Chapter 50: What did I miss?
I bend down a bit to where her eye level meets mine and smell the roses. No wonder she loves these flowers so much. They have an extremely pleasant and soothing fragrance. Just as I am about to stand up straight again, I feel the sensation of something soft pressing against my cheek.
I immediately jolt up straight and touch the area with my fingertips. My cheeks are burning up and probably a bright magenta tint. (Y/N) smiles at me innocently and hides her giggles with the side of her hand.
While she's distracted, I lean in and press my lips against her cheek as well. She immediately stops laughing and turns bright pink.
"I-Idiot," she quietly mutters, pouting and stuttering from embarrassment.
I wheeze at her comment and she laughs alongside me.
Dad and Papa come in and unfortunately, interrupt our friendly banter. However, they most probably saw our blush-tinted cheeks and broad smiles. They'll know that all is well between us.
Their mouths curl up into a small smile when they see how my mood has overall changed by her presence.
Even at the hands of death, we truly are an inseparable pair.
(Y/N)'s POV
"PJ," I say between my giggles, "You don't have to help me everywhere I go."
A few days had passed since then and I was discharged from the hospital.
I have an arm around his shoulder and he's helping me through the front doorway. The moon shines behind us, casting long, dark shadows in front of us.
He stops for a second and turns to face me, a rather serious expression on his face compared to my light-hearted one, "If I don't help you, you really are gonna fall."
"I'm telling you, PJ, I will be fine," I continue insisting.
He helps me get over the doorstep and onto the flat living room floor.
An evil grin spreads across his face, "Bet."
Without any other warning, he lets go of my arm and stands up straight.
I feel myself falling forward in slow motion, flailing my arms as if that's gonna do anything for me. I yelp in fear and close my eyes, ready for impact.
Just as I think that I'm going to hit the ground, face first, I feel something grab my right hand and twist me right-side-up. Then, their arm snakes around my back and holds me upright so I don't continue slipping. I feel my center of gravity shift as I realize that I am now facing upwards. I open my eyes and focus my attention to the ground, realizing how close I am to hitting it. My breath hitches as I desperately try to get my feet flat on the ground and put my hand on the figure's shoulders.
"Did you think I'd actually let you fall?" The voice above me speaks.
I dart my eyes up to the figure holding me and take in a sharp inhale of breath as I see that his face is an inch away from mine. I feel my cheeks get redder and watch his smirk get bigger.
In an attempt to wipe that smug grin off his face, I take the hand that I had on his shoulder and placed them on the back of his head.
"Pucker up, Buttercup," I playfully threaten and break the space in between us in half a second.
The first seconds are filled with surprise as my lips met his. He makes a startled noise as he almost drops me in alarm. But after those first few moments, everything seems to have calmed down.
This never gets old. No matter how many times I've kissed him, it's still exciting and anxiety-filled every time. The flutter in my heart intensifies and the knots in my stomach don't stop tightening. My knees get weaker as if they weren't unstable enough already and my brain explodes with euphoria. My whole body tingles as I part for air for a second and I guiltily take a peek at the situation to make sure I'm not dreaming.
How many girls dream to have this moment with him while I'm the only one who can truly call him mine? His tender starry eyes distract me for a second before I close my eyes again and go back in for a second round.
I feel myself slip from reality and into pure bliss and happiness once more when I feel his lips on mine the second time. My heart continues to pound against my ribcage and I can feel his fingers sink into my back. He gently squeezes his interlaced hand with mine as I deepen the kiss just a little more by bringing him closer.
When it ended, my soul feels like it might just float out of my body. All the emotions that I have are clouding my judgment. Luckily, they're all the positive ones.
I gaze into his colorful eyes. I want to stare at them forever. They're so beautiful...
"You wanna know something?" I laugh in my kiss-high voice.
He puffs out some air in amusement, "What?"
"You're cuter when that cocky grin is removed," I giggle, placing a finger on his lips.
He chuckles at my response and pulls me back up from the dip. He helps me up the stairs while I helplessly limp alongside him. I probably look ridiculous doing it.
When he gets to my room, he sets me down on the edge of the bed. Just as he's about to move away, he murmurs in my ear, "Phone me if you need anything."
He holds himself up by his left hand and tilts my head up by my chin by his right. His eyes flicker between my eyes and my lips twice. When his lips are a few millimeters away, I close my eyes and watch as my vision plunges into darkness.
It was a brief kiss, but it wasn't any less passionate than the last two.
He pulls away after nine and a half seconds later, "Love you, Angel Eyes."
"Love you, too, Jammy."
He stands up straight and walks towards the doorway. His expression suddenly changed into a slightly nervous but serious one, "Are you sure you can stay here by yourself?"
