Life sucks
Name: Davíd Ignacio Juarez Montoya Gonzalez De La Cruz.... but he just goes by David Cruz
Nickname: Guy, Dave, Cruz, El Loco, El Pistolero, El Niño de Oro, lil toca, open to nicknames if he likes them.
Age: 18
Gender: MANLY MAN (male)
Sexuality: straight as a circle (bi)
Rank/ Type: The Jock
Place of Birth: Chiapas, Mexico
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Soccer player, captain of the school team (but did boxing on the side)
Dem outfitsss^^
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs of muscle ;) (and Mexican food xD)
Build: strong build
Skin tone: Mexican brown (BROWN PRIDE)
Hair: black
Eyes: light brown
Personality: he isn't like, straight up stereotypical jock. Boisterous, creative, energetic, outgoing, persuasive, he can be self-centered but then he ends up getting over himself, he can also be pretty arrogant. He's not completely unintelligent as he seems to be, he knows math and knows how to read big words which is pretty good since he's never had an academic education until age 10 1/2, but there are the rare times where he actually says something smart and logical which usually seems to surprise everyone. He's been a fighter, since a very young age he, and he accepts the challenges that life throws at him. He likes to draw... but he sucks at it, like really bad. Due to personal reasons he tries to impress everyone he meets and tends to hide most of his emotions that would consider him sensitive in any way. He's a flirt, a straight up flirtatious little shît that he ended up turning into when he got into high school, he can be seductive and is sometimes quite the casanova. He refuses to cry, the last tear he shed was for his family and those were the only and final tears he'll ever shed... so he claims. He's not a bully like the American football jocks at his school including other teams but he can be mean and brash depending if he's in a good mood or not. But tied into all that is his Mexican and also "cholo" personality mixed with his boxer self, he tends to think he's all that and can beat everyone up if you get him riled up enough. But of course he has a soft side and he's pretty respectable only if you earn his respect.
(Why am I terrible at writing?)
Strengths: his strength :P, the many things he learned back home when he was working at a young age a.k.a. Climbing trees, running, using oversized sharp knives, etc.; and his soccer skills that might be useful outside of the sport. He also knows a bit about cars (hot wiring, fixing the A/C, tire changing, and how to take the gasoline out the gas tank); knows boxing duh. He's very good with his hands, and his little brain capacity creative mind can help him make things.
Weaknesses: he not the best when it comes to mentally challenging things. He only knows basic math, English, and Spanish. He's not like math genius so he's a bit slow with all that but, every other subject that doesn't have to do with edible foods and plants is out of the picture. Also When people are racist to him or anyone else because he's been dealing with that since he came to the states. Anything that reminds him of his family or the bad parts of his past. He's also HATES lightning and thunder.
Likes: he likes girls but there was a couple times when he liked a guy or two so he still seems to not have his sexuality figured out, except for the fact that he knows he likes girls. He loves soccer and boxing. He likes drawing but he's a horrible artist, he makes second graders look good. He likes making things. He loves to flirt and be himself pretty much. He's loves animals, he is a sucker for puppies.
Dislikes: he doesn't like to let his soft side come out. He doesn't like bats (the animal). Da police (the dirty cops). He doesn't like people that he has bad feelings about when he first meets them, which is rare. He doesn't like people discriminating and/or racist towards him or his friends. Anyone threatening him or his friends. He doesn't like mentioning the dark side of his past, like drugs and stuff.
Backstory: born in the poorest place in Mexico; Chiapas.... he did the whole child labor thing. He worked in the fields and rain forests and other places he doesn't like to talk about. But he did live near old Mayan pyramids and temples. That's pretty cool right? He moved to America when he was 10. Let's just say it wasn't in the legal way because they were way too poor, he and his parents wished they didn't have to come in that way. Of course, it was a big struggle at first with little money, new people, and a new language. All while staying on the down low and hoping they don't get sent back. He always played soccer since he was able to walk and run, so he played at his school he was able to get into. Once in his first year of high school he also joined the boxing club in a local community gym so he could protect his family. He did that on the side and played for the school's soccer team where he was one of the best and he even ended up getting a scholarship to a good university, but he got in a fight with his sister's bully and lost said scholarship. Then his world flipped upside down when he and his sister came home to find their house shot up and their parents dead in the front yard. Then later found out dirty cops went to their house and killed them, putting in a report that the family was "armed an dangerous" and "work for cartel." It was just lies. But Now he gets into fights at school and out of school and works multiple mini jobs to pay for the house and his sister works too since they twins, meaning the same age.
Relationships: (not gonna get into the last names xD)
Twin sister- Adriana
Little brother- Juan
Mother- Maria
Father- Manuel
(They all dead except for Adriana)
Other: he has this habit of kicking kickable objects as far as he possibly can. And if you see him sharpening his machete alone somewhere... don't bother him because that's his alone reminiscing time.
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