Chapter 4: The Gym...
I walk out of the classroom and sigh a breath of relief.
'Gotta get to my next class...'
I look at my schedule to see that I have PE class.
'Now where is the gym...?'
'Oh my gosh! Why do I always get myself into these situations!?'
I am currently running around the whole first floor trying to find a staircase that leads to the gym on the second floor and the second bell already rang. Even if I did have the courage to ask someone for directions, I couldn't due to the lack of students in the hallway.
My heartbeat quickens as I panic over the situation. The sweat beating down my head is now dripping to my chin and the fact that I was in a sweater wasn't helping.
After I run around for 5 minutes, or what seemed like an eternity, I finally give in the fact that I'm going to accidentally skip class because I AM LOST. The thought of that fills me with worry and anxiety as I look at my shaky hands.
'Better late than never...'
I keep going around the first floor, slowing my pace dramatically.
'Why do you always do this, (Y/N)!?'
I bump into something and fall on my butt.
I look at what I bump into and it's a door. The door leads to a flight of stairs.
The realization hits me and I run up the stairs faster than the speed of light.
I look through the window of the gym door and don't see any students. But what I do see is a black skeleton. I immediately freeze up.
'CRAP! It's PJ!!' I panic then remembering that as long as there was a teacher in the room, he wouldn't put up a fight.
I gently push the door and walk in. PJ turns his head towards m-
'Wait...that's not that the teacher...?'
"You're late!" he says in a glitchy voice.
His sudden rudeness DEFINITELY reminded me of PJ.
"I-I'm sorry s-sir! I got l-lost!"
He sighs.
"I'll give you a pass for today...Don't make it a habit or I'll lower your grade!'
" Y-Yes, sir!"
I take a quick moment to observe his appearance.
First things first, he's glitching. Like actually glitching. Second, his face is...
'Come on, (Y/N)! You shouldn't judge other people's faces if yours doesn't look any better!'
...has blue streaks running down his eyes down to his cheek and his eyes are different colors. Third, his fingers are red and yellow and his legs fade into a red. Other than that, he wears a black and yellow jacket that is zipped halfway with a red shirt underneath. He also wears black shorts with 2 gray stripes on the sides and gray socks with black and white sneakers. He tops it off with a yellow headband that's wrapped tightly around his forehead.
He tosses a lock in my direction and I catch it.
"Locker 50."
I nod and murmur a quick thank you, running into the girl's locker room, noticing that the guidance counselor's office is right next door.
Inside, I see monsters scrambling to lock their lockers and change in the stalls.
There was a line to the stalls and I went up to the back. 2 minutes of waiting later, I was at the front of the line. Just as I was about to go into the stall, a bunny monster pushes past me.
"Excuse you, peasant!" She says in a narcissistic tone.
She looks and dresses like your typical high school "popular girl." She wears a white off the shoulder crop top and some denim shorts. Her shoes look like a fake knock-off version of Gucci heels.
I hear the blue fish girl yell from the line, "There's a line y'know!"
She looks over at her and flips her off. The fish girl flashes a look of anger. And when I mean anger, I mean she was PISSED. She was over to us in a second flat and picked her up by her top.
"Do you really wanna pick up a fight with me?" The fish girl threatens.
"Ew! Don't touch me with your filthy hands!" The bunny girl screams as she attempts to squirm her way out of her grasp.
Suddenly, the locker room door opens and an unfamiliar female voice speaks.
"Girls, what is going on in here? I can hear you guys from my office."
A spider monster walks in. Judging by her outfit, I could tell she was part of the school staff.
She wears a crimson red collared shirt, sleeves rolled up to her elbows and tied with a bow in the front. She also wears an orange office skirt that reaches to her knee and some black heels. Her hair is short like a bob but she ties the sides of her hair up into mini pigtails.
The blue fish girl speaks first.
"She skipped the whole line and then flipped me off!" she said accusingly, pointing her finger towards the bunny girl.
"What!? I don't know what you're talking about!" the bunny girl lies as she crosses her arms and turns away.
"Undyne. Bunny. I want you both to meet me in my office now."
As soon as she leaves the room, Bunny speaks up.
"This is all your fault!" she yelled at Undyne, who I assume is the blue fish girl, as she storms out the locker room.
Just before she was about to exit the room, Undyne yells after her.
"Don't let the door hit you on your way out!"
Some of the other girls giggle at this as Bunny makes a "hmph" sound and exits the locker room. Undyne walks away, picking up her backpack on the bench, and exits the room.
I sigh a breath of relief as I walk into the changing room. I set my backpack down on the bench and take out my gym clothes. I put on the white cotton shirt with the picture of a smiling yellow flower and black shorts with a white stripe down the side.
'Out of all the things that school makes students wear, they make them wear short. Why though?'
I walk out of the changing room, hugging myself and head down, and try to find my locker.
'Locker 50...'
I stop in front of locker 49 and look at the next one.
'Locker 50!'
I take out my lock and look at the sticky note on the back of it.
'18, 24, 2.'
The lock pops open and I stuff my backpack into the locker. I lock it and put the sticky note in my pocket for safekeeping.
When I walk out of the locker room, everyone was standing in front of the track field in a position to run. I quickly sprint towards them and follow along.
Without warning, Mr. Error yells, "10 laps! Start now!" He blows his whistle and an ear-piercing sound comes out. Everyone starts running and I do the same.
10 minutes of running later, most of the other students are tired and look like they are about to pass out. The only ones who aren't as tired are PJ, Skate, BP, and some other jocks.
"You call that running!? It's your fourth lap! Have some determination!" Mr. Error yells when one of the nerds stop running for a second.
Another 10 minutes past and I am finishing my 8th lap. At this time, almost everyone was dying from running so much. PJ looked pretty tired too but I was barely breaking a sweat behind him.
'Being an actual angel is hard work. Being a mortal is so much easier!'
"9th lap PJ and (Y/N)!"
PJ smirked. He looked so confident that he was going to beat me in this "race".
'Not today, PJ.'
I smile and speed up just passing him. I look back and flash him my smile and a small wink.
He looks at me dumbfounded. I chuckle a little as I leave him in a cloud of dust.
I'm nearing the finish as I look back to see PJ halfway across the court. I cross the "finish line" as Mr. Error yells.
"And TIME!"
I walk over to the bleachers and sit down. Because many of the nerds gave up trying to run the 10 laps, they all come over and congratulate me. I flush a light pink, not expecting so many monsters to be so impressed with my running.
After everyone else finished running, Mr. Error let us change back into our regular clothes.
I look at my schedule again.
'Art with Mr. Ink? Okay, sure.'
Nice running Reader Chan!
Thanks for reading my book! If you see any mistakes at all, such as grammar, spelling, etc., please please please tell me!
Also, please don't expect consistent days for me to upload.
Word count: 1602 words (including A/N)
Quick math lesson by Nerdy Author (How I calculated the laps):
I wanted to have 10 laps which are about 2.5 miles. It takes about 10 minutes for 1 mile so the proportion is:
10 laps = 2.5 miles = 25 mins
If we wanted to figure out 10 minutes, the proportion would be:
10 laps = 2.5 miles = 25 mins
Divide 2.5 to make them all equal
4 laps = 1 mile = 10 mins
If we wanted to figure out 20 minutes, the proportion would be:
4 laps = 1 mile = 10 mins
Times 2 to make then all equal
8 laps = 2 miles = 20 mins
Okie! Bye!
*nopes away*
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