Chapter 20: In Our Pillow Fort
"H-Hey, Cil," I say in a hushed manner and fully open the door.
"(Y/N)! We have something to show you!"
"What i-is it?"
"Come downstairs!"
He grabs my arm and practically drags me downstairs.
I observe the living room which has now been turned into a mess of pillows, blankets, and the couch cushions taken off the couch.
"We're gonna build a pillow fort! I'm going to get PJ. Can you get started?"
Before I could answer, he races back upstairs and I'm left alone in the living room.
Sorry guys
I gotta go
But I'll see you tomorrow
I was planning to hide in my room tonight but I guess I have no choice but to do this.
I sigh and get to work.
'Let's see here...'
I go into the kitchen to grab 2 chairs and put them aside for now. I slightly struggle due to my still injured wrist so I really quickly use a bit of magic to move them to the living room.
I push away the side tables and the coffee table with my left arm to make room. The couch cushions are already taken off so I stack them up against the arms of the couch. Thanks, magic! Then I set up the chairs and drape a blanket for them.
"What are we doing, nerd?" A voice behind me asks.
"Don't be mean, PJ," Cil steps in.
PJ sighs.
"Oh, (Y/N)! You've already got most of it done!"
"Huh? O-oh, yeah..."
"Let's decorated the inside! PJ, can you get some books to weigh down the blanket?"
"Okay," PJ responds.
"(Y/N)? Can you fill the fort?"
I nod.
"Okay! I'm going to make some popcorn!"
We all get to work.
PJ goes over to the shelves and grabs a few heavy books.
I take a fluffy blanket and place it in the fort as a flooring. Then, I take some pillows and scatter them around the fort.
Cil goes over to the kitchen and the sound of popping popcorn fills my ears.
After a short while, the fort was finished and we had snacks. We decide to watch a movie and we are choosing one right now.
PJ and Cil were choosing a movie and I am sitting in the fort minding my own business.
"Horror movie or dark comedy, (Y/N)?" Cil turns around and asks me.
"W-Which ever is f-fine."
They continue searching until they find a movie.
"I think I found one," says Cil, holding up the DVD box labeled "Death Friends Forever."
PJ takes it from him and looks at it. He silently reads the back and looks at the rating.
"This is for wimps."
He looks at Cil to see a pretty unhappy expression.
"...Fine...we'll watch it."
Cil's face immediately changes from sad to ecstatic in a second.
PJ inserts the movie in the DVD player while Cil scrambles to my right, his popcorn in hand. PJ moves into my left and we watch the movie.
~A tem skip IM SORRY!!~
I tightly hug a pillow, holding on to it for dear life. My eyes feel glued to the screen but I'm absolutely petrified.
The guy named Dakota was running from his friend, Brooklyn, after finding out she killed their group of friends. What was a group of 4 was now a group of 2. He fled straight into the woods as eerie music started to play. The sound of crunching leaves sends shivers up my spine as I rub the goosebumps on my arms.
"Where are you~," she asks in a sing-song voice. Her voice echoed through the woods.
My heart almost stopped beating from the sheer amount of terror.
Dakota ran quicker until everything was quiet. No longer could Brooklyn's voice nor the sound of crunching leaves be heard.
He looks around, squinting his eyes from the dark, to see no one near him.
She's gone...?
He sighs a breath of relief.
"Thank go-"
He is interrupted by his own scream.
Cil and I jolt and scream too. PJ looks at us and tries not to die from laughter.
We ignore him and continue watching with anticipation.
It was a bloody screen. Brooklyn is sitting on Dakota with a knife stuck in his back. He gasps for air.
"" he pants weakly.
"Well...I can't have anyone know that I killed 2 people."
"So you..." he pauses for air, "admit it...You killed Sunny...and Brandon..."
"And you're next," she says sinisterly.
She chuckles and twists the knife.
He screams again and I see Cil covering his eyes with his pillow. She gets off him, taking the knife out of him to allow free bleeding.
Dakota takes one last look at her and says his last words.
"...we thought... were our friend..."
Brooklyn looks at the now lifeless body lying in the middle of the dark forest.
Her best friend. Killed by her own hands.
The insanity in her eyes vanishes and turns into regret.
Why did I do this!?" She throws the knife at the ground.
Dakota once told me..."
A way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt.
The more you kill, the easier it becomes to distance yourself.
The more you distance yourself, the less you will hurt.
The more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others.
A way of quantifying the pain you have inflicted on others.
When you kill someone, your EXP increases."
"Just what I did." She smiles.
She then starts giggling. It transitions to full-on laughter in a matter of moments.
"Why is it so funny!?" She says in between laughs.
"Won't...STOP!" She continues to cackle.
She picks up the knife off the ground and points it at herself.
Her maniac laughter rings through the forest as she stabs herself twice in the stomach and once more in the heart.
She falls to the ground with a loud thud. She scooches over to a nearby tree and leans on it. The knife is on the dirt floor beside her, just out of her reach.
Her laughter dies down to a softer version as she sees ghostly figures of her friends.
Brandon is comforting Sunny while he quietly weeps. Dakota, arms crossed, has his back turned towards Brooklyn. He glances at her with a disapproving look before giving her the cold shoulder again.
"...You're all heh probably mad at me huh...?
...I wish you're still here...
...You guys...
...You guys deserve better..."
She raises her arm towards the ghostly figures
"I'm sorry..."
Her eyes closes as she takes a final breath and her arm falls.
I hear Cil next to me silently sobbing. I'm shedding some tears myself but I wipe them away.
The movie ends shortly and Cil falls asleep before the credits roll. PJ takes out the movie and goes upstairs to the bathroom I presume. I get up and find some blankets near the fort that haven't been used. I take one and cover Cil. He smiles unconsciously and snuggles in the blanket. I let out a soft heh and sit down, waiting for PJ to come out so I can brush my teeth.
After a little while, I hear the door open and close up there and I get up. PJ walks down the stairs and I go up. I do my nightly routine of brushing my teeth, combing my hair, etc.
I come back down to see PJ snug in a blanket and on his phone. I join him and Cil in the fort, grabbing a blanket too. I shuffle inside the fort and get comfy.
Should I say it?
"...g-good night..."
I turn away from PJ and cringe.
'Oh my Jesus Christ...'
I push that thought away and instead, think of Ms. Avery.
How's she doing right now?
When will she gain consciousness?
Will she even...?
I try to shove away the negative thoughts and just fall asleep. I close my eyes and imagine a night sky. Tiny white dots of stars shine brightly and the crescent moon glistens in the darkness.
I'm about to fall asleep before I hear a voice.
"...good night..."
A pause.
Death Friends Forever was a copy of a school English project where we have to write a short play and perform it. But we didn't even perform it and it didn't even end up being graded! >:(
Regardless, I had too much fun writing it and I was the role of the killer XD
You don't know how ecstatic I was to fulfill the role of a murderer =)
I can get a little crazy ^^
But anyway, the names were changed to hide the identities of my classmates and me
Little update of my life
My school received a bomb threat last week...
But everyone's okay, so thank God!
Also also,
I just got a new phone and all my book notes are gone :/
Word count: 1513 words (Including A/N)
*nopes out*
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