that he wasn't gay.
Well, if I'm going to marry her, might as well talk to her.
And so it begins.
PROMPT 7: Person A is lounging on the couch on Father's Day when Person B approaches and hands them a card. A is confused, as they don't have kids yet, until they open it and see a picture of B holding a positive pregnancy test/adoption papers/etc. How they react is up to you!
Mina was nervous. Scratch that, she was beyond it. She was giving her husband the biggest surprise of his life.
She knocked on his door. A few seconds later, the door opened,with Sero standing behind it.
"Babe! Yo! You're back.Come in." He stepped aside to let Mina in. So she did, her heart going overdrive.
"Happy father's day." Mina handed him a bag.
"Um, we don't have kids yet? Are you hinting you want it? Thanks babe, I'll get right to it." He teased as he opened the back.
Silence. Mina had been looking down the entire time Sero opened the gift, but she wasn't sure on how he would react. She had seen several times where her husband had been raging mad, and she so hoped that this wasn't one of the times.
Sobs can be heard. She quickly looked up. There, Sero crying.
She quickly walked towards him.
"Well, do you l-like it?" She asked nervously.
"I do." Those words lifted a huge weight of her shoulders.
"I'm gonna be a dad Mina. A dad." Sero whisked her of the ground and kissed her.
She began to cry and kissed him back. Seems like the response she wanted.
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