"I'll learn to manage," I assure him with a smile.
He turns around, watches me gaze at him, and closes the door.
As soon as he's gone, I plop my face into the pillow and let out a muffled squeal.
After that sudden outburst, I turn to my right side and start giggling. Here comes the second kiss high of the day. My last exhale ends with a lovestruck sigh.
My eyes scan around the room. Nothing seems out of place from the last time I've been here. At least, not that I can see. My eyes catch sight of my phone, which seems to just be lying on the nightstand. I extend my arm a bit to reach for it to find it turned off.
I power it back on and see the sheen on the bright screen. I squint my eyes at the brightness and put my hand over it to block out as much as I possibly can.
When it returns to my normal lock screen, it takes a second to load all of my text messages.
Ding. Ding. Ding. The messages keep coming with no sign of stopping any time soon. My phone blows up with texts and notifications from monsters asking about me.
I cover the speaker hole with my thumb as I lower down the volume on my phone to get rid of that shrill ringing out of my ear.
I stare at the screen in disbelief, "Oh. Oh wow," there seems to be a total of fifty-something messages and more coming through. A lot of them are coming from unknown numbers, but they're still wishing me well. What, did someone leak my number or something?
As I wait for the messages to come through and my phone to stop going off every few seconds, I set it on my stomach and start at the ceiling with half-lidded eyes. I put a hand over my mouth as I yawn quietly. It's late at night. Maybe I could check those messages in the morning instead.
I feel my body start to drift away from the living world and any tension being released by my limbs. I let my heavy eyelids fall and into the dream world, I go.
* * * * * *
I wake up to the sound of my phone alarm ringing. The noise wakes me with a start as I realize that I've had my phone on my stomach the entire night.
I turn on my phone and first take notice of the time. 7:00 am. Should be enough time to get ready for school if I could walk properly. I slide to the edge of the bed and open the curtains, letting the sunlight shine through the window.
I slightly wince at the bright light and shade my eyes from the sun, shining with all its glory.
The moment I slide off my bed to get my feet flat on the floor, my knees become weak and give up on me. I'm crouching on the ground with my arms out, trying to uphold my body weight. I chuckle to myself at my silliness and observe how my shoulders move every time a giggle escapes my mouth.
I use my bed to lift me back up. My knees continue to quiver and tremble, but, overall, I can still stand. Sort of.
I shuffle my way over to the closet and pick out an outfit for the day. I take a gray and white striped short-sleeved polo shirt and a pair of blue, high-ankled denim jeans out of the closet, along with a pair of gray socks. I slide my pajama shirt off my head and slip on the polo shirt, fastening the few buttons it has, but leaving the top one undone. I then change into the blue denim jeans and put on my socks, additionally grabbing a white zipper hoodie off a hanger and tying it around my waist.
I make my way to the bathroom, trying to hold myself upright with the walls supporting me. I glance at myself in the mirror and quickly look down again. I think it would be best if I can avoid any mirrors around...
I brush my teeth and wash my face, all the while talking with any voice in my head. I can still faintly hear Inverse berating me with hate and insults. It saddens me that no matter how hard I try, there's just no way of tuning out the noise.
I exit out of the bathroom retrieve my phone from my bedroom. Then I half-stumble half-walk down the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast.
What could I possibly have for breakfast? An apple a day keeps the doctor away, doesn't it? And right now, I'd like to stay out of the hospital for a while.
I grab an apple from the fruit basket resting on the counter and wash it under the sink. I dry it off my shaking in and grab a blunt paring knife from the knife block. I don't think I can trust myself with any object sharper than the bluntest knife in my kitchen.
I slowly peel off the skin of the apple, rotating it around and creating a single apple peel strand. I used to do this a lot as a child and always felt satisfied when I was able to peel an entire apple without breaking off the strand. It was a sort of accomplishment in my book.
I hold the apple with my mouth and wash the knife along with discarding the long, unbroken apple peel strand. I hold the apple stem and bottom with my fingers and chomp down on the apple. Crisp and sweet, just the way apples are.
I take my apple and phone with me and plop down on the couch. While I munch away on my apple, I scroll through some of the text messages I've received while I was away. A lot of them almost seem to be carbon copies of each other, saying the same "Get well soon" or "Thinking of you". Nonetheless, it's nice knowing that others still know I exist.
Fish lady:
I found out what really happened
Im sorry that you had to resort to this
I hope you wake up soon because PJ is a handful
He really needs you
Thinking of you always
I'm really sorry that we haven't talked for a long time
We need to catch up once you wake up
Im sorry that youre in the state youre in right now
Im not great at feelings but I hope you get better soon
Frisky boi:
I owe the biggest apology to you dont I?
