Chapter 3: Panic Attack
Just then, the first bell rings and students start filling the classroom.
"Why don't you sit down for now and we'll talk later? Class is about to start."
I nod my head (because I still don't trust my voice) and sit down at an empty seat.
'My first class is about to start...'
"Welcome to science class, students. Please address me as Dr. Gaster. I am going to be your science teacher for the year."
While Dr. Gaster is talking, I zone out into my own little world for a while. I didn't pay much attention to class until the student in front of me hands me a small stack of papers. I take a sheet and pass the rest to the back.
"Your first assignment is to make a poster introducing yourself. Include pictures, fancy lettering, whatever you please. I just ask that you at least put in some effort into the assignment. You will hand them to me first thing tomorrow and that will be your first grade. I will give you the rest of the period to brainstorm and jot down notes for things you want to include. Now start."
He sits down at his desk as the monsters around you put away the sheet and start brainstorming on a separate piece of paper. I do the same and take out a blank piece of paper and start practicing my calligraphy.
After about 10 minutes of calligraphy and some random doodles, Dr. Gaster stands up and clears his throat to get everyone's attention.
"I forgot to mention this earlier but you will also be presenting your poster tomorrow to the class. This will count as a participation grade so please prepare for it."
The moment I hear the word "present", I freeze up and turn pale as a ghost.
'Oh God, why do I have to present this?'
I hate public speaking more than anything else in the world. Every time I speak to a group of people, I end up making a fool of myself and get made fun of. And then I talk too quietly and people are shouting at me to speak louder which puts even more pressure on me.
I sigh, trying to hide the feeling of sudden panic, but failing to do so as my hands start to shake. I raise my shaky hand to go to the bathroom and calm down because I can't let the others see me in such a weak position.
Thankfully, Dr. Gaster sees my hand and looks at me. I mouth the word bathroom. He nods slightly, signaling approval, as I rush out of the classroom.
I breathe heavily as I walk to try and find the bathroom. Eventually, I find it and walk in, with my heart still beating 1000 miles an hour.
I take a look at myself in the mirror. My face is red and sweat is dripping down my head. I didn't realize I'm crying until I see the slight tear streaks on my cheeks. My eyes are also puffy and red. I clutch the sink as I start to feel the world around me spin a few times. When I finally regain full conscience, the bell rings.
"First period is over..." I say to myself in a shaky voice.
I walk back to the classroom to see other students packing up their papers and exiting the classroom. I pack up too as Dr. Gaster signals me to go to his desk.
I swing my backpack on my shoulder and clutch it tightly, as I feel the nerves jump out at me again.
"You look very nervous, child. Are you feeling alright?"
I avoid his eye contact as I speak in the least shaky voice I could muster.
"I-I'm okay. Probably just f-first day nerves." I lie and plaster a fake smile on my face.
'Just pretend everything is fine...'
"Okay, (Y/N) can come to talk to me anytime when I'm not having a class. I want to help you, alright? I'm not going to punish you for feeling nervous."
"O-Okay...thank you, Dr. Gaster. Have a n-nice rest of the day."
"You too, (Y/N)."
I walk out of the classroom and sigh a breath of relief.
'Gotta get to my next class...'
I look at my schedule to see that I have PE class.
'Now where is the gym...?'
Reader-chan sure is nervous...
Thanks for reading my book! If you see any mistakes at all, such as grammar, spelling, etc., please please please tell me!
Also, please don't expect consistent days for me to upload. And please don't bombard me with messages about uploading.
Word count: 794 words (including A/N)
*nopes away*
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