A Christmas Special: Joy and Mistletoes (Not part of the story)
PJ's hosting a Christmas party at his house. So naturally, Cil wanted me to help him.
I don't know why but every time I see PJ, my heart races and I start sweating. But it doesn't feel like fear. It's another feeling that I can't describe.
PJ is hanging Christmas lights around the tree while I'm on a small step ladder, trying to place the star at the top.
Me, being pretty short, has to tippy-toe to even reach the top. Even so, I'm not tall enough.
'Just...a little...higher!'
I finally reach the top and put the star where it belongs but...
The step ladder begins wobbling and I feel myself falling backward.
I brace for pain...
But it never came.
I slowly open one eye to see PJ's concerned face staring back at me. His arms are on my back, holding me up and honestly, the whole scene looked like he was dipping me.
I flush a bright red and get up from the awkward position, looking away.
A nervous chuckle finds its way out of my mouth, "S-Sorry..."
"It's fine..." He says as he rubs his neck anxiously.
We finish decorating and our last ornament is what we call a mistletoe corner.
We place a small black circular rug with a Christmas tree on it on the floor. Then, PJ grabs the step ladder and hangs a mistletoe from the ceiling.
"Finished!" PJ exclaims proudly.
We both smile at the room, complete with Christmas lights and other decorations.
* * * * * *
I go into my room and change into a WEARABLE Christmas dress.
It's actually more like a hoodie than a dress. It's made with red velvet and the dress part reaches down to my knee. Tufts of white fur comes out at the sleeve, the hem of the dress, and the lining of the hoodie. A white satin ribbon is tied around the waist. I add a pair of black knee-high boots for good measure.
Just as I go downstairs, the doorbell rings. PJ gestures for me to sit on the couch.
"Pretend that you're here early," he whispers just loud enough for me to hear.
I rush to the couch and sit down, trying to look as casual as possible.
PJ opens the door but he doesn't recognize anyone. They enter without acknowledging him.
They sit down on the couch and continue talking. I recognize these people in the hallway in school.
* * * * * *
Looks like word has gotten out that PJ was hosting a Christmas party with some friends.
Well, I guess that almost the entire school decided to show up at his party...
I tense up knowing that there are so many people around me. Skate tries to comfort me by putting her hand on my shoulder.
"This party is out of control!" PJ yells to us over the noise of the crowd.
"Who invited all these people!? I thought it was just us, PJ!" BP shouts, confused.
Suddenly, a skeleton wearing blue takes me by my arm. I couldn't see him clearly due to the dim lighting.
"I need (Y/N) for one moment, please!" He exclaims.
He grabs my arm and drags me off the couch.
"W-Where are you t-taking me...?"
"You'll see!" He says energetically.
He seemingly takes me to the "mistletoe corner". I see Frisk being nudged by an armless yellow dinosaur, another hallway face.
"Hey! What are you doing, MK!?"
"Just wait there!" He sprints away into the crowd.
The skeleton who was dragging me nudges me under the mistletoe with Frisk.
Frisk looks at me and stifles his laughter. I cover my mouth to prevent making any sounds.
He gets on one knee and winks at me. I giggle.
"M'lady," he says, holding in his laughter.
"Sir," I chuckle, going along with the act.
He takes my hand and kisses it.
I can't help but burst out laughing.
He stands back up and I wrap him in a hug. He hugs me back and pats my head.
"Whose idea was this?" I let go.
He shrugs and smiles.
I wave goodbye to him and find my way back to the rest of the group.
I watch (Y/N) get pushed under the mistletoe with Frisk.
I tense up, knowing the fact that (Y/N) could potentially be crushing on him. I prepare myself for rejection but I don't see them kiss. He only kisses her hand and they hug each other.
Nothing really happened...
I sigh a breath of relief when Skate comes up to me.
"You're jelly~"
"What? No, I'm not!" I cross my arms.
"I can help you if you want!"
"She doesn't even like me anyway..."
"Of course she does!"
Prove it!" I smirk, challenging her.
"Challenge accepted!" She exclaims and sprints away.
(Y/N)'s POV
I walk back to the couch but Skate has disappeared. Undyne and BP are sitting on the couch talking and paying no attention to anyone or anything else. I sit down awkwardly and wait for Skate to come back.
After a while, she does.
"W-Where'd you go?"
"Just to talk with other people."
"Sooooooo. How's your love life?" She says all too suddenly.
"W-what do you m-mean?"
"Oh, ya know...crushing on anyone?"
I tense up. But it's not a specific question so I answer it.
"Um...a-actually...I do like someone..." I say, almost whispering the last part.
She gasps, "Who!?"
I shush her.
