Chapter 9: I never signed up for your Drama Club
"Y-You go first. They c-can't see us walk in t-together."
"Alright. And if you don't know, go downstairs and make a sharp right to get to the auditorium."
"T-Thanks. See you there."
"See ya!" She runs out of the library.
I wait 2 minutes and leave the library. I make sure I say goodbye to Mr. Goth and I am on my way.
I first walk into the auditorium and see
a presentation screen in the front of the room.
"Please find your name on the sheet of paper taped to the seats."
I walk around the aisles of seats trying to find my name.
A minute of walking later, I see a piece of paper with my name on it. And guess who's already sitting in the seat next to mine?
I sit down quietly and avoid eye contact. Thoughts race through my head.
'Why do I keep running into him?'
'What does he want from me?'
'Why does he hate me so much?'
'Why is he so cu-'
"Good afternoon beauties and gentle beauties! Welcome to Drama!" a loud robotic voice announces from the stage. I turn my attention there and look at the teacher, who I assume is Mr. Mettaton.
He looks like a robot with sleek black shoulder-length hair that covers his right eye. He is wearing a light pink turtleneck sweater that is rolled up to his elbows. On his shoulders are a pair of thick black pointed shoulder pads and a white faux feather boa. In addition to everything, he wears black leggings and hot pink knee-high boots with heels.
In my opinion, he kinda looks like a fashion designer or superstar of some sort.
"The winter musical is coming up and the results for the most voted musical was tallied up! Can I have a drumroll please!?"
Everyone starts patting their laps and making a drumroll sound.
"And the winter musical will be...
Cheers and applause come from the crowd.
"So here is how this will work, darlings! Everyone will pick a main role or a minor role and audition for it! And when I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE!"
"You have 4 categories you could end up in. Main roles, minor roles, ensemble, and backstage. If you get a main role, minor role, or an ensemble part in the musical, you are required to come to rehearsals every day after school! If you do not end up getting a role, you will be part of the backstage crew and will work on them during class time! Now, some people will know the plot of Hamilton, however, some may not. For those who do not know, I will play a short video that will explain the plot of the musical. For those who do not know about this story, pay close attention."
The video starts playing and I kind of zone out. I already know the story so I didn't need to watch the video. (I'll put a video in the A/N if you don't know the plot).
'What role do I want? Definitely a minor role but which one? The first person I can think of is Peggy because she has the least amount of lines in the entire play. But I'm not sure if my voice would work with hers...what about the doctor in Act 2? Would Mr. Mettaton let a female be a minor male character?'
"What role are you guys auditioning for?" Skate whispers to her group of friends.
"The main male role. Duh," PJ whisper-shouts back.
"I'm betting you $20 that PJ's not getting that role, " BP challenges Undyne.
"Game on, " Undyne opposes.
They continue their quiet bickering until the video ends and Mr. Mettaton walks on stage again.
"I will give you 5 minutes to decide on your role! After those 5 minutes is up, I will call someone's names to come up on stage and act out their part! I may ask you to act out a different part if I think you fit the voice better! If we do not get to everyone, I will ask the ones who haven't gone to come after school. The results of the roles will be posted on the school website at 6 pm tonight. Now you may start deciding, darlings!"
Everyone around me starts chattering about their role to someone near them. I could hear the names of the characters drifting around.
"LAURENS!" someone shouts.
"Oui Oui Le French baguette!" someone else joking screams.
"And Peggy!" another yells.
"I'm takin' this horse by the reins, making red coats redder with bloodstains!" a monster behind me raps in a fake French accent.
I giggle quietly. Everyone seems so excited about this musical!
"Alright, everyone! First up is PJ! Come up on stage, darling!"
PJ stands up and casually walks on stage with his hands in his pockets, looking WAY too confident.
"Now, darling! What role are you going for?"
"The main role. Hamilton," he smirks.
"Ahh, of course."
The presentation screen switches and now says, "Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton. And there's a million things I haven't done. But just you wait..."
"The lyrics are on the screen. I want you to repeat after me."
Mr. Mettaton sings or raps the lyrics and PJ repeats after him.
They do a few more lines and Mr. Mettaon tells him to sit back down. He flashes a grin at his friends, looking certain that he got the part.
"(Y/N) is next! Come on up dear!"
I freeze at my name being called.
'Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God!!!!'
I slowly walk on stage, fidgeting my fingers and sweating bullets.
"What role are you auditioning for, dear?"
The screen behind me starts switching again. I turn around to see the lines, "Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now."
"Repeat after me, darling."
He sings the line and I sing it back to him, unconsciously making it at a higher note.
"Darling, I'm going to have you try out at Eliza. Is that alright?"
'W-What? But I don't want a main role!'
I nod.
'Why did you nod, stupid!?'
"By any chance, do you know this musical?"
I nod again.
"Can you sing the beginning of 'Helpless' for me, darling? Also, look like you've fallen for someone! I want acting!"
I nod and take a deep breath. I look at the audience and see one monster holding up their phone, probably recording me.
'Oh God no...'
I take deep breathes, hear the music in my head, and think of the first note.
"Ooh, I do I do I do I dooo~! Hey~!
Ooh, I do I do I do I dooo~!
Boy, you got me helpless~!"
I smile and attempt to look smitten and lovestruck.
"Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit!
I'm helpless~!
Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em!"
I look down at Mr. Mettaton and he looks taken back and in shock.
"I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight..."
I change my expression from my lovestruck happiness to a sheepish grin.
"We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night
Laughing at my sister as she's dazzling the room
And you walked in and my heart went boom!"
I look to the side, widen my eyes and look awestruck.
"Tryin' catch your eyes from the side of the ballroom
Everybody's dancing at the band's top volume
Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine
I grab my sister and whisper, 'Yo, this one's mine~'"
I put my hand next to my mouth as if I'm whispering to someone.
"My sister made her way across the room to you~
And I got nervous thinking, 'What's she gonna do~'"
I look anxious and start fidgeting my fingers.
"She grabs you by the arm, I'm thinking, 'I'm through~'
Then you look back at me and suddenly I'm helpless~"
I stop fidgeting my fingers and look in love again.
Look at those eyes~
I'm helpless
I~ know...
I'm down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em"
I cover my face as if I am blushing but I make sure not to cover my mouth so my voice would project.
I am so into you~
I am so into you
And I'm helpless~
I know I'm down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em."
I stop singing and the whole room is silent. My palms start sweating again.
'Was I that bad...?'
I look at Mr. Mettaton and the crowd and they just seem frozen.
Then he claps.
"Well done, darling!"
A monster in the audience starts clapping. Then another and another. Soon, everyone is clapping and cheering.
I smile nervously and walk down the stage back to my seat.
Skate secretly love me a thumbs up and a 'you did great!' expression.
'But I never signed up for your drama club...'
Dang, this is a long chapter :0
Hamilton explained:
Hamilton in 7 minutes:
Honestly, this was just an excuse for me to ramble on about Hamilton aka the first musical I ever listened to. (Thanks to my history teacher XD). Some of you might get the little jokes and easter eggs in here but some of you might not.
Highly recommend you at least listen to the soundtrack because ITS SO GOOOOOOD!!!!
Anyway, thanks for reading my book! It means a lot that YOU are reading!
Word count: 1639 words (including A/N)
*nopes away*
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