Chapter 27: Friends...?
I take out my phone and add in the new numbers, Cil as
Cil-namon Roll
and PJ as
PJ 💜
'Oh crap-!'
I delete the heart on the name but my soul flutters as if it's trying to tell me something.
Curious, I add the heart back and my soul skips another beat.
My mood suddenly changes from puzzled to delight as I smile to myself.
I save his contact and out away my phone to take that nap that's been waiting for me.
I awaken to a text message that following Monday at 7:30 am
Yes, Monday.
The doctors don't recommend me to go to school so I'll have to stay in the hospital and make up some work.
(Y/N)! Where the heck are you!?
We were supposed to carpool today!
Did something happen to you?
Are you even home!?
None of the lights are on!
Oh...hey guys...
What happened to you?? ;-;
I've been diagnosed with a soul disease last night
Fractural Spiritus Syndrome
Bunny:'ll be excused this week
Should we visit you after school?
Only if you want to
You don't have to if you don't want
Expect me at 3:30
I'm coming too
Of course we're coming!
Okay, have fun at school guys
Get better
I open to another message thread to Mr. Ink.
Good morning, Mr. Ink
Could you please tell my teachers that I'm sick and could you get my homework from them?
My teachers are
Dr. Gaster, Mr. Nightmare, Mr, Dream, Ms. Shyren, Mr. Mettaton, Mr. Cloud, Mr. Error and you
Thank you
I lay back down and sigh.
* * * * * *
The past few hours were a little blurry.
But that's the hospital for you.
Dr. Denmark announced that I might be able to go home this Thursday if my condition is stable enough.
So really hoping...
I put down the book I was reading and pick up my phone to look at the time for the fifth time today.
3:27 pm
They should be here any minute...
I fold the corner of the book page and set it aside on the nightstand beside me.
A ding comes from my phone at that moment.
PJ 💜:
Heads up, I'm coming over soon to give you your work
Thanks, PJ
I also forgot to mention that Bunny, Shadow, and Ebony might be over at the same time
PJ 💜:
Wait why are they visiting you?
Did I forget you tell you?
Oh well
I kinda befriended them-
PJ 💜:
Ummm okay then
I'll find a way to deal with them when I get there
Thanks for putting up with my bull crap...
PJ 💜:
Don't say that about yourself
I smile at the little message but the feeling didn't last very long due to a knock on the door.
As the door opens, I scramble to write out a final text.
They're here, cya later
"Heyyyy!" Shadow is the first to greet me.
"Who were you texting just then?" Bunny crosses her arms and smiles.
"O-Oh, just a f-friend..."
"How are you feeling, (Y/N)?" Ebony asks with a concerned expression.
"O-Okay, I guess...?"
"Are you sure? Fractural Spiritus Syndrome is pretty painful sometimes..."
"I'll be o-okay for n-now..."
For the twenty minutes or so, we engage in small talk, with them trying to take my mind off of my condition and talking about school.
Another knock comes from the door.
PJ comes in, holding a small binder with looseleaf and papers.
"H-Hey, PJ..."
"Hey, (Y/N)."
"PJ!" Bunny swoons.
He sighs.
"I told you, Bunny, I'm not interested," he states emotionlessly, like he's said it a million times.
He turns back to me.
"Anyway, here's the work that you wanted."
He holds out the black binder towards me.
I take it from him.
"How are you feeling? Any better since yesterday?"
"A l-little..."
"Hope you feel better. Cil is worried. Anything you want to say to him?"
"T-Tell him..." I think for a second, "n-not to worry a-about me. Focus on s-school, I'll be f-fine," I smile.
"Okay, I will. Now, if you don't need anything else, I gotta get back to meet with the gang."
"O-Okay, have fun!"
Just before he closes the door, he gives me a little wave.
"Why did PJ visit you?" Bunny asks, skeptical of the situation.
"O-Oh...I forgot to tell you guys..."
"Well, now you have time," she pushes.
Knowing that I don't have a valid reason for not telling them,
I start explaining from the beginning.
" s-story g-guardian is i-in the hospital...and Mr. I-Ink and Mr. Error t-took me i-in..." I murmur, "T-That's the short v-version..."
"You know what? We're NOT," Ebony frowns at Bunny, "gonna push you to say anymore if you're not comfortable."
After more small talk, they wave goodbye, which leaves me in silence again.
I pick up my phone to see two unread messages.
Frisky boi:
Where did you go today?
You weren't in class.
Something happened
He responds immediately.
Frisky boi:
Like what?
Soul disease or something like that
Frisky boi:
What? Which one? 0_0
Fractural Spiritus Syndrome
Frisky boi:
Oh goodness...
When is a good time to visit you?
Probably sometime tomorrow
I'm tired again but I still have to do the work that I missed
Frisky boi:
Okay then...
