Chapter 33: Sail the ship(s)!
"And how are the stars of the show?" Mr. Ink asks.
Out of nowhere, PJ wraps his arm around me and dips me again, but this time holding my bent leg up. I wrap my arms around his neck and giggle.
"Does this answer your question?"
Mr. Ink slides a ten-dollar bill to Mr. Error, who's laughing his head off.
PJ puts me down and gives me a lighthearted chuckle.
I tiptoe up and give him a small peck on the cheek, which makes him melt like ice cream on a hot summer day.
Cil squeaks happily.
"Heh, alright, let's go home," Mr. Ink says and leads us to the car.
After music class, I go to my locker to put away the books I didn't need for homework.
Just as close my locker door, a pair of skeleton hands cover my eyes.
"Guess who~?" A male voice teases me.
He uncovers my eyes and leans on the locker next to mine.
"Would a lady as beautiful as yourself like to attend the Winter Ball with me?" he asks.
'Smooth. As. Butter.'
"How could I say no to such a handsome skeleton?" I giggle, reaching up to his face and giving him a small kiss on the cheek, "Just out of curiosity, do you know if Undyne, BP, and Skate have their dates yet?"
"Hmm...if they have, then they haven't said anything yet. How about we ask them tomorrow?"
"Sounds good."
As we walk down the halls to the exit, we bump into Frisk.
"Frisk!" I smile.
"Oh, (Y/N)! I've been looking for you. PJ, do you mind if I talk to (Y/N) privately?"
"Alright. Meet you at home, (Y/N)," he runs off.
"What did you want to talk to me about?"
" do I put this into words? This may or may not come off as a little harsh but brace yourself?"
"It's okay. Just tell me."
"Okay, so..." he sighs, "I'm all for your relationship with PJ careful with him."
"What do you mean? Why?"
"He doesn't have the best track record and I would hate to see anything bad happen to you..."
"I understand your concern but he's changed! He isn't like that anymore."
"Okay, but still. Promise you'll at least be a little cautious?"
I smile gently at his concern, "I will. I promise."
He pulls me into a tight hug.
"You're like a little sister to me. I don't want to see someone I care about get hurt," he murmurs.
"I'll be careful. Just because I love him doesn't mean I'm going to cut off our friendship," I embrace him warmly.
* * * * * *
"What are you guys gonna do for the Winter Ball?" We all sit down at the lunch table, discussing plans.
In one way or another, everyone's faces light up with a hue of red or pink.
I stifle a giggle under my breath while PJ smirks at their reactions.
"Spill!" PJ yells teasingly to the group.
"You punks couldn't have been less straightforward, could you?" Undyne chuckles, still red-faced.
"Spill it!" PJ repeats.
"Fine, geez," she laughs, "I do have a date."
I rest my chin on my hands and listen.
"She's cute, smart, passionate-"
"She's a nerd?" PJ interrupts.
I gently nudge him.
"Yeah...she is. Her name's Alphys. She's the yellow lizard over at the nerd's table."
She jerks her thumb towards the table.
I look over to see Alphys holding up a manga and chattering enthusiastically with the others.
I quietly squeal, "You guys would look so cute together~"
This causes her to turn as red a strawberry.
"Alright, enough with embarrassing Undyne," PJ chuckles, "Skate? What about you?"
"I! Uh..."
"Lemme guess. It's BP's cousin."
Her face gets pinker than cotton candy.
"And from the look of your face, I'm right?"
"Was...was it that obvious...?"
I gently pat her back.
"Just a lucky guess," he replies.
"I know Underhigh allows students to invite others to the dance but we just gotta get the ticket for them. But I'm already having trouble just going up to him without making a fool of myself," she chuckles anxiously.
"What if BP asks him to make sure that he's free that night? Y'know, for a heads up," Undyne suggests.
"Would you do that?" Skate asks the cat monster, who's staring off into space, probably daydreaming about something...
Or someone...
"Wha? Repeat that, sorry."
