Chapter 17: Why...?
Mr. Metatton goes over to our group and describes the choreography first and then we practice. The backstage crew offers ideas on how the lighting may look and we agree on it.
"Alright, darlings! Let's begin!"
We were halfway through the first song and everything was running smoothly. Actors knew what they were doing, the lighting plan was going great, and costume designers were sketching out their costume ideas.
"From the beginning!" Mr. Mettaton announces.
Some actors, including me, go to the sidelines and some stay on the stage.
Then, out of nowhere, the announcements come on.
"Miss (Y/N) (L/N), please report to the principal's office with all your belongings. I repeat, Miss (Y/N) (L/N), please report to the principal's office with all your belongings. Thank you."
'I'm in trouble...for something...'
Everyone looks at me while I look at Mr. Mettaton for permission to leave.
"You may be excused, darling."
I jump off the stage and grab my stuff. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I bend down and awkwardly struggle to put on my bag. When I get my bag on, I wave goodbye to the monsters and get on my way.
'Oh my God, why are you so weird!?'
I try to recall the location of the office but I have trouble remembering considering that I was in a rush last time I was there.
And because anxiety hit me square in the face...
While I wander the halls, I check my wrist. I put pressure on various places to see where I injured myself. I press down on the area just below my pulse and hiss in pain.
I brush it off and stop right outside the general office.
I take a deep breath and walk in. Ms. Temmie looks up from her computer and greets me joyfully. I wave at her, feeling a little out of place.
"U-Um...the a-announcement called m-me?"
"oH! rIgHt ThIs WaY!"
Ms. Temmie leads me into another room. The door is labeled with the name Principal Toby Fox.
A fluffy white dog similar to Ms. Temmie looks up from his computer. He is wearing a short black tie with a blue shirt collar.
"Arf?" the dog barks.
"Miss (Y/N) (L/N)?"
I unintentionally widen my eyes as I hear a random voice. It was male and unfamiliar.
"I'm the principal but everyone addresses me as Mr. Toby Fox."
I blink in confusion.
"Arf arf, arf. Arf."
"Despite the confusion, I have called you here for a reason. If you could please have a seat."
He points to a chair in front of his desk as he signals me to sit down. I take a seat.
"Arf, arf arf arf..."
"As I am sure you are aware of, Miss Avery is your guardian due to your parents passing..."
My mind jumps to the worst-case scenario.
"D-Did something h-happen t-to her!?" I say alarmed, my words filled with concern and worry.
He opens his mouth to say something but quickly takes it back. He looks away from me and thinks like he's trying to rephrase his answer.
"Arf...arf arf arf..."
"Unfortunately, she did...she got in a car crash this afternoon at around 1..."
Flashbacks cloud up my mind.
"Dad! You said you wouldn't leave me after Mom did!"
"I'm sorry, sweetie...but I'm so tired..." Dad puts his hand in my cheek as he wipes away some of my tears.
"Dad! Please! Stay awake!" I clutch my hand tightly, not wanting to let him go.
"I'm sorry...
...I'll join...Mom now...
Stay strong, sunshine..."
His arm falls limp as the monitor gives 3 last heartbeats before descending to a straight line.
I look back up, my vision glossy with tear streaks down my cheeks.
"Arf arf arf...arf arf arf."
"We understand that this is a huge family we will dismiss you to see your guardian."
I wipe my tears with my flannel as I sniffle.
"W-Which hospital i-is it?"
"Arf arf."
"It's at Ebott Hospital."
I stand up.
"Arf. Arf."
"Please take care. I hope Miss Avery is recovering well."
"T-Thank you..."
"You're welcome..."
I walk out of the office and let out a shaky breath.
'Not now, (Y/N)! Get to Ebott Hospital NOW!'
I take a breath in and sprint down the hallways to the back exit.
I take out my phone and text Skate.
Tell Mr. Metatton that I won't be at after school rehearsal
A few seconds later, she replies.
Why? What's wrong?
Family emergency
I'll tell him. But are you okay?
I'm fine
Don't worry about it
I'm not going to push you but you can talk to me anytime, okay?
I'll remember
I exit the school through the back, swing my backpack to my front and spread my wings.
(Bet you didn't think this was gonna happen)
I excused myself to go to the bathroom. As I walk down the hallway, I see a gorgeous girl standing outside the back door.
She has medium-length locks of (hair color) hair that is half up and half down and is wearing a flowy white v neck gown. She has elegant white angel wings that fade into a golden color and a golden halo floating on top of her head.
We make eye contact and I then realize that I am probably staring at her like a creep. Her eyes reveal immediate fear.
Before I could get a second glance at her, she takes off flying into the sky.
My heart was telling me to chase after her but my body stayed still. It feels like I was under a trance or a spell. I guess I am just stunned at her beauty.
Out of nowhere, Skate pokes me in the arm.
"Ah! Geez, Skate...don't startle me like that!"
"Heheh, sorry! Say...why are you blushing?"
"You're blushing," she tells me bluntly.
I put my hand on my cheek and sure enough, they were warm.
"It's nothing."
She gives me a smug grin.
"Don't give me that look!"
"Hehehehe fine," she giggles.
"What are you even doing here anyway?"
"'Bathroom'." She says and makes quotation marks with her fingers.
Bathroom is our way of saying that we need to get out of class and take a quick break.
"I should probably get back, shouldn't I?"
"Yea, I'm staying here for a little longer."
"Okay, see you back in class."
I walk back into the auditorium and continue with my day.
'I wonder when I'll see her again...'
(Y/N)'s POV
I land in a tree in a park about a block away. I get down from the tree normally and hurry to the hospital, running as fast as my legs can take me.
I burst into the hospital and look around. The lobby is filled with monsters. Some are in a wheelchair, leaning on crutches, or physically melting, I go up to the receptionist. She sees me and greets me.
"Hello, how may I help you?"
"Hi. I-Is Laura Avery h-here? I'm f-family." I ask in my frantic state.
She types on her computer for a few seconds.
"What is your name and phone number?"
I tell her my name and phone number.
"Room 426. She is in a stable condition but please, be cautious."
"I-I will. Thank y-you."
I take the stairs instead of the elevator to the fourth floor. If anyone was on that staircase, I probably look like a complete mess.
I push past the double doors and walk through the empty hallway, the eerie feeling chilling my spine.
I stop in front of a door with a metal plate labeling 426 next to it.
I squeeze my eyes shut, hold my breath, and hesitantly open the door. I close the door and open my eyes again.
Ms. Avery is lying on the hospital bed with wires and tubes attached to her body. An oxygen tube is put under her nose and she breathes slowly and quietly.
I want to look away.
But I can't.
She needs me right now.
Building up my courage, I slowly walk over to her limp body. I pull up a chair and drag it over next to the bed.
I sit down and burst into tears all over again.
"When are you going to wake up...?" I whimper quietly as I take her hand.
'Why is the world so hungry for pain and grief...?'
...that happened...
I'm sorry if this made you cry
...But then again...
That's my job to make you feel emotions
Word count: 1480 words (including A/N)
*quietly nopes away*
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