I'll see you tomorrow at 3
Thanks Frisk
Cya tomorrow
Frisky boi:
I open the other unread message, this time from Skate.
What happened to you!?
PJ told me you weren't feeling so well.
But how does he know this?
Sorry...I left you in the dark too...
Could you tell me now?
You know that day where I couldn't make it to rehearsal?
So that day, my guardian was hospitalized
Oh my God
Is she okay?
She's in a coma but otherwise
a stable condition
Are you feeling okay after all that?
Yeah I think so...?
So what does PJ have to do with all of this?
I'm getting to that part
After that, Mr. Ink and Mr. Error took me under their wing because I didn't have a legal guardian
That makes more sense
So do you think it's okay for me to talk about you with PJ?
And why are you hospitalized?
Um...I guess you can
And I got diagnosed with a soul disease
Fractural Spiritus Syndrome
Are you feeling okay?
At the moment, yes
I'm feeling fine
I REALLY wish I could visit but musical rehearsal and other things are blocking up my schedule D:
No worries
Just texting you is enough to keep me company :)
Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!
Then when are they planning to release you?
The doctor said hopefully this Thursday if I'm in a stable condition
Crossing my fingers 🤞
Thanks ^^
I finally put down my phone and get to the work I missed.
I open up the binder and see a few worksheets along with a note on a piece of loose-leaf paper on top of everything.
Dear (Y/N),
How are you feeling, (Y/N)? I hope you're doing fine. Stay creative even during your hospital stay. Sending the best of wishes for your recovery.
Signing off, Dr. Gaster
To (Y/N),
Even though you're usually very quiet, it's not the same when you're not at home with us. The atmosphere now feels pretty empty without you here. We're all thinking of you.
From Mr. Error
I really hope you get better soon! We all miss you dearly. After what happened, you can also turn to us for emotional support. I'm going to keep my message brief but that does not mean our love for you has fallen short.
Lots of love, Mr. Ink
To (Y/N),
I know you told me not to worry but I can't stop thinking of you! I just want to know that you're okay and not in this condition that causes you pain...but I know you want me to stay strong so I will just for you! Just promise you'll take the time to recover.
Thinking of you, Cil
I know I've said this once but I'll say it again. I know we got off on the wrong foot but I really do hope you get better. I know I may seem like you're typical jock but I'm not ignorant. What I'm trying to say is that I genuinely hope that you will recover quickly.
So, sincerely me
Forgive me for I am not very good at this. But remember that you are a kind and intelligent young lady. You will persevere through this and nothing will stop you from doing so.
Yours truly, Mr. Nightmare
Dear (Y/N),
Hope you're feeling at least a little better since the day the pain started. Remember that every star in the sky is unique but never alone. You'll always have someone to talk to even if it's one of your teachers.
Best of wishes for your recovery, Mr. Dream
Dearest (Y/N),
Oh, darling (Y/N)! Thank goodness you're okay! Your voice is truly a magnificent part of you and don't let anyone tell you any different! Everyone in the theater crew hopes for a fast recovery.
Wishing you good health, Mr. Mettaton
Incredibly sorry for your current condition. The healing process may be slow but it will be worth it in the end. Take your sweet time to rest and you'll get better. Promise!
Take extra good care, Mr. Cloud
Dear (Y/N),
I was a little concerned when you didn't show up for class today. Who knew that you'd be like this? But never mind that. Get better is all I have to say. And also get lots of rest and keep that love of music in your soul. You have a lovely voice that could take you far.
Be well, Ms. Shyren
I smile at all the wonderful messages that've been sent to me as my soul starts fluttering a little.
I put away the note and get to work with those worksheets with a pen clipped on the side of the binder.
* * * * * *
"Frisk!" I exclaim.
He walks towards me, clutching a small bouquet of red, pink, and white carnations.
I give him a big hug, excited to see him.
He chuckles and hugs back, giving me a gentle pat on the back as he sits down.
"How've you been doing?"
"Well, my day got brighter with you here," I smile, my voice full of laughter.
"Heheh, I also brought you some carnations. The light red ones represent friendship. The hot pink ones represent fondness 'cause you are my best friend after all," he boops my nose, "And the white ones represent luck."
I giggle like a young child.
"Thank you! I love them!"
He grins, "You're welcome!"
The atmosphere changes abruptly as he opens his mouth to speak.
"How'd you end up here?"
"'s complicated..."
He stays silent, waiting for me to continue.
" started showing symptoms of the Fractural Spiritus Syndrome at PJ's."
"Wait, at PJ's? You mean the jock's house!?" He interrupts.
"Did I not...?" I stop myself and think, remembering that I haven't told him anything, "I left you in the dark too?"