"Would Trix if he's free on the night of the ball...? I wanna give him a sign...but don't want to surprise him too much..."
"Sure. I'll ask him for ya. And I'm guessing no names."
"Yeah, no names. Thank you so much!" She hugs him.
"Heh, you're welcome, bud," he pats her back.
"And hey! What about you? Got a date?"
He jolts at the sudden question but reluctantly answers, "...I'm still trying to find an opportunity to ask him..."
Everyone quiets down to pay attention to him.
"Let's just one really knows his name but everyone calls him NC because he likes to offer nice cream to everyone."
"Oh, you mean the blue bunny sitting at the nerds' table?" Undyne cuts in.
"...yeah. The blue bunny at the nerds' table.
Anyway, he was a middle school friend but moved away at the end of 7th grade. So naturally, I missed him. Until Junior year comes around and I found out that he transferred here. We've been hanging out together since then and I don't know how to ask him..."
"Flirt with him!" PJ jokingly exclaims, earning a few snickers from us.
"What the heck!? No! It's easy for you since you can literally seduce the entire school!"
We all break into a fit of laughter as BP glares at PJ with a flushed face.
"Okay, okay. So how do you want to ask him out?"
"I already told you, I don't know."
"Why not get Alphys to ask him if he's free?" I propose.
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind," Undyne adds.
"Yeah, sure, whatever..." he mutters under his breath.
"Lift the anchor and raise the sails, everybody! We're bringing this ship to its destination. An adventure awaits us!" I exclaim cheerfully.
* * * * * *
Operation Skate Trixs (I do apologize for the terrible ship name)
Step 1: Buy a pack of bubble letters stickers and ask Mr. Ink if we could work in his room during lunch
"An art project with some friends? Hmm, alright. But make sure to clean up everything before the bell."
Step 2: Gather round and start working
We all help paint the letters and stick them onto the bottom of the skateboard.
Step 3: Get him to the skate park
Skate picks up her phone and dials his number.
"Hey, Trix."
"Everyone else wants to go to the skate park again. Wanna join us?"
"Sure. 3:30?"
"Ya, see you there!"
"See ya!"
Step 4: Everyone hide!
"Where are the others?"
"They all had to cancel last minute..." She sighs, dejected.
"Hm. Looks likes it's just the two of us then," he smiles.
Step 4.5: Quick! Take a picture!!
PJ peeks around the corner and quickly snaps a photo of the two walking over to the half-pipe, which is just a ramp in the shape of a U.
They're so cute!!
Step 5: Tricks for Trix
Skate does a few stunts on her board, trying to reveal the bottom of the board as much as she could.
15 minutes later...
It was hard to tell if he noticed it at all...
"When do you guys think he's gonna notice?" PJ asks the rest of us.
I slowly look over. Nothing's happening.
"..." I grumble quietly at the sad sight.
No one says anything, leaving us standing in silence.
Some more time passes by and Trix decides to stop skating.
Well, crap...that failed...
Trix asks Skate a question and then they both sit down at a nearby bench, starting a chat.
Trix points to Skate's board and looks at her with an eyebrow raised. Her face turns bright pink and she looks at the ground.
"Guys!" I whisper shout, nudging the others to get their attention, "Look!"
As Skate shakily tells him something, his face also lights up with a shade of red.
He smiles at and nods, wrapping her into a hug.
"Success!" I whisper shout and start fangirling with Undyne.
PJ and BP stare at us and chuckle at our silly antics.
The two let go of each other and Skate turns around, signaling us to come over.
Undyne is the first to sprint over to them and tackle Skate into a hug, both laughing their heads off. BP gives his cousin a pound hug and laughs with the others. PJ wraps an arm around my shoulder as I watch the others with a smile on my face.
* * * * * *
Operation Nicepants (funny ship names)
Step 1: Let Alphys ask if he has a date yet
While everyone else talks about random crap (well, BP's daydreaming again and not paying attention...), I listen in and "gather information" so we don't all look suspicious.