I am really really sorry for the way I treated you before
I was being careless and didnt think for a second that the letter was fake
I am really sorry that you had to go through all of that alone
Id love to stay friends after all of this
But I dont know if youd want to be anymore
Best of wishes for a fast recovery
Cil-namon Roll:
I hope you're doing okay...
Please wake up soon...
90s Skele:
Please be alright...
Wake up soon, okay?
Thinking about you
While I look through some messages, I receive a message from a blocked number. Now that I look at it, that number has sent me numerous messages. I unblock that contact and view the recent messages along with old ones.
PJ 💔:
The note was fake..
I would never mean any other those words to you
PJ 💔:
I know youre not really here but
It feels like you are
I hope the real you wake up soon
PJ 💔:
What do I do without you?
PJ 💔:
Im scared
Youre flatlining
I cant lose you!
PJ 💔:
Youre okay now right?
Please dont scare me like that again...
PJ 💔:
Happy early valentines day angel eyes
I wish I could spend it with you
I left some roses for you when you wake up
...if you wake up
PJ 💔:
Dad and Papa are making me go to the hospital to visit you
I hope youre alive and well
I can only hope for so long huh?
Please please please be okay
PJ 💔:
Please dont ever leave again
I love you with all my heart
I will hold your hand through it all
I never broke the promise
And I dont intend to
PJ 💔:
The others are right outside my house
What do you say we give them a little surprise for them?
A short stop to your house?
I change his contact back to what it originally was and stumble as I throw out my apple core. I grip the railings tightly as I make my way upstairs, trying to even out my balance every time I make a step.
I make sure all my school materials are in my bags and zip it up. When I try to put it on my back, I find myself having to bend forward a bit to balance out the weight of me and my backpack.
I chuckle at the thought of me flipping backward from the weight of my backpack as I teeter down the stairs. I put down my backpack on the couch and put on my shoes at this moment to avoid the hassle later. I sit myself down on the floor and put on my sneakers, tying and tightening the shoelaces.
I use the wall to support myself when I stand up and grab my backpack again. Just then, my phone rings and I hear a knock at the door at the same time.
I answer the call.
"Morning, PJ."
"Oh, good! You picked up. Good morning. I'm outside, by the way, so come out when you're ready."
I can hear a distant voice coming from the phone.
"PJ, who lives here?" A female voice asks. From the pitch of her voice, I can only assume it's Skate.
"You'll see."
He hangs up.
I momentarily sit down on the couch, put on my backpack, and stand, pulling on the straps. I take a shaky breath as I stand up with my noodle legs and prepare to open the door. It unlocks with a click and I turn the handle, still hiding behind the door.
"Come out, Angel Eyes," he encourages me. I can hear him smile from my distance.
I already know he's receiving confused looks from the others, so I peek around the door.
"H-Hi..." I peep out softly.
They all turn their heads towards me and I can see their eyes get as big as saucers.
I step into view and stand there nervously while they start at me, "S-Surprise...?"
"(Y/N)!" Skate is the first to spring towards me and squeeze me in a hug. I chuckle lightly and return the hug, patting her back.
"Good morning to you too."
"We thought we lost you!" She cries, tears rolling down her face and onto my shirt. But, I don't mind.
I make a hand motion to usher the others to join the hug. PJ is the first to react to his as he wraps both of us in a big bear hug. Undyne is second to react as she joins us too. BP is the last to do anything. He looks hesitant, but despite this, he comes over and adds himself to the group hug.
With everyone on top of me, it's a miracle my legs haven't collapsed on me yet. After a short while of the hug, we break from each other.
PJ bursts out in laughter as he observes everyone else's face, "Stop making everyone cry!"
Skate still has tear streaks on her cheek, Undyne has a few tears trickling down her face, and BP is teary-eyed, the most emotional I've ever seen him.
"You really know how to make a monster cry, punk," Undyne wipes the new tear forming under her eye.
"Dammit, (Y/N)!" BP dries his eyes with his shirt sleeve.
"Are you guys alright?" I smile nervously, putting a hand on each of their shoulders.
"Would be better if my eyes stopped leaking," BP says, his speech a bit unclear as continues to dry his eyes, "We missed you..."
"A lot," Undyne finishes.
"H-How about we talk the r-rest of the way to school, huh? W-We don't want to be late."
We all agree as I lock the door behind me and start walking.
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter but I don't know why :)
And sorry for the late upload
School is rough and uhh
My mental health is giving me a (really) bad time ^^'
I hope you guys can understand
Anyway, winter is coming up soon
For those who are in colder places, stay warm!
And those in the warmer places, um, stay cool! ^^'
And above all else, stay safe!
Word count: 3236 words (including A/N)
*nopes out*
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