Chapter 2: Schedule Stress and The Chase
"7:50 am. I have 10 minutes!" I mutter under my breath while running to the front of the school and through the front entrance. I freeze as I see groups of monsters talking to each other, none of them I recognize.
"What a start to the day..." I say to myself quietly.
I walk down the halls trying to find the principal's office. I keep my head low, as to not draw any attention to myself, considering I am one of the few humans in this school. I wander around the hall for a minute, still not finding the room I am looking for. I didn't want to ask for help due to my social anxiety (Can anyone relate?).
After another minute, I FINALLY find the office and walk inside. The room was quiet and ominous as I walk up to the front desk, gripping my backpack tightly. Thanks a lot, social anxiety...
I read the little name stand on the corner of the desk.
'Vice-Principal Ms. tEmMiE cHaNg'
Gathering up my courage, I speak.
"H-Hello...?" I stutter, mentally kicking myself.
A high pitch female voice comes from behind the front desk and a monster jumps out from under the desk. I jump in surprise until I realize she is Ms. Temmie Chang.
She is a dog cat? with gray hair tied up into a semi-messy bun. She wears a blue suit top with a yellow bow.
"pRiNcIpAl tEmMiE iS hErE!!!! wHaT dO yOu NeEd, HuMaN!?!?!!!"
Her loud voice startles me but I continue.
"I-I need to get m-my schedule and l-locker n-name i-is..."
I suddenly pause forgetting my name.
'Crap! Crap! Crap! She gonna think you're stupid for not knowing your freaking name!'
"M-My name is (Y-Y/N)..."
Ms. Temmie types on her computer while I stand there sweating and thinking about my unreasonable anxiety.
After about a minute, the sound of the printer turns on and a piece of paper is printed out.
"hErE yOu Go, HuMaN!! i HoPe YoU hAvE a NiCe Day!!"
"T-Thank you Ms. T-Temmie. I h-hope you have a-a great day t-too."
I walk out of the room and press my hand against my chest, feeling the fast beat of my heart.
I look at the paper Ms. Temmie handed me.
Locker number: 234
Dr. Gaster: Science
Mr. Error: PE
Mr. Ink: Art
Mr. Nightmare: History
Mr. Dream: Astrology
Mr. Mettaton: Drama
Mr. Cloud: Cooking
Ms. Shyren: Music
'Guess I have science first,' I think to myself.
I head to my locker and take out the lock I had bought with me. I place my gym clothes and some books in there before locking it. Just as I was about to turn around and walk to my science class, I bump into someone.
"Watch it, nerd!" A familiar male voice snaps at me.
I look up to see the black skeleton himself, PJ.
"I-I'm sorry!" I yelp with surprise, not expecting his tone to be so vile.
"Well, look at you! Someone's learning their place here. But I think I should give you a more thorough lesson so you don't forget!" he chuckles, snapping his fingers.
Suddenly, the blue fish girl and the cat monster appear behind him. They take hold of my arms as I struggle to get away from them. However, they are too strong. I look over to PJ who seems like he's readying for a swing. Just as he's about to swing his fist at me, my adrenaline kicks in and I duck just in time. What I didn't see was another blow going straight to my stomach. I fall to the ground, shaking, with the fish and cat monsters still holding me up. I try to catch my breath while I devise a plan to escape. My fight or flight response kicks in again and I get an idea.
Just as PJ was about to land another blow, I step on the fish girl's foot and she lets go. I struggle out of the cat's grip and head straight to science class with PJ chasing me.
I find the class after a minute of running around with PJ on my tail. I quickly rush into the room and close the door behind me.
'He knows there's a teacher in the room. He won't come in with a fight!'
After a few seconds of waiting, his footsteps quiet down signaling he left. I breathe a sigh of relief as I make eye contact with the science teacher. He looks at me with a confused expression. I blush a light pink, knowing that I probably messed up my first impression.
I walk over to the teacher and finally take in his appearance.
He is a tall skeleton (maybe around 6 feet?) like monster. His face has 2 huge cracks in it. One that runs from his left eye to his chin. The other one from his right eye to the top of his head. He wears a pitch-black trenchcoat with a beige turtleneck sweater underneath. He also wears black dress pants with black dress shoes. However, something that surprises me is the hole in each of his palms. But I kept that detail to myself, as to not accidentally offend him.
"What was that, child?" his deep voice calming me down a little.
"I-I'm sorry for that...I-I was being c-chased for bumping into s-someone..."
"That is alright, my child. It is not your fault."
Just then, the first bell rings and students started filling the classroom.
"Why don't you sit down for now and we'll talk later? Class is about to start."
I nod my head (because I still don't trust my voice) and sit down at an empty seat.
'My first class is about to start...'
Thanks for reading my book! If you see any mistakes at all, such as grammar, spelling, etc., please please please tell me!
Also, please don't expect consistent days for me to upload. And please don't bombard me with messages about uploading. I still have school and it's a stressful time.
Word count: 1046 (including A/N)
*nopes away*
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