I had just gotten out of work and started heading to Sero's. I wanted to know if me staying there bothered him, I jumped as I heard someone yell out to me. I looked up and saw Midoriya, he ran over to me.
"Hey Kami!" I smiled and wave. "Where ya headin'?"
"To a friends house."
We continued to talk as we neared Sero's house. "I gotta go, cya Kaminari!" He ran across the street and hugged a white/red haired boy. I quickly turned onto the walk way and knocked on Sero's door. It slowly opened.
"Hey-" He stumbled back into the house and I closed the door, following him. His cheeks were pink and his eyes squinted. "Are you okay?"
"I-I'm" Hic "Fine!" He face planted onto the floor and curled up, I walked over and sat next to him.
"Do you-" He set his hands on my thighs and used them to hold himself as his lips grazed mine, he licked my lips. "OKAY, YOU SEEM FINE!"(Don't touch my virgin lips!) I stood and ran up the stairs, I crawled into the bathroom and shut the door with my foot.
I heard him coming up the stairs, I laid my back on the door and covered my face. My heart felt like it was about to burst. (≧^≦) He went into his room and I heard the bed creak as I assumed he was laying down.
I peeked out the door and crawled to his door, he was asleep. I tip toed down the stairs and sat on the couch, I sighed and sunk down. My phone began ringing I quickly grabbed it from my pocket and picked up.
"Hello," I said kinda quietly.
"Hey Denki, where have you been the passed few day, we haven't spoken much."
"Oh, Kyoka. I've been with Sero for awhile." I looked up at the stairs.
"Oh, is that the guy with the black hair? Who showed up when we were shopping."
"Oh, I gotta go. Sorry, I'm with Momo~"
She quickly hung up. I looked at the ceiling, the thought of Sero popped back into my head and I blushed. I kept looking at the stairs, I got up and quietly walked up them, I peeked into the room. I army crawled in and poked my head up next to the bed. I watched him roll around, I slowly got on the edge and laid next to him.
I stared at his lips as he slept... 'Noo..! Bad Denki..' His hand rested on my side and he pulled me closer while he groaned.
His eyes cracked open a little and he looked at me. His hand caressed my cheeks and pulled me closer, we sat there out lips centimeters apart. I put my hands over his, lips lightly connected with mine and became more intense as I was sucked into the kiss.
His hands moved to my back and pulled my body closer. His tongued slipped into my mouth and explored every inch.. A trail of saliva strung between us as he pulled away, his mouth moved to my neck. Instantly finding my weak spot, making a moan slip out, I felt his length got hard under mine.
We're not here for the names of the chapters, alright xD
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