Chapter 16: The Devil Divas and Rehearsal
"You may have sprained your wrist."
Skate speaks up,
"How can she treat it?"
"Icing is best for now. It's not broken, just sprained."
Ms. Toriel goes over to the refrigerator and grabs a small bag of ice. She puts it in another plastic bag and instructs me to put it on my wrist.
"You may go back to class now."
"T-Thank you."
"Thank you!"
"You are certainly welcome," she waves at us as we exit the office.
Lunchtime rolls around and I decide to get something to eat. I go on the line and plug in my headphones as I wait.
The line becomes shorter in a few minutes and I grab a red tray from a pile with my left hand so I don't hurt myself. I keep walking until I reach the cafeteria staff.
2 staff members await behind the counter.
One of them is a short skeleton wearing a white sweater with blue overalls over them. Black pants and slippers complete the look as well as a white visor perched on his head. A small nameplate labeled "Sans" is pinned onto his overall.
The other seems to be a fire element with black rectangular glasses. He wears a very similar outfit to "Sans" except with a white collared button-down and black shoes. His nameplate is labeled "Grillby."
"Hey there, kiddo," Sans greets me, "What 'cha want?"
I quickly scan through the counter.
"U-Um...c-chicken burger, please?"
"Comin' right up."
Grillby hands me a plate of chicken burger and places it on my tray.
"O-Oh, t-thank you," I say to both of them.
They smile at me as I move on.
"What a nice girl she is."
"Sure is, Grillbs."
I walk off the line and wander around the cafeteria, trying to find an empty table.
'If there aren't any, maybe I can make from 'friends'...'
I look at one table while I pass them. Their eyes judging every part of me.
I freeze up for a second and keep moving.
"Have any gum, Shadow?"
"No, sorry."
"Don't have."
"Ugh! You guys are so annoying!"
I overhear a nearby conversation. Bunny is sitting at a table with 2 other bunny monsters, one of them I recognize from PE.
I quickly use magic and dig into my backpack for the new pack of gum from this morning. I go up to her and hold it out.
She looks up at me with menacing eyes that send chills up my spine.
"What?" She says rudely.
I freeze in fear.
"G-Gum?" I manage to stutter out.
She takes it from my hand and says
"Sit down," in a sightly gentler manner.
I quickly take a seat and nervously fidget my hands under the table.
"Why don't I know you?" Bunny says in an unusually sweet tone.
"I...U-Um...I just t-transferred t-to this school t-two days ago..." I mumble.
"Really? That's interesting."
"O-Oh, thanks.."
"Anyway, this is Shadow." She points at the gray bunny sitting to her left.
Shadow is a gray bunny with a darker shade of gray hair tied into a low ponytail with a light blue ribbon and blue eyes. She is wearing a dark blue dress with a light blue denim jacket. Black sneakers are put over her white socks. She's the one who I recognized at PE.
"Hey!" She says cheerfully.
"And this is Ebony."
Ebony is a black bunny with black hair that beautifully fades into a gray then to white and emerald eyes. She is wearing a teal green tube top and a ripped black denim skirt. She also has beige heels with ankle straps.
They both have matching bracelets that I couldn't get a good look at.
She looks up from her phone, waves at me, and looks back down.
They spend the rest of the lunch period asking me questions about my old school.
"Y'know what? Can we have a quick moment?" Bunny asks.
"Uhh, s-sure."
Bunny starts whispering to Shadow and Ebony with her hand covering her mouth.
A minute goes by and they stop.
"We're offering a huge deal so listen up," Shadow starts.
"We want you to have lunch with us," Ebony continues.
"For the rest of the week," Bunny ends.
"O-Oh no. It's oka-"
"Great! So we'll see you tomorrow," Bunny interrupts me before I can finish.
'I guess I can't argue with that.'
"Bell's about to ring, " Ebony grabs our attention.
Bunny takes out her phone.
"Phone number?"
I tell her my phone number and I almost immediately feel a vibrate in my pocket. I take out my phone to see a notification for an invite for a chat. She adds me to a group chat named The Devil Divas.
The first bell rings and everyone starts getting up to throw away their lunches.
"We'll send you the details of being in The Devil Divas," Shadow tells me.
"Bye!" Bunny waves at me all too cheerfully and leaves the table with her girl group.
'The Devil Divas?'
I get up, throw away my trash, and get to Drama class with my thoughts still running wild.
I walk into the auditorium and sit down. PJ isn't there yet so that's a relief.
I sit down and put my backpack on the floor. I struggle a little, considering my wrist hurts and my backpack is kind of heavy.
When I did get it off, I unzip my backpack and pull out a black binder. Inside is the script to act 1 of the musical.
Mr. Mettaton wanted the main actors to print out the entire script for act 1.
I review the lines and highlight my parts so I don't get confused.
Just as I finish highlighting, PJ walks in and the bell rings.
"Ladies and gentle beauties, please hear me out! Here is how this is going to work. Everyone who is in charge of the backstage equipment, make a group. All the actors make another group on the stage. Then divide yourselves into the ensemble, minor parts, and main parts."
Everyone starts shuffling around the room as I do the same. Other actors walk on the stage and separate themselves into groups. Then, Mr. Metatton explains that we will be working on the first song and the backstage crew is going to work on the lighting and technical elements.
Mr. Metatton goes over to our group and describes the choreography first and then we practice. The backstage crew offers ideas on how the lighting may look and we agree on it.
"Alright, darlings! Let's begin!"
Mean Girls reference anyone?
Okay, wait...So um...
Someone decided to vote on every single one of my stories...
And when I saw it after school, my face went from -^- to O_O in 2 seconds XD
Thank you!! •^•
Word count: 1157 words (including A/N)
*nopes out*
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