"I'm going to start talking really fast because I don't want to remember the bad things that happened, okay?"
"Okay, so..." I look down at the blanket and begin rambling, "Basically Ms. Avery landed in the hospital due to a car crash and PJ's parents decided to take me in and then I started showing symptoms of my soul disease," I pause for air, "probably because Ms. Avery wasn't there so we went to the hospital and I landed here yesterday so I was absent in school today."
I look back up at Frisk to see him staring at me in disbelief.
While Frisk tries to comprehend my words, I don't dare try to break the silence.
" let me get this straight...Ms. Avery was hospitalized due to a car crash and Mr. Ink and Mr. Error took you in. Then you just started having the soul disease and landed yourself here."
"Long story short...yes."
He leans back on the chair and uses his hand to brush the hair out of his face.
"God damn..."
"Okay, first, are you okay after that?"
"I-I think so?"
"Second, why didn't you ask me for help?"
"You know that I'd comfort you, right?"
"I mean...I do but..." I take a moment to phrase my words as to not come off as too harsh, "Since you left...I've just been trying to cope on my own...and be more 'independent'..."
"It's hard to remember that people love you when the only person who accepts you disappears without a trace for over 3 years..."
'Like they abandoned you...'
A small throb comes from my soul but I ignore it.
Frisk looks away.
"But I have no one to blame for this and I can never stay mad at you."
He looks back up, his eyes now full of tears like mine.
I try to smile a little.
He practically lunges towards me and wraps me in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry..." he says, repeating it over and over again.
"It's okay..." I smile, rubbing his back as I hug him.
"I promise...I won't leave again..."
* * * * * *
The sun sets and then rises the next morning.
Just like it always does.
The world continues on with or without me.
I try passing the time by going on my phone and playing mindless games. Hours go by like a blur and it feels like I've done nothing except waste my time.
But what is there to do when you're stuck in a hospital bed?
Emotionally drained, I put my phone down and bury my face in the pillow, letting out a huge sigh.
A knock in the door interrupts my sulking state.
The door creaks open but I don't look up.
A small nervous chuckle comes from the monster who entered.
"Uhhhh are you okay?"
I turn my head towards the sound and see PJ, holding a few pieces of paper, standing near the doorway.
"B-Bored and tired o-of sleeping..."
"Need someone to talk to but can't because they're all at school?" He sits down on the chair and passes me the sheets.
"Y-Yeah..." I take the sheets from him, "T-Thank you..."
"No problem. Well, what'cha wanna talk about?"
"T-This is going to s-sound a bit w-weird...but um...S-Skate and I h-have been talking..."
"Oh, I know."
"D-Did she tell you y-yesterday?"
"H-How did you r-react...?" I ask, a little nervous for his response.
"Honestly, I had a feeling she was hiding something. She's not the best at being secretive. But I wasn't mad at her or anything. Weird to admit, but I'm pretty proud of her."
"Even though she is 'popular' she's not as extroverted as she seems. Undyne, BP, and I have friends outside of our usual gang. But Skate doesn't because she's too shy to really talk to anyone else."
"Mm-hmm. So for her to step up and talk to new people is a huge step out of her comfort zone and I'm proud of her for doing so."
"Hmm..." I smile.
Another question pops in my mind.
"Um...I have one more question."
"H-How are Undyne a-and BP going to react w-when they see me i-in school? I know S-Skate is going to try to p-pry them off me...a-and what about you?"
A moment of silence washes over us before PJ opens his mouth to speak.
"Hmmm, that's a tough one... it's not that I don't want to hang out with you but..."
"Y-Yeah...I understand..." I say with the smallest hint of disappointment.
We take a moment of brainstorm until PJ widens his eyes and snaps his fingers.
"I got it."
"You're with the Devil Divas, right?"
"That means you're also in my popularity range. And there's no valid excuse not to hang out with you guys considering we're the jocks."
"B-But how would U-Undyne and BP r-react?"
"They'll be forced to make amends with you because they wouldn't want to ruin their reputation by fighting."
"Hm..." I ponder, "T-That might actually w-work..."
"This way, I can keep an eye on you while we're at school," he winks when saying eye.
"T-Thanks for s-supporting me at a time l-like this..." I look down and smile sheepishly.
"It's not a problem. It's what friends do right?"
'PJ wants to be friends...?'
"Well, only if you want to be," he chuckles nervously.
I lean forward to give him a hug.
"Y-Yeah...friends..." I smile, delighted.
He hugs back, a gentle hum of satisfaction escapes his lips.
"You won't have to run anymore."
I can just hear y'all saying
"28 chapters and they've only just become friends!?"
Yes. I warned you with the slow burn.
Don't worry, there's more to come
So be patient my dear readers ;D
Word count: 3001 words (including A/N)
*nopes out*
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