"Oh, sorry!" She chuckles nervously.
"I-It's um..." I hesitate.
'Should I answer? But it's Skate. I guess I can trust her...'
"W-Will you promise n-not to make f-fun of me...?"
She nods and I lean into her ear.
"I-It's P-PJ..."
She gasps again.
I sit back up.
"I-It's kinda d-dumb to a-admit..." I cover my face with my hands and let out a small laugh, "B-But when you r-really stop and t-talk to him, h-he's not that b-bad..."
"That's what a lot of monsters don't understand. Yes, he's tough on the outside, but in the inside, he as soft as a marshmallow!"
"I-It's kinda cute, actually..." I say out loud. When I realize I said it, I quickly cover my mouth.
Skate stifles a snicker.
I look down at my fingers and fidget them, staying silent.
"I'm gonna go get some cookies! Want some?"
I quickly ponder her question and slightly nod.
She gets up and moves through the crowd while I'm left with myself.
Skate's POV
I push through the crowd and find PJ who looks completely stressed out.
"Got your info."
"What'd she say?" PJ asks, his voice quivering a little.
I pause for dramatic effect, "She in love~"
PJ puts his hand on his now magenta face and looks down.
"She even called you cute!" I burst out laughing.
He makes a startled noise and his face gets more magenta.
"Hnnnnnnn...she's adorable..."
Suddenly, an idea pops in my head.
"I got an idea but I'm gonna need someone else. Hold on."
I run back through the crowd to try and find him.
I see him in the corner of the room, holding a plastic cup and sipping away.
"Hey! Frisk, right?"
He nods, "And you're Skate."
"Yeah, listen. Can you do me a favor?"
"Well, it depends."
"Okay, so...(Y/N) and PJ just confessed to me that they like each other. And now I'm trying to set them up under that mistletoe. I'm going to get PJ there but I need help leading (Y/N) there," I explain.
"And you want me to get her under the mistletoe with him?" he questions.
I nod.
"She's always just so sad. Her life is full of tragedy and misery but she hides it so well," he starts off, frowning.
My smile falters a little.
"It's about time she opens up and has a little fun, " he grins, "Consider it done!"
(Y/N)'s POV
"Hey, Sunshine!" Frisk calls out to me by my nickname.
"Aye, Boi! Whatcha need?" I ask nonchalantly.
"Come with me! I got something to show you!"
Before I can ask why, I get grabbed by the arm again and dragged off somewhere.
"Where are we going?"
"Oh, you'll see~"
We finally get to our destination.
The mistletoe corner AGAIN.
He positions me under the mistletoe.
"So, why did you put me here?"
"You don't trust me?"
"What? Course I do! It's just that-"
"I'm just messing with you," he chuckles, "but you'll see. Just wait here, 'kay?"
He disappears into the crowd.
While I wait, I look through the crowd of monsters, scanning to see if I know anyone.
Unexpectedly, a random skeleton monster comes up to me.
He is wearing a white jacket, a long red scarf, black pants, and knee-high red boots (and yes, I didn't mention a shirt because he literally doesn't have one). On his belt, bracelets, and anklets are spikes and his fingerless gloves give off edgy vibes. His blood-red eyes look as if he seeks violence and his left one has three scars over it as if he got into a pretty bad fight.
"Hey gorgeous~" he flirts, intrusively stepping into my personal space. I start sweating and step back.
"D-Did you need s-something?" I ask, my voice shaking.
He steps closer and I step away, my back now against the corner.
"Actually, I do. Can you tell me the directions to your heart?" He throws a pick up line, pushing my buttons.
"I'd love to help you out. Now, which way did you come in?" I shoot back. When I realize what I said, I quickly cover my mouth.
"What?" His menacing glare pierces through me.
"N-Nothing..." I manage to peep out, my legs now trembling with terror.
Sharp red bones start surrounding him and I feel my stomach drop. One by one, the bones start shooting in my direction but they never actually hit me. They just pin me down by my clothes.
I try to struggle out of my situation but of course, unsuccessfully.
'Just my luck!'
"Hey, sweetheart. Look at me." He roughly grabs my chin and forces me to look in his direction. His cold demeanor and sadistic smile are enough to make my blood run cold.
He leans into my ear and whispers, "You're gonna regret you said that~" which send shivers and chills down my spine.
He lets go and summons a sharp red bone which he grips tightly.
My eyes start tearing up and I feel the hot tears stream down my face.
He gets ready to strike as I can only stand helplessly.
Then a miracle happens.
PJ appears behind him and pats his back.
"Hey there, Blackberry! What are you doing?" He asks, putting his hand on "Blackberry's" shoulder.
