Chara POV
I was sitting in my usual spot. I saw Undyne, Temmie, and Marcline coming this way. Where Bella and Nass? I hope they did not go killing again. "Hey Chara. Let me guess there not here? Please don't tell me they are doing it again," exclaimed Marcline.
"No way! Bella promise us she won't," cried Undyne.
"What about Nassandra? She part of this group to. I was just late because I slept in," stated Bella seriously. She never really serious like that.
"Then where is she, Bella? She never here all the time," I stated getting angry. After that I realize I made a mistake because I heard something behind me.
Nassandra POV
Is that how they really feel about me? I was thinking about not taking the offer and getting homeschool because i didn't know if they also got it but now I am. As i was crying, i didn't realize Bella hinging me. "I'm taking up the offer. What about you?"
"Nass tell them what going on first. They might got the offer to." We were whispering so no one knows what we were saying or going on. As soon Bella release me I ran to the bathroom. I didn't want anyone to see me or what I did. I couldn't wait intill this was all over and I am at a new school. What Bella don't know is that no matter what I have to go, I have no choice. I wish I could go in the past and change things, especially what happen.
Undyne POV
"What just happen?" I asked.
"I'm not quit sure. Bella, do you know what going on?" Temmie ask.
"Well you all haven't been treating her nicely. She is are friend, so start treating her like one. She might not always be here but she really does care about us. When she not here the first thing she always ask me when I go to see her is how is everyoneand if their ok," Bella said very serious, witch is nothing like her.
"Undyne, Chara, Marcline, Temmie, Bella, and Nassandra please come to the office." What now? We haven't done anything. When we get to the office Nass was already there she look at us and started to tear up and wanted to run. When Bella saw this, she ran towards her and hug her. Bella knows what going on, so what going on?
Bella Pov
"Nass please tell them. I don't know how much longer I can keep it to myself."
"Ok Bella but there also something I need to tell all of you," she said very sad.
When everyone got in the office the principle said, "One of the reason I had called you all in here is that you have been offered to go to a better school for high school. We think it will be the best if you all go to a school where you all can be accepted and learn more about y'all are. The school is called Undertale Dreamer Academy or UTDA. I will need to know if you are joining by the end of today."
"Ok. We will let you know by the end of today," Chara said, "What do you have to tell us Nass?"
"Things haven't been that great at home so I haven't been coming to school. I don't know when I be able to come back or not. I don't want anyone get in the middle of this or hurt. So please don't ask about anything." I know what going on and I wish there something I could do to help her with.
"Nass what going on. Please talk to us. Tell us what going on. Are you just lying to us like usually are? I was just at your house yesterday and nothing was going on," said Chara and she was getting angry again.
"She really is telling the truth. And she has really never lied to us. She just never said the whole truth." I was not let get away with this. She my best friend and always their for me.
Undyne Pov
"Nass is their anything else you haven't told us?" I ask because she was getting very scared by the second.
"I probably won't be able to come back here at all. I have to move somewhere. My parent don't have custody of me and I have no where to go. No family to take me in so I have to go to the orphanage."
"Do you know where you are going?" Bella ask.
"Yeah but I can't tell you where. I am sorry?"
Time skip to the end of the day
We all can back to the office except Bella and Nass, wonder why? We all look at each other and not are head. We told the principle that we are accepting the offer.
Another time skip to tomorrow at lunch
Nassandra POV
I really want to tell them everything that going on but I just can't. When I got my lunch I went outside to my usual spot at the tree. It away from everyone so I don't have to talk to anyone. "How am I sposed to tell them everything and then believing me?"
"It nothing. Don't worry about it."
"When you actually come to school, do you come every time for lunch," ask Marcline
Thank you for the topic changed. "Yeah. It pretty here and quite," I answered.
"You are right it is pretty. I wish I actually came over here when you were here. I figure you didn't want anyone over here so I never came."
"It fine Bella. It gave me time to think." Me and the rest just ate the rest of ours lunch in quite. I didn't eat much and glade no one said anything about it. After lunch I went to PE and got dressed where no one see me and put on a long shirt and pants. We were playing basketball or walking, I just went with walking. After PE I had math for 6th hour and then scoical studies for 7th hour. After that I went home so I can pack my stuff and move. They said they already have my room ready and my schedule for when I go to school Monday in two days.
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