"S-So, who are you g-guys going to the dance w-with?" Alphys stutters, asking everyone at the table.
"I did want to go with someone but turns out, she already has a date. But I'm over it. And no, I don't really want to talk about it," Fresh replies.
"UNFORTUNATELY, I MUST ADMIT THAT NOT EVEN THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS A DATE. BUT! THAT DOES NOT MEAN I AM ANY LESS GREAT! NYEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus cheerfully exclaims. I may not know him well but he still reminds me of that childhood innocence we all had when we were younger.
" I have to go.....?" Napstablook asks quietly. Oh, how I could relate to this poor ghost a few months back.
"N-No, you don't h-have to. B-But we'll be there i-if you do."
".....maybe I will....." he cracks a small smile.
"What about you, NC? Going with anyone?"
NC's face turns a shade of light pink as he stares at the table like it's the most fascinating thing he's seen all day.
"...Yeah, I do. But I don't think he'll want to go out with a nerd like me..."
"Who is it?"
"He's um a jock...but was also a middle school friend. Until I had to move away. But then I came back."
"W-Which jock is i-it?"
"He's the orange cat sitting by the table," he subtly jerks a thumb over at us.
'Oh my God!'
"YOU MEAN BURGERPANTS!?" Papyrus asks, rather loudly.
BP snaps out of his trance and questioningly looks over at the other table.
"Shhh! Papyrus!" NC shushes him. He makes eye contact with BP with a red face before turning away.
"Nyeh heh heh...sorry," he replies in a much softer tone.
BP nudges my arm, knowing I was listening, "What were they talking about?"
I put a finger over my lips and wink.
"It's a secret, you'll find out later," I playfully tell to him.
"What? Come on, just tell me!" He urges.
I don't budge.
"Alright, then. Keep your secrets."
The bell rings for next period.
"You'll thank me," I say with a small smile as we get up to go to class.
* * * * * *
Change of plans: Looks like I'm handling this myself
Just as the bell rings for dismissal, I practically run out of the room, stuff my books in my locker, and wait outside.
I lean against the wall and watch the other seniors walk by, talking to their friends.
Finally, I spot him.
"Hey there."
The blue bunny tenses up at the sight of me and freezes in place.
"Is something wrong?" I tilt my head to the side. Then it dawned on me. "Oh, no. Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you...even though I'm a 'jock' or whatever."
He seems to loosen up a bit but not all the way.
"I'm (Y/N)," I hold out my hand for him to shake.
"Call me NC," he responds softly.
"At lunch, I may or may not have overheard you guys talking about BP."
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Were we being too loud?" He starts panicking and his face reddens.
"What? No. Not at all. I actually wanted to help you with your situation," I reassure him.
"Really...?" His ears stand straight up in surprise.
"Really," I grin, "And I have an idea that you might like."
* * * * * *
"TGIF, guys. And I got nice cream!"
"Where did you get those from?" PJ lightly laughs.
"And how are they not melting?" Skate asks, a bit puzzled.
"One, NC wanted to treat us with some nice cream. Reason? No clue. Second, they're not melting because of magicccc~"
Actually, I helped make all the nice creams with NC but it's not the right time to bring that up.
I hand out the frozen treats to everyone, each wrapper having a name written on it.
Everyone unwraps their nice creams. PJ has midnight vanilla, Undyne has matcha, Skate has blackberry, BP has orange-pineapple, and I have (favorite nice cream flavor).
While PJ wasn't looking, I sneakily steal a bit of nice cream from him. Undyne cackles loudly at my feat.
"Ack! Brain freeze!" I yelp, laughing along despite the small headache.
PJ turns around to see a bite mark on his nice cream before looking at me and suppressing his laughter.
"That's karma for stealing my nice cream!" He cracks up.
Just as we are finishing our nice creams, I "notice" writing inside the wrapper.
"Hey, do you guys have a message on your wrappers?"
I unfold mine and read it to myself.