"PJ! Nothing, really. Just putting this loser in her place."
"Really? I have a suggestion."
That moment, I felt my soul shatter into millions of pieces.
'I guess he doesn't see me in the same way...only as a loser...'
"Why don't you back off?" He threatens, his voice laced with poison and spite.
"What? Do you hear yourself?" he looks at him, shocked.
"I can hear myself perfectly fine. Now, back off before I erase you like one of my dad's dirty glitches," he snaps.
Blackberry snaps his fingers and the bones that were pinning me down disappears. He stomps away, grumbling.
"Are you okay, (Y/N)!?" PJ asks worriedly. His emotions seem to change in a matter of seconds.
He puts both his hands on my shoulders and gazes into my eyes. My cheeks heat up and I avert his eyes.
"Y-Yeah...I'm o-okay..."
Out of nowhere, he wraps me in a hug, my head leaning against his chest.
I hug back and my face gets warmer as I close my eyes.
"You know I can tell when you're lying."
"..." I stay silent.
"Just be honest. I won't make fun of ya for being scared."
"...O-Okay...I was s-scared...terrified e-even..."
He gently pats my back and looks up, blushing.
"I um..." he lets out a cough, "...forgot we're under a mistletoe..."
My eyes shoot open.
'So this was what Frisk was planning.'
"PJ...?" I start out, hesitating.
"C-Can I tell you s-something...?"
"What is it?"
'There's no going back now.'
"I-I know that I m-may not be the m-most c-confident,
I k-know that I may n-not be the p-prettiest,
I know t-that I may b-be kind of w-weird,
And I k-know that I-I may not t-the smartest or the m-most athletic.
But w-would you accept m-me if I said that I..."
I pause.
"That m-my...my s-soul beats for y-you...and o-only for you...?"
I look up, waiting for an answer.
He loosens his grip on me and his face turns a bright magenta that is visible even in the dim lighting.
"I can't explain..."
'You ruined it! You ruined your friendship! Are you proud!?'
"...how much joy you bring to me...
I don't care if you're not confident, pretty, the smartest or the most athletic. And it doesn't matter if you're a little weird. To me, you're perfect in every single way."
Hearing those words, I cover my face with my hands.
"S-So...is that a y-yes...?"
He grabs my chin and tilts my head up to look at him. I don't resist.
"Heh...of course it is," he gives me one of his warmest smiles.
'I've fallen...hard...'
He leans in a little, only inches apart from my face. We weren't too far from each other in the first place.
My heart races as I try to calm it down with no avail.
'Oh my God! How close are we!?'
"Can I?" He murmurs softly.
I lean in a little closer, only about two inches away from his face, giving him a nonverbal answer.
He closes the gap between us.
As our lips meet, I close my eyes, enjoying the moment with him. He wraps his right arm around my waist and lovingly pulls me closer while I put my arms on his shoulders and interlace my fingers.
The music playing in the background is drowned out by my rapid heartbeat and the smell of his cologne overpowers everything else in the room.
It seemed as if the whole world disappeared.
It was just the two of us. Only us.
After a short moment, he pulls away and he gazes into my eyes. My heart flutters and my soul feels as if it were floating.
He holds me near him for a little bit before saying, "That was nice..."
"Hmm..." I hum in agreement.
"Wanna sit down?"
I nod and he leads me over to the couch.
We spent the night talking. It felt nice to feel his company.
The night ends with PJ, Cil and I ushering guests out and cleaning up.
After we finish, Cil heads to bed and PJ and I chill on the couch.
I play some games on my phone before getting a message from the group chat containing PJ, Cil, Skate, BP, Undyne, Frisk, and I.
I open it up to see pictures of me and PJ under the mistletoe. One of them was him holding me. Another one was him grabbing my chin and tilting it up. The next one was of us kissing, and the last one was him holding me closer and gazing in each other's eyes.
My face flushes a bright red as I hug my knees and bury my face in my hands.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" PJ's voice asks and slides in next to me.
His notification sound dings and I assume he looks at his phone.
"No need to be embarrassed about that if you love me."
I look up at him with my pink face and softly peck his cheek.
He places his head on my shoulder and hugs me from behind. I wrap my arms around his.
I yawn.
"Mmhm..." I hum, confirming.
I lean back on PJ's chest and close my eyes.
"Heheh," he chuckles, "...good night (Y/N)..."
Happy Holidays, readers!!
My Christmas present for you guys is this long Christmas special XD.
Hope you guys enjoyed the fluff uwu
Also, I posted this on UTAU amino
You can find my account in my bio
Okay bye!
Word count: 2784 word (including A/N)
*nopes out with festivity*
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