As I wandered down the street I saw the same black hair boy. When he saw me he seemed surprised. "Pikachu..?"
"T-That's not my name!" I kicked his shin and he fell forward.
Sero's p.o.v
I grabbed his shoulders to help me balance. "You little-" He pushed me away and I fell on my ass. "I'm sorry.. Can you help me?"
"Well.. You- Never mind I got it. Now go away Pikachu."
"I told you my names not Pikachu!" His fist came down on my head, I put my hands up and covered it. "Okay! What's your name?"
"Kyoka said not to tell strangers my name.."
"..Then what do you want me to call you? Like a nickname?"
"Hmm... Just Kami"
"Okay, well I gotta get home." I pulled out my phone and texted Mina. "Okay kami bye."
Me: Can you come get me? :Location:
Mina: Yeah, it'll take about 30 minutes tho
Me: That's fine, cya then.
I slid my phone into my pocket and Pika- ..Kami still stood there. "I thought you said you gotta get home."
"Well.. There's actually another alpha there and I don't know if Kyoka's home."
"So... Your scared?" He looked at me.
"Well.. Y-You know I-"
"I'm just kidding, I know how alphas can get around omegas." He helped me up and we sat on a bench.
"Yeah.... Is your leg okay?"
He kicked his legs around. "Soo, you never told me your name." He leaned forward and looked at me.
"Hanta but you can call me Sero. So now that you know my REAL name, can you tell me yours?"
He leaned back. "Um, Denki Kaminari but still call me Kami."
"But what if I wanna call you Den or Nari.. Maybe Pikachuuu~"
"No stop!" He punched me once again. "Don't you think it's time ya stop hittin' me?"
"I'm sorry.. I just don't like being called Pikachu. I know it sounds silly but my..-"
A pink car pulled up in front of us and the window rolled down. "Serooo, oh.. Who's this little cutie?" She lifted her sunglasses and winked. "Mina! We're leaving."
He helped me to the passenger seat and set me in. "Thanks dude. Wait, can we exchange numbers?" I handed him my phone and watched as he stared at the screen and typed. He tossed it into my lap. "Kay, cya." He disappeared into the crowd of people all heading places, each a different destination.
'I wonder what he was gonna say..'
Guy's who's B-days coming soon!
Sorry if there's any mistakes.
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