"Guys! I think this wrapper is flirting with me!"
"What does it say?" State asks, already chuckling before I even say anything.
I read the message aloud, "Is this as sweet as you?"
"Well, I think that wrapper needs to find someone who isn't taken," PJ wraps an arm around me and pecks my cheek.
"What does yours say?"
He unfolds his wrapper, "You're just great. Thanks, wrapper."
Undyne looks at hers, "You look nice today. I think all the wrappers are flirty!"
"Have a wonderful day!" Skate exclaims, "Well, thank you very much."
BP slowly unwraps his. His face gradually turns pink as we watch his eyes move, reading every word carefully.
"What does it say, BP?" I ask him, giving him a smug smile.
"I got...a whole confession letter..." He gives a goofy grin and drops he wrapper to cover his face in his hands.
PJ picks it up and reads it aloud, "Heya, Burgerpants. It's been a while since we've talked. How are ya doing? So, I've got a question to ask you. Would you maybe like to go to the Winter Ball with me? I'd understand if you said no. You do have a reputation to uphold. But I'd just thought I'd offer... From, NC."
Skate gently nudges him in the arm, "Go up to him and tell him!"
"But it's so embarrassing..."
"Look, dude, do you want him or not?" Undyne asks.
"I mean...yes, I do. But..."
"Then it shouldn't be as hard as asking him yourself. You're just accepting or denying it," PJ explains.
The bell rings. Great.
"I'll find him after school..."
* * * * * *
After homework, I flop down on my bed and hang out on my phone. Until I get a text from PJ from the group chat.
PJ 💜:
So did it work?
Fish lady:
Come on punk
Spill the beans!
'Right! BP!'
Everyones here at the same time
Nice :D
Sorry not sorry XDDDD
Guys chill
That was unintentional.
Fish lady:
It went fine
What were you guys expecting
PJ 💜:
Awww no flirting?
Oml XD
For the last time,
Fish lady:
PJ 💜:
Ok ok fine lol
All the ships have finally sailed!!
Fish lady:
Speaking of ships
Whyd you choose Alphys of all monsters?
Fish lady:
Because shes cute?
And shes hella determined and passionate
Who wouldnt want that
Okay fair enough
PJ, out of all the girls in the school, why (Y/N)?
No offence to (Y/N) tho
None taken
And you better word this carefully :v
Actually yea
I'm curious too
You couldve had the whole school
Literally every girl flings themselves at you
And you chose the only girl who didn't react like that at first
PJ 💜:
((Y/N) I can hear you laughing in your room)
"Every girl flings themselves at you"
Sorryyy XD
PJ 💜:
And BP
I dont think its physically possible to explain love in full sentences
Fish lady:
Oh my asgore
Shipping it so hard rn lol
PJ 💜:
So here are some words
And phrases
Im getting a strong feeling of spam
PJ 💜:
Fish lady:
PJ youre gonna clog up the chat XD
PJ 💜:
The way you kiss me
Bright smile
Brightest smile
"The way you kiss me"
I cant xD
PJ 💜:
Brighter than the sun
A huge heart
The fact that youve given me a chance
Stop spamming the chat XD
PJ 💜:
Admit it
Youre flattered
Ill stop if you say you love me~ ❤
Love yaa 😘
PJ 💜:
I love you more~
Alright lovebirds we get it lol
PJ 💜:
Tie your shoelaces again
I dont want you falling for someone else
Ive fallen and I can't get up—
No worries!
Theyre tied
Nooo dead memes XD
Fish lady:
Dead memes are best memes >:D
Ack hold on
Call from Alphys
Pffft ok
"Hey! Dinner's ready!" Mr. Ink calls from downstairs.
Gotta go
PJ 💜:
PJ 💜:
Oki byee
Tbh, I don't really like the first half of this chapter cuz I got writers block then ;-;
And school assignments are REAL FUN
...please end me...
then I'll end me •^•
Okie byeee
Word count: 3068 words (including A/N)
*nopes out*
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